Revelations History

Since the beginning of Jesus ' public life, to the first Passover

According to the views on the Walk. Anna Caterina Emmerick





Since the beginning of Jesus ' public life, to the first Passover

In accordance with the vision of Sh. Ana Catalina Emmerick

Edited by the Journal -

I in the Beginning of Jesus ' public life

Part II: THE family of Lazarus

II - Jesus is in Hebron, and in the Dotaim, and the family of Nazareth 9

VI - the Return of Jesus at Nazareth

The V that Jesus will, through the Lebanon, Sidon and Sarepta, a city

I SAW Jesus at Bethsaida, and Cafamaum

I SAW The demon-possessed of Séforis

III - Jesus-in-Mozart

IX, Jesus, Kedes, and Jezrael

The X - and Jesus, between all the tax collectors

XI - Jesus of Kisloth Tabor

XII - Jesus in the place of the shepherds, called the Kimki

XIII - Jesus ' essênio Eliud the mysteries of the Old Testament, and the purpose of the incarnation

XIV - Jesus talks with Eliud Joachim and Anna

From the FIFTEENTH to the New conversation of Eliud, with Jesus -

XVI - Jesus of Nazareth

GOD - Jesus confounds the wise men of Nazareth"

CENTURY - A leprosaria in the River Kisão

CENTURY, and Jesus was transfigured in front of Eliud

The XX - Jesus, Gofna

XXI, Jesus spoke out against the creation of a Herod, the

XII - Jesus, in John

XIII - Mary-the Quiet

- XXIV - the Arrival of Mary and the holy women of

WHERE Jesus walks with Lazarus, the baptism of jesus

XIX - the Story of John the Baptist

XIX - the word and the travels of John the Baptist

XXI - the Places where John the Baptist was baptizing

COMMISSION - John the Baptist and Herod

XXX - the Commotion that was produced with the baptism of John,

AFTER He receives notice of the withdrawal to the Team

AFTER - Herod, in the baptistery. A festive, traditional

XXXITI - Buds to the island, to the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River

XXXIV - Herod's back with John

ESTABLISHMENT: Jesus christ is baptized by John the baptist

ESTABLISHED in THE voice of his father after his baptism

ESTABLISHED Jesus preaches in the synagogue and in the light of

Pursuant to paragraph (Jesus on the Ensemes

XL - Jesus, in the Valley of the shepherds of Bethlehem

XL - THE grotto of the manger, a place of prayer and pilgrimage, to the shepherds

XLI - Jesus-visit places where the Holy Family rested on their flight To Egypt

XLII - Jesus is going to Maspha, to the house of a relative of saint Joseph

XLIII - "Behold, the Lamb of God."

XLIV Jesus, god in Gilgal

XLV - in THE Midst of Jerusalem,

XLVI - Jesus, Corazim, Aruma, and John

The beginning of Jesus ' public life

Jesus went to Capernaum, through Nazareth to Hebron. Passed by the city of Gennesaret, and near the hot baths, on the road to Emmaus.
They are located in between the Magdalene, in the direction of the Property, perhaps with a time-of-the-road, and the latter on the side of a mountain. In the fields, I could see a lot of tall grass, and on the slopes of the mountains, villages, and the space between the rows of Trees, datileiros, and orange. Along the road, it was a party of the people. Groups of men and women, and are separated from each other, vying for the various games with prizes, consisting of berries for a number of classes. There, Jesus saw Nathanael-of-Chased one of the men, who were under the fig tree. In struggling against the strong temptation of lust as he looked towards the group of women. And Jesus, when he drove her a look of warning. Nathaniel had a strong impression on the public, and, without getting to know Jesus, he thought back to one another: "this man has no one to look amazing". He had the impression that the man was found to be superior to that of ordinary men. He was moved, reconcentrou it is in itself, overcame the temptation, and it was so harsh on yourself.
It seemed to me that I've seen of Naphtali, named Bartholomew, who was also a man who fell in love with the look at that, Jesus directed. Jesus walking with two fellows in early childhood, by the Jews, in the direction of the First. With these companions and disciples, were not true believers, they were separated very early on from it, and it was only after his Resurrection and appearance to his disciples on the mount Thebez, in the Galilee, were converted to the truth and to join the christian community. When you come to John, Jesus went to the house of Lazarus. Lazarus looked more like an old man that Jesus would have had at least three more years. He owned a large house with a lot of people, farm, fields, and gardens. Martha's house for the party, and one younger sister, who lived alone, as reconcentrada in and of itself, was also the house is separated from the rest of the house. Magdalena lived at that time in his castle of Magdala. I knew that Lazarus was a friend of the Holy Family for a very long time. On other occasions, it will help Joseph and Mary, with a lot of begging, and, from the very beginning to the very end, he helped the christian community. All of the money that Judas was leading was in his reflections, as well as to all the expenses they need to make the disciples of Jesus christ, were funded with the help of the Laz. In John, Jesus went into the temple of Jerusalem.

The family Says

The father, Therefore he was called Zarah, or Zerah, and he was of noble lineage, originated in the land of Egypt. He had lived too, in Syria, in the far reaches of the world, and that he had a kinship, and friendship with the king of France. For his efforts in the war, he was awarded by the Emperor of the Roman empire, with the lands and possessions of the near Jerusalem and in the Galilee. It was like, to be ruler among his own countrymen, and very rich, and by her marriage to a jewish woman from the class of the pharisees, for example, has increased its materials. His wife was called a Jezebel. Therefore it has become a jew, and he was a doer of the law, and who is pious in the way of the pharisees of his time. He was a right on the part of the city, close to mount Zion, where the river flows through the canyon, on the side of the hill on which the temple. But for the most part, his rights had been given to the temple. However, he had been in the family for a previous right to the part where I saw it later when the apostles went up into an upper room, despite the fact that they do not belong to their properties. The plot of John, was very large, with plenty of gardens, pools and terraces, and it was surrounded by a moat, twin. The family Says he was aware of the prophecies of Simeon and Anna. Waiting for the Messiah, and in the infancy of Jesus were close to the Sagrada Familia, in the way that you can still see the other noble families, friends, the other small. For the parents, Therefore they had fifteen children, of whom six died young, nine have reached the age of adulthood and lived in the time of the preaching of jesus Christ.
These four were: Martha, for two years; in a Mary's, called the Silent, two years younger than her, Martha, and Mary Magdalene, out-of-five-years younger than Mary, and in the Silence, it was taken by someone walking in mind. This Mary is not named in the scriptures, but it was worth the very presence of God.
The family I was isolated-and so it was, is not known.
Madeleine, the youngest of them all, was beautiful, and from the beginning has manifested itself in that aspect, full, strong, and slender, full of vanity, of coquetry, and the temptations. On completion of seven years old, his parents had already passed away. She has not suffered due to the severe fasting, that they were in the house.
Since I was a child, was proud, proud of me, the dock, and whimsical, and the all-too greedy. He was not loyal to anyone, and are only looking for the one that lisonjeava. He was squandering, and moved by compassion, a natural and as a result of all that was brilliant, and the magnificências outside. Her mother was a part of the blame for his choice, and he inherited from her sorrow, natural, and responsive. Both the mother and the nurse falsificaram the training of Madeleine, because all or part of the made to appear to the view, they left to cheer on their coqueterias and the art of seduction, and used to spend a lot of time with her at the window, and in the public eye.
This is a habit of sitting by the window, a look that was just the beginning of the destruction of morality. I've seen you in the window and on the roof terrace of her house, on a seat in the rugs and pillows, so it can be seen from the street, in all her beauty and allure. Want to since then treats it with that provided to other creatures in the garden, and from all of nine years old, he started to play dress-up with affection and love. Over the next few years, as his talent grew, he grew also in the noise around him, and the admiration of the people. He gathered a lot of admirers. He was well educated and knew how to write poems of the love is in the little rolls of parchment. I realized that I had something with his fingers, while I was writing it. He sent these writings to those of his admirers, and, as he was known at all, and there had been too much for her. But you haven't seen it, you really love someone or be loved by others: in all was vanity, sensuality, self-love, spells. It was seen as a stumbling block to his sister. She turned away from her sisters to the simple life they led. When, on the death of his parents, the inheritance of the father was broken down by chance, it was for mary in the Castle of Magdala, which was very nice. Since I was a child I had been there several times and I was on the place the special one. She was only eleven years old when she went to that castle, with a long follow-up from the created by and for the servers to the home and a great joy. The magdalene, was a place of fortresses and buildings are the most made up of castles, houses, fortress, offices and public squares, with the porches, walks, and gardens. Was an eight-hour-of-way to the East of Nazareth, and The Three of Him, and the one and a half hours of Bethsaida, on the back of the middle of the day, it is a mile to the lake of Gennesaret, a the time, and partly in the valley that ran to the sea of Galilee, ending up on the path that ran around the lake. One of the castles belonging to him, which had a larger one in the fertile field of Gennesaret, so we were there, the soldiers of Herod, that it was the cause of the increased license habits: many of the officers had to deal with year after year. Out of these soldiers would be in all of the Magdalene, a few hundred more people, the greater part of the employees, stewards of the castles, which were created and in person. There was no synagogue, and the people of the pious went to Bethsaida. The Castle of Magdala, was the most beautiful of them, and it was situated on higher ground than the others, in the outline-from its terraces, which could be considered the plain to the sea of Galilee to the other side. The Magdalene confluíam in five different ways: in each and every one of them was to be seen about a half-hour from the castle, corresponding to a tower with a dome, as a guard where the sentinel, he could see the horizon in the very far distance. These towers were desunidas to each other, and surrounded by gardens, meadows, and pastures. Madeleine was designed and created for them, because they had there, the fields with the cattle, but the management was bad, and I would decline. Across the valley, and to the ravines and wild, where he began the construction of the Magdalene, for a time, ran a small stream, in the direction of the sea, where they took refuge the wild animals that went in there to hide themselves in three places, desert-bound Valley of the Magdalene. Herod, when he used to be the great hunt there, and to do so in the Castle of Gennesaret, where they had a park of wild animals.
In the field of Gennesaret had started between Tiberias and Tarichea, and about four hours for Him, and ran to the sea for up to three hours in the area, and to the south of Tarichea as far as the mouth of the Jordan. In this beautiful valley, and, as a man-made lake and is the site of the baths of Mozart, was formed by a small river, used to be part of a great whole, of the creeks, which reached out into the sea. The flow of the water, forming various waterfalls, artificial lakes, in the beautiful valley, filled with gardens, villas, castles, gardens, zoos, and farms with forest trees, and fruit trees of every kind. Throughout the year, through the undergrowth and the flowers there. The people in the country, and especially in Jerusalem, they were there for their summer residences, gardens, parks, and walkways. The place was full of small houses, tours, enramadas, by the ways of the hedge trimmer, green, and paths lined with trees in the shape of a pyramid, with the rolling hills and elevation changes of the different aspects of it. Out-of-the Magdalene, is not to be seen in the vicinity of other people. The inhabitants are stable throughout the year, they were, in the majority of home gardeners and stewards of the castles, and the shepherds keeping watch over the cattle, and sheep, and goat breeds to choose. Then I saw that you were taking care of all sorts of animals and rare birds in the garden. No main road that runs through the Magdalene, but she was surrounded by the two of them and they came from the sea and from the River Jordan.

Jesus, in Hebron, in the Dotaim, and the family of Nazareth

When the lord Jesus came to Hebron, and he sent them away to his companions and said to them that he would visit a friend of mine. Zacharias and Elizabeth, no longer living, and that Jesus went into the wilderness, where she was brought to the boy, james, and John. This is the desert, I was in between Hebron, and to the south of the Dead Sea. First, it was bombarded with a pile of white stones and I was in a mild Valley of the palms.
Jesus was there and he was in the cave where John had been taken in by Isabel's. After that I saw him passing by in a stream, for which John had spent with her. I saw him in the lonely, and the prayer, as if to prepare himself for his public life. In this wilderness, he came back again to the world of comfort. She helped in all the situations where you would need to: I saw him next to the Dead Sea to help the people who were on the ferry boat in the sea, and to spread a tarp on the barge, as it came on the ferry to humans, animals, and bales of merchandise. Jesus, he cried out to them, and from the river they reached a tie to the boat and helps us to carry on and improve on the barge. People could not figure out who he was, although it's not if you saw an opportunity from the other by their dress up the outside, but his body was just as worthy, as kind as he is in his treatment and is an admirable person, and that everyone felt that they were touched without knowing the reason why. In the beginning he believed that it was John the Baptist, who has appeared in such places; but soon found desiludiram, for John, it was darker and it had it's more fun for the whole face and for the life of the desert".
And at First, we celebrated the feast of the sabbath, and let your fellow travellers. They entered the houses, where there was sick, and comforted, and ministered unto them, and rose up, and I was housing on the bed; but he didn't heal them of their diseases. His appearance was meant for a blessing, and you were sure of it. It was also where he had a few possessed with the devil, and that, in his presence, and if inquietavam, although I had not seen that to save them from the evil spirits. Where it would be was when you had the chance: rise of the fallen, gave drink to the thirsty, and his opinions through the paths that are difficult for you. They all wanted their presence, they wanted to as well, and if it were for just one. The First was to the mouth of the river Jordan, the Dead Sea. And passed over the river, and headed for the East in the direction of the Galilee. I've seen him walking around in The region of Gergesa. It was on the way up in small steps, in the mind, in the meantime, where he had the opportunity. He visited the sick and the lepers, and she tried to console them, to raise them, housing them in their beds, calling them to prayer, and I would suggest them to medicines and care. In one of these places, there were people who knew how to Simeon and Anna, and asked him if he was a little boy who said. Usually he was accompanied by some voluntarily, and that they did it for fun, and go with it. He was also in a beautiful creek Hieromax, which coincide with the launch of the Jordan, not far away from that mountain cliffs from which he later introduced the pig into the sea; and this place was on the sea of Galilee. On the shore there is a certain amount of houses dug into the ground, as the shepherds ' huts, where they lived, the people they work with in their dugout canoes and the boats; and I beheld that they did not understand the letter, and adiantavam a little. Then Jesus came to them, and helped them kindly, taking them to the posts and braces, and giving them a helping hand in their work, and pointing out to them a certain conveniences that are on the way to work, while he exhorted to patience, and to love each other in this task.
Later on, I saw him in Dothaim, a small isolated village, in the north-east of the Séforis. There was no synagogue there, and the people living carefree even though they were not the bad guys. Abraham was there, the shepherds of the sacrificial animals. And Joseph and his brethren, were there, and their herds, and it was sold to Joseph. In today's world, Dothaim it was a small village, even though the views were good, and there were the cattle as far as the sea of Galilee. There was this place, a large house, a kind of a mental asylum, where he met many of the demon-possessed: they were extremely angry and beat each other up to make it look like it if they were put to death, when Jesus drew near. The guardian could not hold it in with strings attached. And Jesus went into the house, and he talked with them, and they immediately put her at ease. He called them and warned them about it, and I saw that they went out from thence, completely calm by going to his house. The locals were very surprised to see it, didn't want to let you go in there, and ended up inviting him to attend a wedding. At the party, he didn't show up but as a man who wished to honor. He spoke kindly, and with the wise words of invited and also to the spouse. I saw that, after the appearance of Jesus christ in Thebez, and went into the christian community.

Return of Jesus to Nazaré

When Jesus went back to Nazareth, and he visited all the relatives and acquaintances of their parents, in the neighborhood, and received very coldly by their inhabitants; so that, when he tried to enter the synagogue to teach, do not allow it. He spoke then in the public domain in front of lots of people, the sadducees and the pharisees, you will by referring to the Messiah, who was to appear to be very different from what they imagine in accordance with your wishes. He called on John, "the voice of one crying in the wilderness." He had been followed from the region of the First two young men, clad in long robes like those of the priests, and while it's not always you were there with him. He celebrated the party on Saturday.
I saw Jesus in the company of Mary, and Mary's Cléofas, and the parents of the Pármenas in total there are about twenty people, and to leave Nazareth and go to Him. They had a donkey-load of packages. The house of Nazareth, he was clean, dressed, and covered on the inside, with carpets and rugs, which to me, gave the impression of a chapel: as soon as it was emptied out of the little house of Nazareth. In the third husband of Mary, Cléofas, who works in the home of Anna, will take care of the house together with their children. This is Mary Cléofas, his youngest son Joseph Barsabbas, and Simon, who were living are now very close to the house that he, a man named Levi gave it to Jesus, to his residence near the Cafamaum. For the parents, to Parmenas also used to live not far from here.
Jesus was from a small village to the other, or by visiting and especially in the places where John was when he came back from the desert. He went into the synagogue, and taught them, comforting them and helping those who are sick. One day, while I was teaching in a synagogue in a small town on the baptism of jesus, on the nearness of the Messiah, and the necessity of penance, and the villagers began to grumble, saying, "for the last three months, I lived with your father, a carpenter and he worked with his father, after he gave it to travel a bit, and now it has found the master.
I saw it in Cana, where he had relatives, and who it went to, and I have to teach you. Haven't seen any of his future apostles, it would seem that if you care to get to know the people, and that it would help, only for the work that John did. From one city to another, you had followed to be a good man for the place.
One time, I saw four men, including one who has been an apostle, waiting in the shade, on the road between Samaria and Nazareth that Jesus would come, in the which he approached precisely in the company of one of his disciples.
And the men went out to meet him, and told him how they had been baptized by John the baptist, which he spake unto them of the approach of the Messiah. They told her that they had spoken harshly to the soldiers, and was baptized a few. They told him that he could take the stones out of the Jordan, and to have them, and you mentioned also james, and John. Then they went on the way to your goal. Then I saw him walking on the sea of Galilee to the North. He spoke more clearly of the Messiah, and in many places, the demon of the demon cried out from behind him. And he cast out the demon from a man, and to teach in the synagogue. They went forth to meet him, six men came from the baptism of John, in between them, Levi was called Matthew, and the two sons of the widow of the birth of queen Elizabeth. They knew something of Jesus ' family by the ears, and suspected that he might be the one for whom he was talking to John the Baptist, even though they did not have insurance. They spoke to him, John's, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene, thinking that this had to be some devil. By this time, Mary had been living in the castle of Magdala. These men followed Jesus, being astonished at his teaching. The communities that were in the Galilee where he was, John had this to what we know of Jesus, and what he had heard, and Ainom, where John was baptizing, they went to Jesus and told him all things, John."
I then saw Jesus walking alone by the sea, a place for fishing and is surrounded by a fence, where they were anchored on a five-boats. On the coast there are a number of huts and inhabited by fishermen. Peter was the owner of that restaurant. The inside of the hut, were Peter and Andrew, John and James, and her father, james, and john, with others, were on the boat. On a boat in the middle was the father of the wife of Peter and their three children. I knew the names of all these men, and just forgot about it. The father was called the Zealot, because at one point he had played with the romans, about the rights of fishing in the sea of Galilee, and he won the election. I saw some thirty of the men on the boat. And Jesus came and went among the huts and the ships through the space, surrounded by. He talked with sam and the other fishermen, and I don't know Peter as well. They did not give signs of who he was. And he spake unto them of John, and of the approach of the Messiah. Andrew was a disciple of John, who had been baptized by him. And Jesus said unto them, that he would come back.

Jesus will, through the Lebanon, Sidon and Sarepta, a city

Jesus went to the extent of the mrgem of the sea of Galilee to Lebanon because of the gossip, and the movement all over the country many of them had John, the Messiah, and the others were talking about the other directed by John himself. He was accompanied in right now, sometimes six, sometimes twelve, that they went to or gathered on the journey, they were glad, by his teaching, and suspected that he might be the one of whom John spoke. He had not chosen anyone else, and he walked alone, as if you were to sow the seed, and thus paving the way for the mission. All of these pathways were related to the voyages of the prophets, especially Elijah. And Jesus went with his companions to the heights of Lebanon, in the direction of the great city of Sidon, on the shores of the sea. At those times, I was enjoying a beautiful panoramic view. The city seemed to be very close to the sea, but when he was inside of her, the way that there is still a three-quarter-hour-of-way to the shore. It was quite large and full of movement, when looked at from a height, to the bottom, it looked like he was by way of a series of never-ending boat, because that on the flat roofs of the houses, there was a forest of sticks, the masts, with large, colorful banners, and other hues, and a tissue-no paint, face and hanging down, and under a number of men who go to work. In the houses, I saw that they made all kinds of containers of natural light. The surroundings were filled with small gardens with fruit trees. There were large trees in and around the seats. Some of the seats were on the branches of the tree, to which they ascended by the steps, and there he rested sitting around too many people, as it houses the air. The plain on which the city is situated between the sea and the mountains, it was very close. The pagans and the jews are trafficked into the city, where there was a lot of idol-worship. The Savior taught, and preached, as he walked among the little people-under the big tree, talking about John and his baptism, and of the need to do penance. Jesus, he was very well-received in the city. He had been there. He spoke at the school in the city and in the vicinity of the Messiah, and of the need to leave idol-worship. Queen Jezebel, who both pursued him Elijah, and he was in the same city.
Jesus left his companions at Sidon, and had moved to the North to a secluded place by the sea. I wanted to separate themselves from the others to give themselves to prayer. This is a place that is surrounded on one side by the forest; it had thick walls, and many of the vineyards in the surrounding. It was Sarepta, a city, a city where Elijah was fed by a widow. The jews have associated to it a question of which participated in the non-believers of the position: were looking for to dwell on and around the retaining walls of the widows, religious, and with that, they believed that they could give themselves over to all manner of sin, and assured that nothing bad would happen to them. Nauele the time lived there, men and the elderly. Jesus lived in a property that a widow, who now belonged to a man of great age. These guys were kind of lonely, that is, by the ancient custom, and the worship of the romans out of living there, handed over to a meditation, an explanation and interpretation of the prophecies of the second coming of christ, and prayer. Jesus spoke of the Messiah and John the baptist. Although they were devout, had the wrong ideas, and they thought that the Messiah would come with the temporal power, and the magnificence of the outdoors. Jesus often withdrew to the forest, Behold, to give themselves to prayer. At other times, he would go to the synagogue, and also started to work with children. Where viviviam many non-christians, he was warning them to stay away from the customs of the latter. I saw that there were good people, and some pretty wicked.
Usually the route to go it alone, unless you go to some of the neighbouring countries. I saw him often, and teaching, in the shade of the trees, at the foot of the hills, surrounded by men and women alike. In the time of the year, it was just that it seemed to me, when here we are in the month of may, because it is this earth for the second season is similar to that of May, between you and us. I don't cut the wheat, as we do; then cut it in under the ears with your hand, and then cut it to a cubit in height, and not in the debulhavam. Left it at the foot of the little bundles, and they passed over the top of a roller is pulled by two oxen. The corn was very dry and fall off more easily than in the us. The work they do out in the open or under a thatched roof and open sides. For Behold, he directed Jesus to the north-east, to a place not too far from the camp of the dead, as seen by Ezekiel in a vision, and when the bones of the dead were gathered together, taking on flesh and nerves, and it came with a blow were given life and movement. On this, I had an explanation as to whether the preaching and baptism of John was covered with the dead bodies of flesh and nerves of steel, and by the Spirit of Jesus christ the Redeemer statue, and later by the Holy Ghost, would have a life and movement. Jesus comforted the people who were killed, and he spoke to them and explained to them the vision of the prophet Ezekiel". After that, he directed more towards the North, to the region which John had taken to get out of the desert. There was a small town, where Naomi and Ruth had been stopped for some time to come. The reputation of these women, it was just that even if you speak of them with praise. Later, he returned to Brazil. The Lord has nailed it here with a lot of zeal. Was about the time that it would to the south, and to his baptism, through the Sea.
Jacob was here, fields and pastures. Over in the Meadow, I ran to a river, behind which you were the well to John, it's quite high, which had just opened up a path that led him to the field of the dead, as seen by Ezekiel. From thence he descended to the place where Adam and Eve were expelled from the Paradise, going down every time. In the descent, the trees became smaller and smaller, and blocky, and they were in the midst of the bushes, thick, and where all was wild, and deformation. Heaven was on a high, as the sun was going down behind the mountain, it seemed to be her turn to leave.
The Savior walked the same path as david did, when he was in the valley of the Carite to Behold. It was on the way back to the field of the shepherds, in the direction of Zarephath. He taught during the course and passing non-stop through Sidon. In Sarepta, a city he would, very soon, to the south, to the baptism, but was stopped in Sarepta, a city, to celebrate the sabbath.
Then on Saturday, I saw him walking back to Nazareth, and he taught in a few places, either alone or in the company of: I always saw it as cole. He was wearing his shoes, which he wore when he got to some people. I saw him for the valleys, in the vicinity of the City, time and time again on the way very, very close to where I went to Egypt. Suddenly, it turned to the East.
I saw, too, the road to Nazareth, and the mother of God, Mary, Cléofas, the mother-of-Pármenas, and two in Jerusalem, the Serafia (Veronica), Jane Chusa, and to the son, Serafia, which later joined with the apostles. They were going to meet up with Mary, and was well-known for her by going yearly to Jerusalem. There are three places where a religious family, with Mary and Joseph as they used to do her sacrifice, every year, the temple in Jerusalem, the tree, the oak, near Bethlehem, on the Mount Carmel center. The family of Anna, and the other pious persons would be in this place, usually in may, when they returned to Jerusalem. There was a well, and the cave of Elijah, who seemed to be in a building. They arrived at different times of the pious jews, who were waiting for the coming of the Messiah; there were others who lived there alone, and, later on, there were " christians." To the east of mount Tabor, Jesus taught, in school, in a small village, and on the baptism of John. I have seen with Jesus and the five companions, among them some of what it was at that time the disciples.
In the Midst of Jerusalem, he sent letters to all the synagogues, and the main points of the state of Palestine, with the messengers, in order to prevent the people from him that John was told that he was the one who was to come, and that it was going to be baptized. It was said to the chiefs that they were aware of such a person, dassem's account of his travels, adding that if he were the Messiah, does not need to be baptized." These scribes and pharisees, which were very, very concerned about, since they knew that it was the same as when you were a child of the confundira in the temple. I saw these messengers, you arrive in a town located in the four hours on the way from the First to the sea, was in the same place where the messengers, from the First, and Moses and Aaron and brought big bunches of grapes. The city was Jerusalem. I saw there is a long line of shops and boutiques, it came down to the sea, where they were sold, silks, and other commodities.
Jesus came thither, and he has taught in many places, even in the well of Jacob, and to celebrate the sabbath. When he came to Nazareth, and I saw the mother of God, went out to meet them, but to see who came in with a few disciples, and stayed at a little distance, and turned back without getting closer to mark, Jesus. I was surprised by his spirit of sacrifice in order to stay away from the taste. In the teaching of Jesus in the synagogue and there was the holy women. When, a few days later, with his five companions, and some twenty young men and women eager to make their infancy, and taught in the synagogue, in front of a lot of Nazareth, who was not present, the holy women. To the hearers, they did murmur against him, by saying, that maybe he wanted to be in the role of baptism, which had been abandoned by John, by being baptized if you want to pass it back to John, but you couldn't, Because John came out of the wilderness, and that he knew him not, and would not be able to deceive them.

Jesus, Bethsaida, and Capernaum

Jesus left Nazareth to go before unto Bethsaida, where he wanted to wake up from their dormancy, some with their learning. The holy women, and other attendants remained, even in the family of Nazareth. Jesus, he had been at his mother's home, where they met with other friends, and he told them that he thought about leaving, because they had been raised complaints against him: that he thought about going before unto Bethsaida, to go back to Nazareth and later. They were with Jesus the son, the one who called himself, after Veronica's called Amandor, the other the son of one of the three widows, closely related to Jesus, in your name, it sounded to me like Sirac, and a relative of Peter's, who was later to be a disciple.
In the synagogue, to Bethsaida, he preached Jesus ' side with a lot of energy, and in the feast of the sabbath day. I told them that they had to accept a confession, go to John's baptism of jesus and be cleansed, by way of Penance; if not, he would come a time that they will clamariam: "I like it. I like it." There were a lot of people in the synagogue; but I believe that none of the prospective disciples to him, except for Philip. The rest of the apostles, which was of Bethsaida, I thought that it would be in to on other the synagogue that sabbath day. Jesus lived with his men in one house, close to the fisherman in Him.
As Jesus was preaching on the Bethsaida, and I pray for people to be at the baptism of jesus, and be converted. So, I had a vision that I had seen John's washed up, and did the spots are larger, and the most severe of the people, in a precursor to that which is to come. I saw it as if it esmerava with passion in their work, in a way that at times you fell in the skin of one shoulder to the other shoulder, it seemed to me to be a picture of what was going on with the communities to which they saw that they fell to as rhythm and scales, and the other went out, like a black cloud, while on the other, the more willing they came flashes of lightning.
Also taught at the school for Him. All of the pieces went the hearers: and I saw Peter, and Andrew, and many others, who already had been baptized by John. When he had left Him, I've seen him teach, in a place about two hours away to the south, and is surrounded by a large crowd.
With him were three people. The other apostles who followed him, and heard Him referred to their trades, and there he spoke to them in a particular way. The theme of the preaching of Jesus was also baptized by John, and in the vicinity of the promise to be fulfilled. Then I saw him in the south of the lower Galilee, preaching, and at the direction of the Sea.
Celebrated on the Saturday, in a small village in between "Nazareth" and " Séforis. There were holy women of Nazareth, who is the wife of Peter and the other women who were apostles later on. The place consisted of a few houses and a school, in a separate room of the house, annie is a field. The future apostles, had been listening to his sermon, Peter, Andrew, James The Less and Philip, all of the disciples (cf. Philip was from Bethsaida, had a distinct look and feel, and working with the scriptures. Jesus would not have stopped here and took the food just said. Possibly the apostles, were held Saturday at the some of the synagogue, be the next one. It was the custom of the jews, a visit to a different synagogue. To these disciples, they departed, after having heard of Jesus, who had not yet spoken to them in a particular way.

Those who were demon-possessed of Séforis

And Jesus went out, with three of his disciples, through the mountains, to the Séforis four hours ' journey from Nazareth. He went to the house of his aunt, the younger sister, Anne, called the Maraha. They had one daughter and two sons with a white robe and long: we call it " Arastaria and Cocharia, and it would later be his disciples. The mother of God, Mary, and Maria Cleofas, and the other women went back to the same point. There, I saw that I have washed the feet of Jesus, and it made for a meal. He slept in the house of Maraha, which was one of the ancestors of the St. Anne. Séforis it was quite large and had all three communities, the pharisees, the sadducees, and the essenes, and three high schools. He suffered a lot because of the war, and at that time, there was almost nothing in it.
Jesus, he remained for several days in teaching, and invited to the baptism of John.
On the same day, he also taught at two synagogues, one higher than the other. In the first case, and the pharisees murmured against him, and were present at the holy women. On the other, that of the essenes, there was no place for women, and it has been very well-received.
When he began to teach in the synagogue in the place of something wonderful has happened. There was Séforis a place to gather, many who were demon-possessed, retarded, crazy, and out of balance. Held on the grounds near the school where they were taught: and when he had an explanation to others in the synagogue, and they were brought to the hearing. They were at the back of the other, and they listened to the sermon. There was one among them, the guardians who was with the stripes to be quiet when you debandavam. I saw these poor wretches, that is, before Jesus entered into the synagogue, as he inquietarem, and cause you to be annoyed of each other, dilacerando, and attacked with convulsions, while the teaching of the sadducees, and the guardians of the sujeitavam to the force of the blows. When you come to Jesus, for all emudeceram; but soon after it began, and, with the cry, "this is Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, visited by the wise men (Magi) from the East, and Maraha in is your mother. He began to preach a new doctrine, and that they should not hear it." This way, they cried out, while telling you all the events in the life of Jesus, and wants to one or the other of those which were possessed with devils, in spite of the blows from the north. Then he told Jesus, who came near them, and he sent two of his disciples into the city to get to the others, who were demon-possessed. A short time later, about a dozen of them, were gathered together, accompanied by the many onlookers. Those who were demon-possessed were still crying, more than ever before, until Jesus stepped in and said, "the holy spirit speaking through them to come to the fund, and you should go back to the bottom of where you came from". To the point that they were all sound and good, and when some of the floor by the exit of the spirit. There arose a tumult in the city, by this miracle, and Jesus, and all of his were in great danger. It has increased in such a way that the noise that is Jesus, he fled into a house, and at night he went out of the city, with all three of his disciples, and Arastaria and Cocharia, the sons of his sister Anne. It also came out of the holy women.
Mary was troubled, and he suffered a lot in there, because he saw it for the first time, that they were Jesus to do him any harm. Away from the city, and came together under the trees, and went forth to Betúlia.

Jesus Betúlia

Most of you, Jesus healed them there were, to be baptized of John, and later on, they followed Jesus as his disciples. Mozart was in the city, in which the defense Judith killed Holofernes. It was located in the middle of the day, just to the east of the Séforis, on a height, where it covers a large area.
There was not a great distance from thence to the Castle of Magdala, where Mary Magdalene lived in all its glory. In the Mozart, had a castle, and there were pools of water in abundance. Jesus and his companions took shelter at the entrance of the city, and to the holy women went back to meet up there. I have heard people say that Mary said to Jesus, not to teach there, because I was very much afraid that it was taken up in a room. And Jesus answered and said unto him, what I already knew, and which he was to accomplish his mission. Mary said, "we don't go now, to the baptism of John?" Jesus answered, with a certain degree of seriousness, "Why do we need to go now, to the baptism of John? It is no accident that necessary?... I have yet to walk in and join him. You already say when it will be necessary to go to the baptism of John." Mary kept quiet, as at the marriage in Cana.
It was not until the Pentecost and I have seen women being baptized in the Lake of the limited edition. These holy women had entered the city from the Betúlia, And Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on the sabbath day. A lot of people from the region gathered to listen to his explanation. Here, too, I have seen too many possessed by demons, and the other fatuos on the roads, in front of the city, as well as some of the streets where he went. Calavam in your presence, you were quiet, and we are delivered from their evil. People are reading out:"this is the man you should be a force for murder, as the prophets of old, because in these fierce quieten down in his presence." They felt relieved, although they don't directly have been touched or spoken to them, and drew near to the hostel for a thank you. Jesus taught, encouraged, with stern words, and told them to go to the baptism of John. The people of the Betúlia showed the love of Jesus, and did not allow him to continue living outside of the city, vying for the honor of the live-in their homes, and that they couldn't have wanted to at least stay one of the five disciples who accompanied him. They did not abandon Jesus, the Savior said to the guests that he was going to the homes that were offered. This is a love and passion for Jesus was not exempt from the interest, and that Jesus did not make it to note for the teaching of the synagogue. It was their intention, it is not confessed to, recover from, and with the attention of the new prophet, the fame of which had been lost by his trade, and the mixing of pagan and the heathen any more.
There was, therefore, to them, the true love of the truth.
When Jesus walked out of the Betúlia, I saw him going in a valley close to the trees. It was followed by five of his disciples, and about twenty people in total. The holy women went on towards your lord. Jesus left Betúlia because it urgiam too much in there. They had met many that were possessed, and the patients around him, and he still did not want to exercise his power of healing as the public. When he pulled away, he was on the sea of Galilee, followed him. The place where he spoke it was in a place for long in the back, to the school run by the prophets and the essenes. It was covered with green grass, and I had the stands to sit down and listen to the most blissful. Around Jesus, there were about thirty persons. In the afternoon I saw him, with his companions, in the vicinity of Nazareth, about an hour drive to a small town, with a synagogue, where he had been prior to the Séforis. They received him kindly, and took her to a house with a yard around it. There they washed their feet, and he and his companions, and brought them to the city, and the cleaning out of the dust, by striking them and brushing them while they were preparing the food. Jesus taught in the synagogue, while the holy women came to Nazareth.

Jesus, Kedes, and Jezrael

A few days later, Jesus went two miles further, to the city of the levites, Kedes, or Kision. Would come in around seven to be possessed of the devil, who, in a voice even lower than those of the Séforis went away, proclaiming its mission, and its history. The city came out to meet him the priests, the elders and the youth in white robes and long. Some of his disciples before him, announcing his arrival. Jesus didn't heal, nor has delivered the possessed there, and the priests, and the locked-in to a location so that you do not incomodassem. He healed them, and delivered him out of those miserable, just after her baptism. They have received it, and ministered to him: but when he tried to teach them, and said unto him that the mission was going and by what authority, because he was the only known son of Mary and Joseph. And he answered and said, in general terms, it is who sent it, who it was He who sent them in, and who at the baptism, and they know how best to those Who sent them. He taught a lot of time, about the baptism of John, on top of a hill in the middle of the village, where there were, like, in Thebez, a place that is willing and covered with a roof of reeds and branches. From thence, Jesus went to a place called the priests, which, after the Second Passover, and he healed a leper, and he has taught in several places in the area. On Saturday, he arrived with his companions in the Jezrael, the town, with houses scattered among the gardens, the buildings, ruinous tower and knocked out.
He crossed through the middle of the main road, called The road of a King. Some of the fellows had preceded him, And that Jesus went with three of his disciples.
In this place, lived with the jews, strict observant of the law: they were not of ethics, but nasireos. They did vote for a certain time, and they lived in a certain contingency. Do they have a school with many rooms. The boys were living in a community that is in one of these buildings, and all the girls in the other. Those who are married, they used to make the vows of continence for quite some time, during which the men were living in the homes of children, and the women from the girls.
They all wore white or off-white. On the head, he wore a long robe of gray, the wheel design is the fruit-and-white tassels, and she wore a wide belt, a gray with white lettering. Under one arm he had a tape on the fabric rather thick, black-and-white, similar to that of a napkin folded up. Hung it in a tip, ending in tassels. They were also using a short cloak around his neck, like that of the head of the essenes, Bows, gray color, and a time to be open in the front was the back and forth. In his chest he had a shield and a bright enclosed by the back-to-cordinhas. Upon his shoulders, and he wore them a few scraps of fabric. All of them used the middle of a dark, bright: on the forehead, he had the letters, and on the crown of his head, there were three bands, forming it into a button, like in the home. The edges of the ornaments were white, and grey. The men wore beards and long hair without any cutting.
She took me to the apostles, among whom he believed to find a likeness; but also, especially, reminded me of Paul's, who had their hair and clothes like these, when it was the people. Later, I saw Paul's, between them, because it was nasireo. It was left to grow out the hair, to comply with the voting, and then cut down, and offered them by burning them in the fire.
They have also provided a smoothie. One could be part of the vote for each other. Jesus is celebrated on the Saturday, in the midst of them. Jezrael, it was separated from Nazareth, by means of a high mountain. In the vicinity there is a well, where Saul was, for a time, with his army.
Jesus taught on the sabbath, about the baptism of John. He said unto them, among other things, that the mercy was a very good thing; but it is the exaggeration of offering some kind of danger; and that the paths of salvation, they were different; that is, the separation from each other would evolve into sects; that can easily be looked on with pride and self-complacency to all the other brothers and sisters, and to the poor, which, however, should be helped to do so, and to be driven by the stronger for it.
The teaching was very useful, because in the surroundings you lived in, the peoples mixed with the gentiles, and without a guide, nor the directors, because of the nasireos moved away from them. Jesus visited these poor neighbours, and called on them to come to the baptism of John. It was the next day with a meal, to nasireos. They will be circumcised in connection with the baptism of jesus. There I heard for the first time, Jesus is dealing with circumcision. He was unable to play up to their words. I said, more or less, that the requirement of circumcision, had a sound that was supposed to cease very soon, that is to say, when the people were already in britain as carnalmente to the descendants of Abraham, but to take rebirth for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the life of the spirit. In the nasireos if you have done many of the christians; but in general, if you atinham both of the religions of judaism, which many wanted to blend in christianity, judaism, and therefore they have fallen into heresy and error.

Jesus among the collectors

When Jesus christ went to Jezrael, he went to the East, and came flying around the mountain, that was one of Jezrael, and Nazareth, and in the two hours of Jezrael stayed in one of the small group of houses on both sides of the road for real. They lived there, many tax collectors and other jews, the poor, with a little bit more out of the way. The way it was between the house was kept with a fence and closed it at the entrance and at the exit. There was the rich among the publicans, who were under the orders of the other seasons of the payment, which, in turn subalquilavam of these positions to the other. These save the child it was Matthew who was in your position in the other place. There, he lived in that Maria, a daughter, a sister, Isabel, who, after the widow went to the Nazavete after Him, and later he was present at the death of the Blessed virgin Mary. Here was the real path on his way to Syria, saudi Arabia, Sidon to Egypt.
Driving down this road, on the camels, and asses, and huge bundles of white silk, on the beam, such as linen, white linens and colorful rugs, thick and tangled, and lots of spices and herbs. When the camels came, with their cargoes, were arrested, locked up and forced to show off her goods.
The passenger had to pay for there rights in the goods, or money. The coins were the parts of a triangle, or a square, yellow, white, or red, with a figure that is engraved on one side in low relief, and the other is in high relief. I've Seen other types of coins, with the towers, or the mother, or a child in a canoe.
The coins of thin, brought by the wise men (Magi) and is offered to you at the crib, I went back to see it from a few foreigners who came to John's baptism." These tax collectors were considered between each other, and when one of them is able to fool those on a money, or spices, and the profits were to be distributed. They were rich and lived in a comfortable position. All the houses were decorated, and outfitted with the courtyards, the gardens, and the walls at the side, she took me to the farms to our great farmers. Its residents lived far apart from the rest.
They had a schoolhouse, and a few minutes. Jesus, he was very well-received by them. They came to some women, among them Peter, I think I do. One spoke of Jesus, and then went on from there. You may come out of Nazareth, and to bring forth a message from Mary to Jesus." Jesus was the one, now with another, among the publicans, and he taught at the school. It showed that sometimes it extorted all travelers taking more than was fair. They were put to shame, without knowing how to explain how He could possibly know. Despite all of this, they have received their lessons better than others, and it proved to be brought into his presence.
He called on them to come to the baptism of John.

Jesus of Kisloth Tabor

Jesus, let your place among the publicans, and after having taught him all night long. Many of them wanted to give him a present, but he did not accept the gift. Some of you have followed him with the intention of going to the baptism of John. Jesus came to Dotaim, close to the house where they were, those people are crazy, who had lived and worked on his first journey from Nazareth. As they passed by, they began to shout in the name of Jesus, and tried to get out. Then Jesus said to the caretaker to let them go, and that He was the one responsible for all the consequences.
They were released in, lay up, they were freed from your evil, and they followed him.
Closer to the evening, Jesus arrived with the Kisloth, a town next to Mount Tabor. Many of the pharisees, for they lived there, and they were shocked to see Jesus in the company of tax collectors, to be possessed by demons, and all sorts of people live. Jesus came into the school in the city, and teach about the baptism of John. He is said to have told his companions that you think about before him, and if they could, because of its way of life, most certainly they were not comfortable or pleasant. He said to them, some of the examples of the manufacturers: if you want to build a home, you should think about whether the owner of the land would allow; and that, before to make friends, and to do penance; and if one were to build a tower, you would first have to calculate the cost. He has said other things that don't please to the pharisees. They don't have, but rather of the hunted, So I had them discuss with each other which will give you a meal, to spy on his words, and phrases. In fact, it had prepared for him a great dinner at an open-air location. There were three tables pushed together, and to the right and to the left, there were lamps lit. In the table and on the middle was Jesus and some of his people, and the pharisees; in The middle of the room that had a ceiling, he is On the side tables were the companions of Jesus. It must have been in the city, an old custom, that when someone is preparing for a feast, for a foreigner, were the guest of the poor, of whom there were many, many overlooked the city, as Jesus sat at the table and asked him right away to the pharisees, which were of the poor, that they had the right to take part in. The officers were confused and told him that a long time ago, this was not observed. Then Jesus said to his disciples, Arastaria, Cocharia, the sons of Maraha, and Kolaya, the son of the widow, Receives, which would look for the poor of the city. This has led to the scandal of the pharisees and of awe in the city. A lot of these poor people were already sleeping in their beds. I've seen the messengers to agree on the poor in their cottages, and I've seen many expressions of joy in between them, which they responded to the call. Jesus and the disciples have received, and have served them, and as he taught them the beautiful lessons.
The pharisees were very upset about it, but they were not able to do anything at the moment, because he was right, and the people were happy with it. There was a large movement in the whole of the city from this new development. After they had eaten, the poor are still carried some of it to the, who had been in the house. Jesus healed those in the food, and after you have prayed with them, he called them to come to the baptism of John.

Jesus is in the place of the shepherds, called the Kimki

Jesus spent the night in between the two valleys, the way you talk to once in a while, and with their companions, other times you are late, you kneel and pray, and meet your people. On the afternoon of the following day, I saw Jesus come in the place of the shepherds, with houses scattered around. There was a school, though it did not have a priest. They had to come from somewhere else, very far away. The school was closed. Jesus met with the pastors in the room of the inn, and he taught them. As it was close to the party on Saturday, showed up in the afternoon, the priests, and the pharisees, and some come from the family of Nazareth.
Jesus talked about the baptism of John, and the immediacy of the Messiah. The pharisees were opposed to him, ' referring to his humble origins, and tried to demean him. Jesus was there in the evening.
On Saturday, he spoke in parables, he asked for a grain of mustard seed, and he's achieved, he said, that if you had faith even as a grain of mustard seed, you could be able to play with a pereira, on the sea. There are, in fact, it was a great pereira's full of fruit trees. The officers made fun of these teachings, which they judged to be childish. Jesus explained to the best of their words, but I forgot to explain.
He also told them about the house being unfaithful. The people, on the contrary, both here and in the surrounding area, astonished him, and he was saying how they had heard from their ancestors, that they were talking about the prophets and their doctrines, and seemed to them that this would be like those of the prophets, and in the way-of-being, and in his teaching; but the most kind-hearted as that of the old. The place of the shepherds, it was called the Kimki. From thence they saw the hills of Nazareth, it was about a two hour drive of the way. The houses were scattered about in the synagogue there was a group of houses. Jesus was among them. The lady of the house was sick, and hidrópica. He was sorry for her, allowing it to put my hand on his head and his stomach. Suddenly, he found himself most thoroughly and put on the serving table. Jesus forbade her from talking about the marvel until it returns to the baptism of jesus. She asked me why I would not talk at all. Jesus said to him,"If you speak of this, you will be changes." It emudeceu until the return of Jesus, the baptism of jesus.
They lacked, I believe, about 14 days before your baptism, because, being in the Betúlia or Jezrael, he spoke of the end of the three weeks.
He taught there until the third day, the pharisees were opposed to it.
Jesus spoke of the close proximity of the coming of the Messiah, and he said to them: "you, you expect the Messiah in the splendor of the world, but he has already come, and he appeared as a poor man: he shall bring forth the truth, and will collect more scorn than praise, because he is love and justice. Not to you, keep away from him, so that he will not miss such as those of the sons of Noah, that made fun of him, as he could make to the ark, which was supposed to save them from the flood, the universal. Then, he spoke only to his followers, "ye withdraw yourselves from me, as it was separated from Lot, Abraham, who, searching for the best grass, turned into Sodom and Gomorrah; it does not look upon the glory of the world, and they will be destroyed by fire from heaven, that ye may not be turned into statues of salt. Stay with me to be out in front, I'll help in every need." These and many other things are said to them. The officers were increasingly being challenged, and they said, "what is this, can you promise them, if you do not have anything to himself?... Are you out of Nazareth, the son of Mary and Joseph?..."And Jesus said unto them, secretly, He is the son, and the Son, it would be well-known in the baptism of jesus. And the pharisees said to him, “How can you talk of the Messiah is here, and in all the places you have taught us, how did we discover? You will think, perhaps, that we should believe in what you say that the Messiah? ." Jesus has been content to say: "there is No set answer to this question for a while now, but this: Yes, if you think about it like that." Then there arose a commotion in the synagogue; but when The pharisees went out, and the lamps, and Jesus and his disciples left the place and walked along the royal road in the evening. Later on, I saw them resting under a tree.
The next day, in the morning, I saw that a lot of people were expecting Jesus on the roads. I had not been with him on the spot, in part, had preceded him. I saw Jesus and get away with them from the road, and at about three in the afternoon, to get to a meadow, where there were a few thatched huts, inhabited by the shepherds at the right time of the year. I have not seen any women. The shepherds and went out to meet him. They're sure to know of your upcoming arrival of those who had come before it. While a few went out to meet him, and the others had killed, and prepared the bird made the fire, and prepared a meal for him. It was held in the lobby of the inn; and within it was the fire place, separate from the rest of the room. All around there were seats and backs are covered in green. They led Jesus away to the inside, as well as with his companions, who were about twenty, and many other church leaders. They all washed their feet. He had a source at the party. He asked for a little more in the water, and said unto them, so as not to spill. When making preparations for the meal, Jesus, and saw that it was actually a little embarrassed, and said unto them, what he worried about, and not forgetting some of them. They said that they were distressed because they were the two companions of patients with leprosy; and they said that they were afraid that, in the case of a disease which is unclean, Jesus didn't wanted to approach, and this is why both of you had locked away. Then Jesus said to his disciples, that they should bring them both sick. They came they both covered from head-to-toe in a cloth so that they were barely able to walk, accompanied by each of the two partners. Jesus warned them, and said unto them, that his leprosy was not from within, but the spread of the disease outside. I had the knowledge of the disease in them was, not their iniquity, and wickedness, but just for the art of seduction. He commanded it to be washed in the water, which had to be served, and in doing so I saw that you were falling like the scales of their bodies, the sick, and they only had a few spots of red. The water was poured into a hole in the ground and covered with earth. Jesus said to these people, they don't tell you nothing of what had happened to him that he would come back to the baptism of jesus. After that he spake unto them of John, and of the nearness of the Messiah. You asked then, with all the simplicity, and the one who had a John, or of Him, who should be the greatest.
He told them that the greatest is the one who, more humbly, should serve him: and those that are most humbled in love, this should be the greatest. He called on them to come to the baptism of John. He spoke of the difficulties of the track, and has released all of the companions, except for those five people. He led the others with a place in the desert, not too far away from the Team, it seemed to me, in the vicinity of Ophrah. Jake was in these places in a field of pasture. A portion of this people, abandoned permanently, and another part of it was the baptism of John, and the rest of it went to her house to get ready to go after the baptism from John the baptist, Jesus, and the five of them went to Nazareth, which is already very late, only an hour of the path. Did not enter the city moved closer to the door that led out to the east, where it was the path that leads to the sea of Galilee. Nazareth was a five-door, and there was one of them, a child, a quarter of an hour from the city, on a tall steep of which were ever rush the power of the spirit. When you walk, they saw a few houses. And Jesus said unto them, that they should seek refuge in one of these houses, as he spent the night in the other. All were given water to wash their feet, and with a piece of bread to eat, and a place to rest. Anna had one possession in the vicinity of Nazareth, and, looking to the East. I saw that pastors, and put the bread in the ashes, to bake it into the fire. They were a well of water, but it is not enclosed.

Jesus is the essênio Eliud the mysteries of the Old Testament, and the purpose of the incarnation

The Valley through which Jesus went in and out during the night, since the Kisloth Tabor, and was called to the Aedron, and in the number of pastors in the synagogue, where, to the pharisees, for example, of Nazareth, was that they both Jesus was called the Kimki.
People to whom Jesus spoke, near Nazareth, were the essenes, the friends of the Sagrada família. They lived in such places in the garden next to the ruinous walls of the city, lived in unmarried men and a few women, which were separated from them. They were planting a small vegetable gardens; the men wore long, white robes, and the women wore clothes. You lived before you were in the Valley of Zabulon, next to the Castle of jerusalem; but that, by the friendship of the Holy Family, had moved to these places of consumption. The essênio with which Jesus was welcomed, it was called Eliud, an old man in a long beard, and of a very venerable. He was a widower, and he was taken care of by her daughter. He was the son of a brother to him. This is the people living in the retreat, he went to the synagogue at Nazareth, and had a friendship with the Holy Family, and they had been entrusted with the care of the little house of Nazareth, in the absence of Mary. The next morning, all five of the disciples of Jesus went to Nazareth and visiting with their family members and the school of the site. In the meantime, Jesus, remained with Eliud, the essênio. This old man was stopped praying, and talking with family. Many of the secrets of the divine, had been released in the this one very simple.
In the house of Mary, they are, in addition, four of the women, to his niece, Maria Cleofas, of home, of the temple, She Chusa, relative of Simeon, Mary, the Mother of John-Mark, and the widow of the Lea. To Veronica, she was not there, nor is the wife of Peter, and that he had seen it in the spot of the tax collectors.
In the morning I saw-Mary, Mary, of Cléofas, on the side of the lord Jesus. Jesus gave his hand to Mary, his mother. His behavior with her was so full of love, yet he seemed to be serious and quiet for a while. Mary appeared along with christ, and I told him that we should go to your lord, for there was much animosity against him. The pharisees, which were of Nazareth, who had been in the Kimki, and I had heard in the synagogue were very angry with him, and had prepared for the people. Jesus told Mary that he was going to leave his companions, until I was at the baptism of jesus, and that he had a Personality. He said a number of other things, as Mary, back in the day, two or three times on the side of your child. I told him that it would be three times that of the Passover in Jerusalem, and in the last she will feel a great sorrow. He has revealed to you of the other secrets I've forgotten at the moment. Mary Cléofas it was a woman, the beautiful, size, and appealing; he spoke to Jesus on the morning of his five sons, and asked him what he did to his disciples. One of them is the registrar of the court's kind of a justice of the peace, Simon by name; both of them were fishermen, James the less and Thaddeus; and these were the sons of her first husband's Magic, which had given him a step-son named Matthew, who cried so much for being a tax collector, the tax collector. With her second husband, Sabas, he had a son named Joseph Barsabas, is a fisherman, and, finally, he had another son with her third husband, John, fisherman, this young man was the Simeon. Jesus comforted it by telling him that his sons would follow him, and Matthew (who had already been with Jesus on the road to Sidon, he said to him, that he would, and he would be one of the best.
Mary, however, came from italy to your home address in the Cafarmnaum with a few of her friends. They had arrived there, some of which were created with an ass to go along with it. They took the other objects that had been in Nazareth, for the last time: mantel packages and utensils; everything was packed in wicker baskets, and carried in the ass. In the house of Mary of Nazareth looked for in the absence of a chapel at the well-dressed, and in the home, like an altar. On it there was a small coffin, and on top of it in a pot with a imortelas. In the absence of the Mary lived in the house, some of the essenes.
During the day it's been for Jesus in an intimate conversation with the old man Eliud.
For this, he asked Jesus, his mission, and he said a lot of things. I told him that he was the Messiah, and he spoke of the whole of the line of his ancestry, explaining to him the mystery of the Ark of the Covenant. Listen to how the mystery came into the ark of Noah, and how it was perpetuated from generation to generation, like from the time it was taken and given back. He said that her birth was the mysterious chest of the Covenant. Eliud and consulted it often rolls in the book and pointed out bits and pieces of all the prophets, that he clarified it better. Eliud asked Jesus why He had not been to before, and he explained to him that He could not possibly have been born not to be a Virgin, which had been designed in the way that men can conceive of, but without the original sin, and that no one has found it since Adam and Eve, just as poor as Joachim and Anne. Jesus broke it, and showed him all the barriers and difficulties that it has caused the delay in his coming. This time, I understood many of the mysteries, which contained the Ark of the Covenant.
And when the Ark fell into the hands of the enemy, and the priests, who had already taken the mystery out of it, as they do in any danger. In spite of this, the Ark was so holy, that the enemy was to be punished for her transgression, being forced to return to the children of israel. I saw a caste, to whom Moses was entrusted in a special way in the care of the Ark, and subsistiu to the king in Jerusalem. When you and Jeremiah, and the exile of Babylon, and he hid the Ark and other sacred things, in the mount of Sinai, don't you find it again, but the mystery was no longer there. Later, a chest was made in the likeness of the first, but since it did not contain everything that was contained within. The rod of Aaron can be found as a part of the mystery, it was the essenes of mount Horeb, and the sacrament of holy blessing to be back to be back to it, I don't remember me for the ministry to which the priest.
Out on the lake, later called the limited edition, kept in the sacred fire. A lot of these things, that Jesus revealed himself to Eliud, I saw it in the pictures, and all I heard in the words, but to me, it is impossible to reproduce all of that, then I don't think about these games. Jesus spoke with Eliud, explaining how he took up the meat for the Man that the seed of blessing that God had given to Adam, and the one taken from him before they fall into the quilt. I told him that he, the seed of a blessing it was to be passed on for many generations, so that all they of Israel were a participant in it, and a lot of times, this is the seed of a blessing, it was cloudy, and trapped by the sins of the world. I saw these things in reality, and you saw how the lord's mercies, to die for, they were actually your first-born for this blessing and mysterious, a sacrament, and I realized that the time and the drink of the cup that the angel gave to Abraham when he promised son, Isaac, was a figure of the Blessed sacrament Altar, in the New Testament, and it is this power that is received by Abraham, he was aware of in the flesh, and the blood of the future Messiah." I have seen the line of descent of Jesus and received the Sacrament, to co-operate in the incarnation of Christ, and that Jesus instituted the same flesh and blood, and received from his ancestors, in the most high Sacrament and mystery of the union of man with God.

Jesus talks with Eliud concerning Joachim and Anne

Jesus spoke a lot with Eliud, about the sanctity of Joachim and Anna, and the conception of the supernatural, that of Mary, under the Golden Gate of Jerusalem.
He stated that he was born of Joseph, but, according to the flesh, that is, of the Virgin Mary, and It was intended that the seed is pure, that it was taken out of Adam before the fall, the blame, the seed came through Abraham, since Joseph was in Egypt, and you, through the gate, up the Ark of the Covenant, and then to Joachim and Anne. And Jesus said to him, who, to save all men, He has appeared in all of the inherent weakness of the man-feel it and testing it all. as a man, and that it would be high as the serpent of Moses, in the wilderness, in Mount Calvary, where he was laid to rest in the body of the first man-made. I told him that he must go through, and how ungrateful, they would be the men to the Body. Eliud he asked with a spirit, ingenious, and easy. He understood these things better than that of the apostles in the beginning and figured it all out, more spiritual person. However, he could not help but think about how events would have unfolded. Because of this, he asked for Jesus, where would be the one to reign, in Jerusalem, in the Team, or in Engaddi. Jesus said that wherever He was, it was the kingdom of god; and that, in addition to that, It would not have been in a realm outside.
The Elder Eliud spoke to Jesus from the very simple and very natural, and told him about a lot of things about Mary, as though he does not know. Jesus heard him, and with a lot of love. The old man spoke to him of the Father, and Anna, his holy life and death. Jesus is added in this time, that no woman ever had so far been the most pure form of Anna, and that, after the death of Jake, he was married two more times, by the will of heaven. He had to comply with, and complete the set number of fruit, with the blessing you have received. When Eliud refers to the death of Anne, I had a vision. I saw Anna in a bed that is both a high-and later on I saw Mary on the back of the great house; I had seen a lot of animated, talking as if he were going to die. I have seen it a blessing to your little girls, and those who were in the front part of the house. Mary was at the foot of his bed, and Jesus is on his feet. I saw how she is blessed and his daughter, Mary, and asked for a blessing from Jesus, I was already a man, and he had a beard to be done. I saw her after chatting on a happy mood. I saw her look up; he was as white as snow, and a few drops appear as beads on his forehead. There, I could not restrain myself, and I exclaimed, "She's dying, she's dying...!", and in my affliction I have tried to take her in his arms. It seemed to me that she would come to me, and when I came out of my ecstasy I thought that you still had it in her arms.
Eliud had many of the things that the Youth of Mary in the temple. I've Seen it all on the tables and in the figures. He knew that his teacher, Naomi, was a close relative of Lazarus; this woman, about fifty years old, and all of the others that were in the temple, and they were essênias. Mary learned from her embroidery, and weaving, as a child would always be with Naomi, when cleansed of the vessels of the blood of the sacrifice, and I received the part from the flesh of the sacrifice, and after I went and got ready for what they were serving in the temple, and for the priests, because they received their food offerings. Later on, I Saw Mary, help of all of these tasks. I saw that he, when he had been on duty in the temple, and visited the little girl, Mary, and Simeon that was acquainted with her. In this way I would see it on the floor, and serve as the Mary at the temple, as Eliud the one told to him. Also talked about the conception of Jesus, and Eliud had the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, and she said that Mary was found in a well, in a way that I could see it as well. Indeed, Mary, Elizabeth, Zechariah and Joseph have a small possession (to him), where they lacked water. Mary walked away, alone, in front of the garden, with a wand, and said; when you touch the earth with the rod, has flourished to a trickle, and soon has thickened, turn on a small hill. Zechariah and Joseph came to the place, they removed the colinita with the paddle, the water is poured in and they found a fountain, and a pool of water, is excellent. Zachary was in the middle of the day in Jerusalem, and in the nearly five-hour-of-way to the East.
These and similar conversations were Jesus and Eliud, and it could honor Jesus with joy, and the simplicity of it, but only as a man to be elected, and an extraordinary one. The daughter of Eliud have been living in a cave somewhere, far away from there. The essenes, who lived in the mountains, were about twenty of the women lived apart, of five or six, which are grouped together. They all revered Eliud at their head, and met up with him every day in prayer. Jesus ate with him a loaf of bread, fruits, nuts, honey, and fish, all on a small scale. The essenes were at work in the garden, and the mill. In the mountains where they lived was on the higher end of the pool, where Nazareth was built, though it was still a separate city in a valley. On the other hand, there was a hill full of greenery, and vines. At the bottom of the hill, where the pharisees, which were intended to usher in Jesus, there were a number of waste sources and waste. The home of Mary, he was the face of the city, on a colinita, so that part came as a cave, on the same hill. However, I could see the house stand on the hill where they were to other houses scattered around. Mary and the holy women at the company, Colaia, the son of Leah, and came to their house in the Valley, in Him. The girls went out to meet them. The home of Mary, until he had belonged to a man named Levi, who lived not far from here, in a big house. By the middle of Peter's family he was hired and placed in the Holy Family, as Peter and Andrew had already been to the Holy Family for the fame, and John the Baptist, who was a disciple. In the house, it had facilities where the disciples and relatives you could be put into it; for it seemed that they had chosen.
In the evening, Jesus went out of the room, Eliud, and, accompanied by him, and went to Nazareth. On the walls of the city, where Joseph had his workshop were several of the poor people, and the best known of Joseph's sons, who had been a fellow of the infancy of Jesus christ. They gave the travellers food and water that is fresh, as Nazareth was the water really good. I saw Jesus sitting in the midst of this people, into the floor, and begged them to come to the baptism of John. These people had with Jesus " with a grain of salt, because they knew him as one of their own, and they saw the well respected by the old man Eliud, who all celebrated and asking him for advice and guidance. They knew that the Messiah was to come from, but they could not conceive that he could be the one who had been in the midst of them.

New to the conversation of Eliud, with Jesus -

And Jesus went with Eliud, of Nazareth, in the middle of the day on the road to Jerusalem, that he passed through the valley of the Esdrelão. When you have passed through the stream, Kisão, after a couple of hours, they came to a place which consists of a synagogue, an inn and a few houses. It was an outpost of the nearby town of Endor, and it's not far from here it was a well-known. Jesus went into the lodge; your people, proved to be cool with it, although it is not an enemy. Not Eliud they earned a lot of respect, because they were there, the more farisaicos. Then Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, which he wished to teach you, and you responded that it was not customary to allow it to outsiders. He said that he had a mission to do so, and went into the school, and spoke of the Messiah, and that his kingdom was not of this world, and that he would not appear with the brightness outside; he spoke of the baptism of jesus. The priests of the place, will not you were good. Jesus did bring up a few rolls of the scriptures, and said to them, many passages of the prophets.
I was especially excited to see how confident and have a family to speak of Jesus, and with Eliud, and he believed in the mission of Jesus and his coming in the supernatural, but, apparently, I could not get the idea that Jesus was God. Had Jesus with the whole of the place of birth, as they walked together, a lot of the episodes from the childhood of Jesus, The home, the temple, and said, and what she knew of the things told by Mary, after his return from Egypt, as many times as was in Jerusalem at that time. Jesus, in turn, told him of other things, that the old man was, and all this with the deepest self-reflection. The meeting was conducted in a much more natural and emotional, as it would be with an old man, the venerable, with a young woman and a close friend you can trust. As Eliud told you these things, I saw it in the pictures, and I enjoyed very much to see that it was the same that he had seen and heard in the properties dialog box, except that, at the time I had forgotten a part of it. Jesus also spoke of the Eliud your trip to the baptism of John. He had met a lot of people, cited at the place, that leadeth to Ophrah. But Jesus said to him, you thought of going it alone, going through John, as he wanted to speak with Says that before. On this occasion, he mentioned Says it with a new name, which I forget, And he talked of the father and of Lazarus, and of the position which he had taken in battle. He said that he Says and his people were rich, and they provide all of the credit for the work of redemption. Therefore he had three siblings: the eldest, Molly, and the youngest, mary, and the other medium, who was also named Mary. The latter lived on the retreat, hidden away in the house, because it was taken by a stupid: they were called on Maria's Quiet. "Then he said to Eliud, that Martha, she was a good and pious, and that I would follow up with her brother, Lazarus. Mary, on the Quiet, he said that he was a spirit, and a great insight into the things of God, for your sake, if she had not taken off in the understanding of the things of this world, that it was not for the world, which had a life of it's interior and are not committed a sin. "While you're at it, you will understand, even to the great mysteries. She won't live much longer after that, Lazarus of bethany, and the rest of me to follow you, and you let all your things for the community," she says. He added that the minor was at a loss right now, but that he would come back, and it would be more of a Martha.
Eliud "he also talked about the baptism of John, even though he was not yet baptized. They spent the night at the inn adjacent to the synagogue, where it's very early the following morning, went on the march in the course of the mount Hermon to the town of Endor. From the hostel you could see the remains of the walls is so large that it could have passed the cars, over the top, and even the city is full of ancient ruins, surrounded by gardens and orchards. From one side, you still were the palaces and fine houses, and on the other, appeared and ruined by the war. It seemed to me that he lived here for a variety special, the children of israel, that are separated from the others by its habits. There was no synagogue. And Jesus went with Eliud one place for too long, with three rows of buildings, and in many parts around the lake; and there was a space filled with lush vegetation; in the lake, in a small canoe, to the baths, and the pump and water could be seen. It looked like a set in a seaside resort for the sick, and the chambers were filled with them.
And Jesus went with Eliud one of these chambers, where they washed their feet, and their servants. He has taught at the open space, the most high. The women who lived in the other chambers were far away from him. These people were not entirely in israel, but it's a kind of slave who had to work with, and pay a tribute to the fruits of their harvest. It seems to me that they were there, after a war, and I think that in your head, Sisara, was set not too far in the back and killed by a woman. They were scattered like the slaves across the country, and there were about four hundred, and had to engage in the work on the stones for the temple, under David and Solomon. They are used to using them in the temple, and other buildings. The late king Herod also was used to build the aqueduct over the very long, and that he was going to the mount Zion. They were very close to each other: they were giving, they wore long robes with stripes and a baseball cap at the ends covering the ears, and it seemed to be dressed as a hermit. Weren't able to communicate with the other jews, even though they could send their children to school and common, don't they, because they were so vexados, who would prefer to abstain from voting. Jesus was filled with compassion, and said to them, " you will be brought to the sick. They were on the species of the beds, just as my chair (I thought it), as under the arms and in those chairs there were woods there, so that as you lower the arms have been turned into a bed.
When Jesus spoke of the baptism of the Messiah, and called on them to go at it, then said, very confused, and that they would participate in it, because they had no rights and were looked down upon by others. Then he told them a parable of the unjust steward. Then I had a full understanding of it, which worried me all day long, and then I forgot to give an explanation. I hope to welcome you again. He also told the parable of the son sent to the vineyard, which is usually called when I was talking to the gentiles, who are despised by the jews.
When you prepare a meal in honor of Jesus, under the open sky, Jesus, you did call out to the sick and the poor, and Eliud they served the food on the table. When they saw this, they were very shaken up. In the evening, Jesus came with Eliud the synagogue took place on the Saturday and stayed the night.
The next day, Jesus went on with Eliud up to Saijo, it was only a sabbath day's journey from the hostel, which had been taken, and taught there. The inhabitants were of the canaanites, and I believe that He, for I have heard the name of the shechemites. In the underground tunnel they had hidden in a grove, which by an ingenious mechanism that came out to be seen is upon an altar covered. You could make it go away suddenly, just at the touch of a spring. In this idol, they came out of Egypt, and his name was Astarte, one that I had heard it yesterday like This. A figure of the idol had to face, round as the moon, and the arms are at the front, and featured a picture of something on a long, wrapped up like a doll, or a chrysalis to a butterfly in the middle of the broad and the narrow ends, such as with a sh. On the back it had a pre-eminence which was a species of cuba and the protrusion of the head, the inside of the vessel seemed to be something green, such as the ears of corn with green leaves and berries. On the feet, and by the middle of the body, they were in for a bath, and around it there were potted plants alive. Even though they have that hidden immunity idol, Jesus rebuked him in his talk. In the past, had offered the sacrifice and child right. It belonged to the idol of Adonis, which was the same as the husband of goddess. And the people in it had been sold at the time of his chief of Sisara, and dispersed among the israelites to slavery; for this reason they were often overlooked and undervalued in the least. They had promoted it, it is not long before Christ, under Herod, the state, and because of that they were the most oppressed.
In the evening, Jesus came with Eliud, to the synagogue, to the end of the sabbath day. The jews were seen as an ill omen for the visit of Jesus christ to Endor, but he rebuked them severely for their hardness and for that people who are oppressed, and he called on them to treat them with consideration and to allow them to go to the baptism of John, as they had decided to go after the admonition of Jesus christ. At the end of this teaching, they have been more gracious to him.'
Jesus went with Eliud your lord, and I saw on the way to the town, in a pleasant conversation, as at other times, and, at times, they would just stop. Eliud had too many things on the flight into Egypt, and I saw all these things in the pictures.
A conversation has come to the point where it would be also of the ancient egyptians called to salvation, and how they had been touched by his presence when he's with his family. On this occasion, I saw you on the journey of Jesus, after the resurrection of Lazarus of bethany, the pagan lands of Asia, and of Egypt, and whom I had seen in a vision, and it hadn't been for my costume, because Jesus said, " in all cases where it had been planted there he is to see the streams. Eliud he also talked about the sacrifice, the Priesthood, of the bread and of the wine, and he asked, naively, if Jesus is like Melchizedek, as he could not form complete picture of the personality of your partner. And Jesus answered and said unto him,"no; and that he was making the sacrifice, and I will be in the proper sacrifice."
In this talk I heard that, Oh, by the professor of Mary in the temple, and was the aunt of Lazarus of bethany, the sister of the mother Says. The father Says he had been born the son of a prince of the syrian), had served in the war, and received the award in the vast lands. Your woman had been a distinguished jewish family of priests of Aaron in Jerusalem, a cousin of Anne's why the midst of Manasseh. They had three castles: one at Bethany, the other in the Heródion, and a third in Magdala, on the sea of Tiberias, it is not too far away from Gabara. We also talked about the scandal of Mary Magdalene, giving, and the pain that it caused to his family. He was with Eliud, in a house where they found all of the five disciples, and others, the essenes and the number of people who were thinking of going to the baptism of John. They gathered there for other collectors of Nazareth, " they wanted to go to the baptism of John. Some of the groups set off in that direction.

Jesus of Nazareth

He taught it again in the morning. First came the pharisees of Nazareth, who invited the family to join them in the school of Nazareth, because you have learned many things from him and asked him to explain this to the prophets, and of your words. Jesus went to the house of a jew, where many others were assembled. He brought his five disciples after them. The pharisees were friends, and he spoke to them in such a beautiful parables, they expressed great joy, and took him to the synagogue, where there was a lot of people. He spoke to Moses and said to them, many of the words of the prophets and the Messiah. But when he gave them to understand that he was the Messiah, they were shocked. In addition, however, had prepared him food and spent the evening with his disciples, into a youth hostel close to the synagogue. The next day, and taught it to a group of tax collectors that they were going to be baptized of John, and to them he spoke of the parable of the grain of wheat that must be buried. The pharisees have turned the led into sin, and they began to talk about the Son of a carpenter named Joseph. They laid him in the face with his company of tax collectors and sinners, and he answered them harshly. They talked to him, also, that of the essenes, saying that they were hypocrites they did not live according to the law. And Jesus answered and said to them that followed him, the better is the law of the pharisees, for example, by adding you hypocrites, as it could be called that of the pharisees. It originated from a discussion of the ethics, because of Jesus ' blessing of the children, and this was the manner of the essenes, and bless all things and people. When Jesus came out of or went into the synagogue, they went with the women, with their children, to bless them. The children were still and quiet when I blessed him, though it cried before in cali. The mother asked him to bless all of his children, and to observe if it seemed to be proud of as they see it as if it calavam. Bring some of the children, who suffered from spasms, they weren't able to calm down himself, and as soon as he blessed them, if aquietavam. I've seen it coming for some of them, like a dark fog. Jesus laid his hands on his head and blessed him, after the manner of the patriarchs, with the three lines on the head and both shoulders to the heart, where the converging lines. He blessed them with the girls without the laying on of the hands over it: it was a sign of his mouth. I thought that was it for that they should not speak that much, but I think it had to shut down some of the mystery.
He slept with his disciples in the house of a pharisee of the pharisees.

Jesus confounds the wise men of Nazareth"

The five disciples, they were added on the four family members or friends of the Sagrada família. One of them was a descendant of Ruth, who had been married to a Prison in brazil. There was, in Nazareth, three young men from rich families, who are known to be Jesus, the gentle and well-behaved. The parents, who had listened to the preaching of Jesus, and believe in your wisdom, and persuaded him to his children, to give it a try, with Jesus, who offered him the money that he receive in his presence, they would listen to him and learn from his knowledge. These parents expected too much of his children, and they thought that Jesus would have no qualms in getting them as a guardian and an instructor for your child. The young men were, in this day in the synagogue. By the middle of the pharisees, and of these young people have been at the school for all that is different, or wise men, were in italy to see a proof of the wisdom of Jesus christ. Among them was an attorney with the law, a doctor on call. This one was a burly man, his back broad and long beard; he's wearing a sash with the signs of the dress at the level of the shoulders.
And Jesus went out and saw the blessing of the children who had brought their mother; and he was among the lepers, and he healed them. When he preached, the wise men, the interrupted, trying to wrap it up in your questions and concerns. But they were all mixed in with their answers and explanations. The claims of the lawyer, which he answered with a quote from Moses, and when it came to the divorce that was the decisive factor. If a man can't live with their wives, or vice-versa, they split up, but they are in one body, and not to marry again as long as I live in one of the two. This doctrine did not like the pharisees, or to the jewish people in general. The doctor asked me if Jesus knew who he was, from the nature of the moist and dry, in the constellation of one is born into, What kinds of herbs would you give to the one, and in another second, the temperature, and, as it was composed of the body of a human being. And Jesus answered and said to him, with great wisdom, he spoke about the many complexities of the present and of their diseases and remedies, and pointed out that the composition of the human body in terms of a totally unknown by the doctor. He spoke of the soul and how does it act on the body, to address diseases that can only be cured by prayer and the improvement of people's life, and that of the other, that they are cured with the medicines for human and herbal medicines. All of this is handled with so much depth and is so funny that it's the doctor, he declared himself a loser, and confess that of the hearing beyond the know-how. It seemed to me that she wanted to follow Jesus Christ.
He went to the doctor all, the human body, his limbs, muscles, veins, sinews, and bowels, their importance, and their properties, with as much precision-and at the same time, so as soon as possible, which is the so-called wise, it was completely humbled and in awe. He was an astrologer, and he began to speak of the way of the stars as a celestial body influía on the other, and how different the stars and planets exert different influences in his life. I was referring to the planets and the signs of the heavens. He also talked about it with an architect on the building and was said to be very important on the subject. The address of the business and exchanges with foreign countries, was said to be harsh on your vanity, fashion and luxury from the day. In certain games, and the magic that had been introduced into the country by means of the strangers, who had also passed through Nazareth, and the other villages in the surrounding area. He added that certain types of evil is unforgivable, because they don't have the bad, and the do not forgive, neither do penance for them.
Everyone was in wonder of his wisdom, and with him began to say to him that he would be among them, and that you were going to build him an house, and he could provide everything that you need. They answered and said unto him, why he had settled with his mother in Him. And he answered and said unto them, just that you did not think to stay there, talking to them in their mission, and their fate; and that, moreover, he had settled on Him, because he wanted to be in the center of the country. They did not understand the reference of the mission, and they were offended because he doesn't want to stay. Believed to have offered him a position of great advantage, and that he refused out of pride and conceit. In the evening, they left the place in the high school.
The three young men who were twenty years ago, I was asked to deal with Jesus, but he didn't wanted to get up to get to the nine disciples who followed him: the result of the sad. Jesus said he was coming so that they might be witnesses of what was going to talk to these young people.
They are, therefore, on the whole, the moderation, they said to him, " what was the will of his parents, who wanted to be His disciples, that his parents give you the money for the trip, and that they wanted to go with him and help him in all of his artworks.
Jesus is grieved because of them, to give them a negative one, it is for yourselves, whether it is for the sake of the other disciples, therefore I should expose the grounds that they would not be able to understand it yet. I told them that the one who gives the money you want to make a profit with the same money, and on the other hand, those who wished to follow him, he should resign from the all the convenience of human beings. Even more than that, those who wanted to follow him, he should resign from his family and friends. He added that his disciples were not seeking or intended to offer storage. I told them the things which are so serious that those that were brought very low. They say that the essenes lived in a part of getting married. And Jesus answered and said unto them, that of the essenes, you would do well by following his laws, and, on the other hand, they were preparing the way for the things that he was establishing the greater the perfection. He dismissed them, and recommend them to ponder what they ought to do. For the disciples, they were troubled you with their words seemed to them a doctrine not very strict: you do not being able to understand it, and dropped the heart.
Jesus walked with them out of Nazareth, went to the house of Eliud, and, along the way, and said unto them, that will not desmaiassem or if you desanimassem; that is, the causes of which, said the youth were in him, and that some may come later, and the other, that they would follow him without having to worry about.
If you has caused an uproar in the family of Nazareth. They would not be able to forgive him because he doesn't want to stand between them, and they said that everything he knew he learned by going from one side to the other. They added: "while it is true that it is the right answer, and to teach, but is it too much of pride, to the poor man and the son of a carpenter". I saw the three young women return to the house. The parents took very ill and the difficulties that Jesus gave, and the young men thought the same, so that the whole world was right there, against Jesus christ.
However, the three girls came back the next day and promised to Jesus, obey him, and serve him. Jesus sent them away again, and he was sorry for not being able to understand the reason for his refusal. He spoke with his nine disciples who had followed him in some words, as they had been told to go immediately to the baptism of John. With respect to young people, he added, that they were to take some advantage of it, but they weren't willing to leave everything behind for the love of the disciples had left all and they would have received in exchange for so much more. He said to them, things that are very profound about the baptism of John, and he told them to go to Him, to tell his mother that he was going to the baptism of John, do you conversassem with the disciples of John, Peter and Andrew, to go to be baptized, and that you know the Precursor to this that he, too, was on its way to being named.

A leprosaria in the River Kisão

I saw Jesus walking around at night with Eliud, in the direction of the Middle of the day, and in the West. Don't make a straight path, because of Jesus, I want to go to the Chim, and a place for lepers. They arrived in the morning, And I saw Eliud did not want Jesus to enter in to that non-contracting impurity and no that is not the one they would go on to be baptized if their behavior were to be made known. And Jesus answered and said unto him, what he was to accomplish his mission, that he wanted to go, because there was a good man who wanted to see it. To reach out should you pass of the river, Kisão, because it was on a lake, which received the waters of the Kisão where is purified in the men that were lepers. The water is not returned to the river Kisão. The place was completely isolated and no one was coming to them. In the men that were lepers lived in huts, and isolated. Out of those who ministered to him, and no one was living there. Eliud was far away, and wait for Jesus, who went on to a secluded cabin, where a sick man was lying on the floor wrapped in blankets. Jesus said to him. He was a good man, and I don't remember for what cause, which he had contracted the disease. He is restored, greatly moved by the sight to see see see see see that that Jesus would come to visit him. Jesus said to him, arise, and if a banhasse in a bowl that was next to the house. The man obeyed, and Jesus laid his hands on the water. All of a sudden, a man was found healthy, flexible, and put it with the other clothes, and he charged him not to tell his healing until he came back to the baptism of jesus. This is the man followed Jesus, and of Eliud, by a stretch of the path, even Jesus had to come back.
Later, I saw Jesus, and Eliud walk through the Valley of Esdrelon in the middle of the day. Many times they spoke to each other; at other times, they are isolated, as they occupied in the meditation, and prayer. The weather was not good: a lot of times, there was dense fog in these valleys, and the sky was overcast. Jesus did not use a baton; he never took; and the others wore stick on the curved towards the use of call. Jesus wore only a couple of bottoms, while others were using a shoe over-full-made from the bark of the tree, or in the tissues. Once again, in The middle of the day, I had them resting on the side of the fountain, eating bits and pieces of a loaf of bread.

Jesus is transfigured in front of Eliud

In the evening, I went to see them on my feet. Then I saw a beautiful scene-while Jesus was walking in front of Eliud, he began to wonder if the correctness of their views, and to the perfection of her body. And Jesus said to him, “If you see him in a few years, and this body, you do not find anything beautiful in it: and the men will deform it, and abuse it.” Eliud I just couldn't understand it. I could not imagine how Jesus, in such a short amount of time he could be in his kingdom, because believing is always a temporal kingdom, but she couldn't do it, but in ten or twenty years up to give you the shape and consistency. As they walked, he said to Jesus, Eliud, who was making thinking back to it, it moves closer and closer, because he wanted to show her what he was, in fact, that it was his body, and as it would be in his kingdom. Eliud was only a few steps away from Jesus. Jesus looked up to heaven and praying. Suddenly, there was a cloud that enveloped them both in a whirlpool. From the outside you couldn't see them. On their heads, opened up the sky, and it seemed to come down to them in the light. I saw up there at the top of a city's walls, the light, which was the heavenly Jerusalem. The interior of this guest appearance, was surrounded by a radiance that is similar to a rainbow, inside, I saw a face like God and the Father, And of Jesus, and with him, in a light and radiance. He was bright and clear. Eliud was initially a little strange, looking upward, then fell on his face to the light, and the view would have been missing out on.
And Jesus went his way, and Eliud had remained silent, in awe of what was covered. It was a picture such as that of the Messiah, But Jesus is not raised.
I believe that Eliud did not survive up to the crucifixion of Jesus christ. Jesus seemed to be more and more familiar with it than with the apostles themselves, as for the elder, it was brightly lit in the things of heaven and the secret of the Holy Family. Eliud revered Jesus as a companion and a friend, he gave her all she could take, and he did a lot for the community and of the lord Jesus. It was one of the essenes, the better educated. The essenes, in the times of Jesus, I almost didn't live scattered in the hills, but the surrounding cities and towns. The appearance and Transformation took place in the evening, at about eleven o'clock. The next morning, I saw Jesus, and Eliud comes to the field of the lord. The day was coming on, and the shepherds with their flocks, they came out to meet Jesus, the one who knew it, and bowed down themselves before him, and it took both of them to the shelter where they had been all of your needs. There they washed their feet, and prepared a place for them to rest, and put them on bread, and bowls; and they roasted some popcorn, which had a nest in the same huts, and they were everywhere, familiar as the back. I also saw that Jesus was Eliud, blessing them before the old man, who was on his knees. The herdsmen, were present in this scene. I told him that it was right for him end his days in peace and quiet, as their mission, was too heavy, and it's impossible that it could be him. I told him that he had in his community, as he had done his part, in the vineyard of the Lord, and that he would have received the award for his life. He said this with the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Eliud was in a very serious and quiet, from the beginning of the night. I think he was baptized by the apostles. Eliud accompanied him even to him a passage from the way out from this place to that of the shepherds, and, finally, Jesus embraced him, and said goodbye to each other with manly emotion. You can see it from here, as the place where Jesus went to spend a Saturday afternoon. At one time, lived-in family members of Jesus christ. The place where the Savior is now moving to is called the Gur, and it is up to a point. A brother, john, who later went to Zebulun, were closely connected with the Holy Family was living here. Jesus walked unwittingly into an inn, where he washed their feet, and gave him some food.
I had a piece for himself, he made sure to bring a roll of the synagogue's house, and praying, and reading a couple times to walk away, the Other bent, looked up, and in a quiet place. He did not go to school. I've seen a few of trying to talk to him, but he knows.
I saw get Him to the five disciples in the most intimate of Jesus, had been despatched. They talked to Mary, and the two went to Bethsaida, to seek out Peter and Andrew. James The Less, Simon, Thaddeus, James, and John, The Higher they were in there. The disciples were so many things in the gentleness, the kindness and the wisdom of Jesus christ. The rest of the people spoke elogiosamente of John, and of his austerity and his teaching, adding that he had never heard of each other similar to the exhibitor of the prophets and of the Law. John himself spoke, excited about the Baptist, even though I knew Jesus, and as their fathers had lived a few hours away from Nazareth, and Jesus loved him since I was a child. They concluded here on Saturday. A few days later, I saw the nine disciples, led by Prior appointment, on the way to Tiberias, where we went through Ephron, and the desert of Jericho, where he was John the Baptist.
Peter and Andrew talked about it with the greatest enthusiasm, the Baptist, who was of the lineage of priests, and that he was educated by the essenes in the desert, and it was not as severe as the sage, and would not tolerate disorder in any way. The disciples, by contrast, praised the lowliness of heart and wisdom of Jesus christ. Others claimed that their indulgence led to the promotion of the disorder and give you a few examples.
They said that he, too, had been educated by the essenes, when he was traveling. John didn't I hear about this trip. Nor is it always went together-sometimes, a passage, or a few hours. I thought to myself,"all of the men were then as they are now."

Jesus, Gofna

The place that is called the Gur, where Jesus prays in a solitary way in the inn, that he was not far from the city of Mageddo, and the place of the same name. I have seen that in the last times there will be a huge battle in this place, and against the anti-christ. Jesus got up in the morning, pulled up to the bed, took to the band, he left in a coin and it came out. Passed through several towns, and are not dealt with us, neither have entered into the town at all: he walked along the mount Garizim, and in Samaria, and to the left of it. He was on his way to the middle of the day. Once in a while and eat the cherries, and other fruits, and in the hollow of his hand, or with a sheet and drank the water from the fountain. In the afternoon he came to a town in the mountains of Ephraim, and call Gofna, in a rugged, low, and high, with many gardens and farms. They lived there a few relatives, of Joaquin, which did not have the greatest relationship with the Holy Family. He was in an inn, where he washed their feet, and gave him a meal.
Then, you have reached some of my relatives are accompanied by the principal of the pharisees, and took him to one of the most beautiful homes in. The town was of some importance, and was the seat of a judicial district of the village. The family of Jesus, he was employed and engaged in the scriptures. I think that the city belonged to the Sea.
Jesus, he was treated with great respect. They had a meal that, while they were walking under a kind of deck. Jesus was there in the evening. In Jerusalem, there were a day's journey. A small river crossing and the location. When Mary and Joseph had lost a child in the temple, and they had come to this place: they believed that Jesus could have been to early to arrive at the home of relatives, since they have lost sight of it in Michmas. Mary was apprehensive about what he might fall into the water.
Jesus asked some of the scrolls of the prophets, and to teach about the baptism of the Messiah. He explained that the prophecy that the Messiah had already come.
He spoke of the events that have already have been fulfilled, and the others on devian if you comply with the terms of eight years on, I can't remember if it's a war, or that is in the centre of Judah, was taken away from him. He expressed a number of witnesses to the events that were to precede the coming of the Messiah, and he talked of them where they were broken, and many of the observances, which had been converted into a useless ceremony. It is said that the Messiah would be among them, and they did not recognize. They mentioned it to John, and he added a more-or-less as follows: "it will tell you the Messiah, and did not recognize it by this; they will want to see a winning, a warrior, a bright, surrounded with splendour, and of the people, wise and distinctive; it does not want to recognize the Messiah, the one who will, without glitter, without beauty, without wealth, without the state and beyond; the one who will be the poor, the peasants and artisans, and mix with the poor, the crippled, lepers and sinners."
He spoke a lot of time with reference to the said and said what would happen to the Messiah, and james, and John. In all of this, I never said "I do", but it sounded like someone else's. In these lessons, they have filled almost the whole of the day and all the people, and their families have ended up believing that he was a messenger, an envoy of the Messiah.
When Jesus went back to his room, they brought us a book which had been written on what was happening in the temple, Jesus the son of Mary, and at the age of twelve. To be reminded of some of the things said by him and who he was saying it now, and when you notice the similarity was amazed and estranhados. The owner of the house was an old widower, with two children, also a widow, who spoke among themselves, remembering what I had seen on the espousals of Joseph and Mary, how they had been lucid for those partying in the temple of Jerusalem, considering the richness of the Ana, as well as adding how his family had fallen on the feet. With these things said, it is in the world, with a certain air of reproach and contempt, for the decay of the social in such a family. While they were talking, as women were for the wedding of Mary and her little girl, and I saw a picture which is admirable for the ceremony and the dress for the wedding of Maria, with their meaning. The men went back to reading things that are written in the child Jesus in the temple: how do the parents of the child have been looking for with much eagerness. On the news, and when they had found him in the temple, spread it easily, all the more so as it was a matter of persons closely related with them.
As long as these relatives, they were astonished at the similarity of their teachings, and they began to meet Jesus, he declared that he should leave them, and went his way, in spite of a lot of requests to make it longer. Several of the men followed him. They passed a creek on a bridge, rails, where growing on the trees. For a couple of hours followed him to the meadow for grazing, where he had been the patriarch Joseph, when his father, Jacob, has sent you to see his brothers in Shechem. In this region it has been a long time, Jacob. For a long time, Jesus withdrew to the place of the shepherds, and on the other side of the creek, and his companions left it. On the other side, there was a place for more extensive; the synagogue was located on this side of it. Jesus stayed in a bed and breakfast. They had gathered themselves together there are two groups of batizandos that they were going through the desert, the baptism of John, in which they had spoken of the coming of the lord Jesus. He spoke to them in the evening, and they set off in the morning.
They washed the feet of the Saviour, who was given a meal, and put aside for prayer and rest.

Jesus spoke out against the creation of a Herod, the

In the morning Jesus came to the school, where you will meet a lot of people. He spoke, as usual, from the baptism of John, and of the approach of the Messiah, for whom they did not want to acknowledge. He played for them in the face with his hardness and judgment, in the matters of the ancient customs, that it was the lack of proper spot. Welcomed to blame, as it were, of simple habits. Jesus was made to carry the head of the synagogue, where they were a decade sick: you do not have healed the man; for he spake in the Eliude, and to his disciples before His baptism he would heal the sick, in the vicinity of Jerusalem. These patients were mostly hidrópicos and gouty, and among them there were a number of women. He called all of them in general, and in particular, he said, there is no need that you should be doing in the spiritual, because the diseases are, for the most part, the punishment of their analyses, and their sins. To some, he commanded that they should cleanse themselves, to march to the baptism of John.
At the inn, was preceded by a meal, to which is attended by many of the men in the neighborhood. After the meal they talked to some of them, for the conduct of Herod, to correct the wrong to hold in your marriage forbidden, and they wanted to know what Jesus thought about it. Jesus went on to condemn the wicked to do it with stern words, but he told me that each one was to judge if it is the same, and he spoke harshly about those sins that are watched for and against the marriage. There was a lot of sinners, and that Jesus spoke to him in particular, for each one, condemning their sins, and god in their marriage. He stated that many of their sins are hidden in this direction, in such a way that they were astonished, and they have promised to do penance. From there he went to the John, about six miles. More than once I saw him walking down the mountain. Now it was the time of the winter, there was a fog, and the sky was overcast, and the night-fallen dew. Jesus, he covered his head with a damp cloth. I've seen him on the road to the East.
I saw Mary and the holy women walking in a meadow, close to the Property, after they came forth out of their homes. They carried with him the two of you created from the fishermen of the place one went to the front and one in back. They have to carry their luggage, which consisted of two bags: one-drop-down on your chest and the other on his back, held up by a stick on his shoulder. Among them, I saw Jane, Chusa, Mary Cléofas, one of the three widows, and Mary Salome.
They are also the Relatives by the way, the usual in Sichar, at the right-hand side. Jesus made it to this spot to the left of it. The holy women marched usually in a line, one after the other, separated a few simple steps, maybe it's because of the ways, out of the real, were narrower, sometimes in the mountains, and with the difficult steps. Walked very lightly, with insurance, I don't like in today's day and go for the women, because they have become accustomed since childhood, the long journey on foot. Dressed in the dresses with a little raised, let us in; the legs and bandaged; calçavam a pair of sandals, thick, and are covered, fastened to the soles of your feet, over your head in a trap, stuck with a damp cloth, narrow and long, which crossed the chest, and the back came up to his waist. At the time, they were using their hands rest inside the fabric. The man who went to the front to remove all impediments on the path opens up to the fenced in, removed the stones, and for many years, and the traffic as well as the accommodation for business and leisure travellers. The one that went back as well to the fences, and the gates, and leave things as they were before.

Jesus, in John

Seeing Jesus on the mountain, six miles from the road to Bethany. In the evening he came to a town situated a few hours away to the North of Jerusalem, was on a street, a long one, about a half an hour of walking in the mountains. John was a three-hour in this place. You are able to see the place from a distance, because it was in a valley. On the mountain, it is joined to the north-east is a desert, three hours into the wilderness of Efron. Between the two of wilderness, I saw Mary and her companions at camp that night in a hostel. That mountain was the same as that of Joab, and Abishai came in pursuit of Him, when he spoke to them. The mountain was named Amma, and it was to the North of Jerusalem. The place where he was, he had seen to the East and to the North, it seemed to me that the named Giah, and I was looking for out of the wilderness of Gibeon, that he began to walk away, and he was the one to Efron. It was an extension of the three-hour-of-the-road. Jesus came in the afternoon, and walked into a home and asked for some refreshment. They washed his feet, and gave him to drink, and they made small loaves of bread in front of him. They came to the people, and knowing that it came from Galilee, and began to ask him about the teachings of the master of Nazareth, whom both he spoke, and he spoke of John in the wilderness.
Asked whether the baptism of John, was it good. Jesus taught us, as is custom, he called on them to go to John's baptism of jesus, and to do penance. Referring to the prophet, of Nazareth, and of the Messiah, and said unto them, would to them, for they do not recognize it, but the perseguiriam, and entreat them evil. What to look at as well and considered that the signs had to be met; you would not show up with the splendour and magnificence of the exterior, but a poor man, and that he would go in between simply. You don't recognize, although they receive as well, and they held a certain fear and awe in your presence. They had been there a few who came to John's baptism of jesus, and spake, Jesus christ.
After it has rested for about two hours, and for some people, the best choice is a stretch of the road. Jesus came to Bethany for the night. Lazarus, who had been the days prior to his inauguration in Jerusalem, close to mount Zion, to the west of Mount Calvary, and were returned to Bethany, I had been aware of the soon coming of Jesus, by means of a number of people. The castle at Bethany belonged to the truth of the Marten. Lazarus, however, I used to spend more time there, and it was good to be in company of her older sister. They waited for Jesus, for the food to go. Marta used to dwell in the apartment, situated next to the main building. There were guests in the house. Her's were Serafia, Mary, Mark, and the other women of Jerusalem, he had been with Mary in the temple, I would have been there in the good will, but the will of God, he had to marry. With that Says they Love you, John Mark, a son of Simeon and the other a man of the age, and Obed, and a brother, or a son, a brother, a husband-of-home, out of the temple. All of them were friends, though out of sight, in Jesus, in part, because of John, the Baptist, in part, because of the relations of the family, and, in part, by the prophecies of Simeon and Anna.
Except he was a philosopher who sought the truth, and I hoped to god. All of them had received the baptism from John the baptist, and had come on the invitation of L., to see Jesus." Since then, the Love he has served the lord Jesus and to his community's secret.
Therefore he had sent some servants to get to Jesus. A half-hour before I arrive at the house, and it was given to him at the meeting of the old and faithful servant, Therefore, that, later, it was also a disciple of Jesus christ. This is the servant threw himself at the feet of Jesus, and said to him, "I am the servant, Therefore, and if I have found grace in thy sight, I pray thee, let me acompanhes to the house of my god." Jesus said to him, pick yourself up and followed him. He was familiar with it, in keeping with the dignity of their own person. It was exactly what appealed to him in Jesus, love him as a man, and you felt something in the gods. The servant led him to the castle entrance, next to a watering hole, where everything was laid out.
He washed the feet of Jesus, and put him to the other sandals. I saw the sandals of Jesus: it was a thick, fitted, and color is green. He left there, this pair of sandals and calçou, other than leather-hard, with the shackles of the skin, which then took on his travels. The servant wiped away the clothes of the lord Jesus.
When they had washed, Lazarus, come together with your friends. Brought in, and then in a glass and drink with a meal. Jesus embraced it Says, and he stretched out his hand to the other. All served in a friendly and followed him into the house. Lazarus followed him up to the room of hers. The women were gathered there, lay down on the ground and covered it with the veil. Jesus did, And he said to Martha that Mary, his mother, and he had to get to, and you would expect her back for the baptism of jesus. After that, they entered into the house and put them on the table. I saw a lamb, roast it, and said, " honey, fruits, nuts, and small loaves of bread, and vegetables, and drinking glasses. They were lying on the table, in the seat with the support of two-by-two.
The women ate in the ante-room in the courtyard. Jesus prayed before the meal was over, and he blessed the food. It showed on his face, serious and sad. He said coming toward him through the difficult times, you would get a lot heavier, and that's the end of it would be a matter of deep regret and bitterness. He urged them to remain faithful to it, because now it was Her comfort, and announcing to them that they, too, would have much to suffer." He talked with them, so dearly, that they cried, but you didn't understand all of them: they could not imagine is that this man was a God.
I would Never be able to understand that the lack of understanding of god, because I have a persuasion of up-close and safe in His divine Person. I thought to myself: "Why don't you show these people what I'm seeing so clear, and so sure?...”
I was able to see how mankind was created by God, as he took Eve to the Man, giving him as a companion, and as they both went down. I saw the promise of the Messiah, and the dispersion of the people and the Providence of the brave and of the mystery of God, even to the formation of the blessed Virgin Mary. I saw the way of blessing, in which the word was made flesh, as it is a line of light ran through all of the ancestors of Mary. I saw the message of the Angel to Mary, and the ray of deity that has entered the Savior became a man. And after all of this, it is impossible to conceive of, to me, a creature that is in misery, like these, the holy people, the contemporary and friend of Jesus, who was in his presence, the one who loved and honored, by believing that even if the kingdom was to be a temporary tinhamêm the love and fear of him, and believed in the Messiah's coming, and not all of them believed that it was God himself, they said.
It was, to them, the son of Joseph and Mary. No one thought that goes by that Mary was a virgin and knew nothing of the pristine and pure design; in the past, the mystery of shut up in the Ark of the Covenant. It was already too much, however, and the election of the loved, and acknowledged as the Messiah. And the pharisees also, who were familiar with the prophecies of Simeon and Anna in the temple, when the submission, and that they have listened to his teaching at the age of twelve in the temple, and they were completely stiff with pride. He had been getting a lot of interest in getting to know the family of the boy, but all of them seemed to be very poor, and are so small that they despised: they wanted a Messiah in glory and majesty. Himself Says, " To many of his friends believed in, is always there, in silence, to which he was called and his disciples to take Jerusalem, and to free it from the yoke of the romans, and to establish the glory of the kingdom of Israel. It was happening now, that every one might imagine that God should give to his homeland, freedom, and beauty. Then, as now, they did not know that the kingdom is that we have to be concerned with is not the life on earth. They rejoiced, thinking that, in one way or another, they would end up with those who will always be charlatans who surrounded him. But no one dared to talk to him openly, kept with great reverence and the sense of fear in his presence, because, in his words, and his children had not seen any sign that he might be the undertaking of the company in which they have imagined they would be.
After the meal, they went to the place of prayer. Jesus, he said to an action, as a result, in saying that, your time, and your mission has already started. He said it in a tone which was so touching, that all the people wept. The women were back on site. Said a few prayers in general, and Jesus healed them all.
So Therefore took Jesus up to his room. There was a large room, to remote areas where the men were allowed to rest. It was neat:the bed was not here, as in other places, spread out on the floor, but in a more upright and is fixed, with a border fence, where there were ornaments to blankets and tassels. On the wall, where a bed was established, there was a floor mat, very soft and could be lowered or raised at will, forming a ceiling-to hide the bed-empty. Next to him was a small table, and a hole opens in the wall and there was a basin and a small container for carrying water. On the wall hung a lamp, and a towel, and Therefore he lit the lamp, he asked Jesus for a blessing, and departed.

Mary, on the Quiet,

Mary, the Silent, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, which was taken by lela, did not show up at all this time, never spoke in front of the men. When you are alone in your room or in the garden, and spoke in a loud voice, with the same listing to your words and that which surrounds it. For her, things seem to have a life: only in the sight of men, he didn't say if he remained motionless, looking down to the floor, and I was as ecstatic and quiet, such as a column, while acenasse, and bowed himself, and proving to be different. When I was alone, I was in robes and I was making things up. She was a pious, did not attend school, he was praying in her chamber, alone. I think she had visions and talking to all the people who came up to her. It was a great deal of love for her sisters and, particularly, for year after year. It had been a while since I was a child, and although she had been caretaker, didn't need no man, nor is he showed no signs of not being in her right mind fully.
Mary Magdalene had not spoken up to the present, in the presence of Jesus, he is now living in the Castle of Magdala, in the midst of splendor and magnificence. On the same night in which Jesus was come into the house of Lazarus, vi, Mary, and Jane, Chusa, Mary Cléofas, wife, Lea, and Mary Salome at an inn, and between the desert of Gibeah, and out of Ephraim, to the one as to Bethany, where they spent the night. They fell asleep in a shed, closed in on all sides with the tabs too much light. It was divided into two parts: in the previous section, in two rows of beds, which is the holy women, they took it; in the back of the house, he was in the kitchen. In front of the house there's a place in the open, such as in a cabin, where they burned with fire. The men with him had spent the night near the house of the owner of the guest house. On the first day after his arrival, he taught there by walking through the courtyard and the gardens of the castle. He spoke in a serious, very softened; she was always dignified, gracious, and reserved, not saying a word, worthless, or useless. Everyone loved him, and followed him, but you were shy, and apocados in his presence. Therefore he was more familiar with the other evidence in respect, mixed with a certain amount of awe-stricken.
Accompanied by Lazarus, Jesus went up to where they were with the women, and Martha took him into the presence of his sister, Mary, in the Silence, but the lord wanted to speak to her. They were a door opened in the wall of the big house to a smaller one, although it's also a spacious room, with an enclosed courtyard and to the garden, to which he was attached to the living room of Mary, and in the Quiet. Jesus had remained in the garden, and Marta went to search for her older sister. The garden was pretty much in the middle was a datileira; there were plants and shrubs. There was a fountain on the edge and in the middle of it with a stone seat, where Mary, and in the Silence, I was always going there, it was surrounded by water, under a roof that is covered in the source. Martha saith unto him, to go into the yard, as anyone had hoped for. Mary, on the Quiet, he was very obedient, and covered her with a vail, and, without saying any words, he went alone to the court. Mary, a Quiet, she was fair and slender, about thirty years of age, are almost always looking up to heaven, and when, by chance, I looked to where he was, Jesus, his was a look of uncertainty to the side, as if looking into the distance.
When you talk about you don't say never to me, But to you, just like you see in the other person and talk about yourself. He has not spoken to Jesus and fell at his feet. Jesus spoke to him first, and as they walked through the garden, talking to itself, one in front of each other. In the Quiet, he spoke constantly of the things in the heavens, as if he saw one, And Jesus in the same way he spoke to his father and to your father. She did not look forward to Jesus, and sometimes from side to side. Her talk was, rather, a praise, and a prayer to God, a meditation, an explanation of the mystery.
Mary didn't seem to realize that living in this world, but, on the other. I remember she told me about the Incarnation of Christ, as if he was seeing the adorable Trinity. It would be impossible for me to play or talk naive, however, is a deep and mysterious. He said, as if he were seeing it," the father told his Son to descend to the ground, and the mother is a Mother," adding that the angels rejoiced to see it, and that Gabriel was sent to Mary. He spoke through angels ' eyes, as it would be with a child in front of a room, and if you alegraria and rejoice with each and every one of you that were, by their piety, and devotion.
Then, as he looked at the camera, Mary, and tell her learn to accept it as the mother of God, receiving the message of an Angel, and he saw the angel to come down and preach on the cross, he spoke, as if everything he was witnessing in the distance, out loud, to herself. He left, saying that Mary had reflected on before you could answer, he added, "you had to have for a vow of virginity, and if you had refused, and how all of this would have happened?... you would have if you find other blessed Virgin, worthy to be the mother of God,"... Israel is a very long time it would have taken to you, o Israel, to mourn and to breathe through the Messiah!..."Again, to refer to the joy of having Mary's consent; blessed is the Virgin, and spoke of the birth of Jesus christ, and, addressing himself to the boy, and said, "butter and honey, you'll eat it, boy." He said the prophecies, by Simeon and Anna, all of this as if you see him in front of his eyes, and speak to them as if you were present at these events. It came to the present, and he said, "now, are you going to, Oh, Jesus, get on your way, bitter, and painful,...”. In all of these conversations, it was as absent from the body, and spoke to the people visible to each other, and turning to Jesus, he spoke to him, as he did with the others who surrounded him. Jesus broke it, eventually, and with the prayers and praises to his father and asked for all men and women, from the place where he had stopped.
This scene was heart-warming and mysteriously beautiful. Jesus has left her, and she just sat there in silence, and slowly walked out to her room. When Jesus went back to where they were, Lazarus, and Martha, and she said something like this: "she enjoys the full reason and understanding, but it does not belong to this world not into this world, your soul is missing. The world does not understand it, nor it means the world to you. She is happy and is in a state of sinlessness". Secret, silent, with eyes set in from above don't know the reality of what's going on around it, because I was always away in the spirit.
In the face of who had spoken, as in the face of Jesus christ in the sight of others, he didn't say if this was because he was proud of, or in poorly built or hated it, but because it seemed to not see any of the people or not it had to do with the things that I saw about the redemption and salvation. Some times it spoke to a few good people, well-educated, and then he said some words in a loud voice, but no one to understand him, because he said it was a continuation of a conversation the interior, or of the things that the wise men didn't understand. For this reason it was thought of as a mental patient, and at the same night, and had cut it off to other people. She did not live with your soul in the world, but is absent in the higher spheres, and the supernatural. He did manual work; flung into the temple of the work that jane will was in charge; he was right in that he did it while his mind was in a few good points.
When he didn't do either of these tasks, I was working in the garden and in the garden. He used to pray with great fervor, and suffered for sinners, with a special pain. Too many times have I felt such a weight on his soul, as if all the sins of the world, the sobrecarregassem on her own. Even though I had all of the comforts of home on the beds, chairs, and pillows, I would eat it, always alone, and very, very little. He died of grief and sympathy for the suffering of Jesus in his passion, as seen in preview".

The arrival of Mary and the holy women of

Martha spoke up at this time of the Madeleine, exposing her great grief at the loss of her sister. Jesus comforted them, telling him that he would come back to the right path; it is not cansassem to urge her to look for her, and warn her. About two-and-a-half reached the Blessed virgin Mary, with Mary, Chusa, Lea, Mary, Salome, and Mary the Cléofas. The servant who preceded it announced its arrival, and Martha, Serafia, Mary, Mark, and Susan went out to meet them with all the essentials, and food, and they have received them in the antechamber at the beginning of the entry of the castle, where it was received Jesus and Lazarus. Greeted each other, and from the house and washed the feet of the traveller, who had the dress and the veil. They were the clothes of white, yellow, or brown. They took some food, and took him back to the house of Martha.
Jesus, and all the men and went to greet them, and Jesus stayed out and just talk with her mother. I said to him, full of love, and of sobriety, and that is his way of heavy she was about to begin, and that she would go to John's baptism of jesus, and I would see her again some time off to be with her in the vicinity of the Sea; which would then go into the wilderness to fast for forty days in the desert. Mary asked her son, who does not want to go to that awful place, so as not to pass out from hunger and misery, but he asked her not to make representations in human care, a post which he was to accomplish his mission, and had to get it to do what was necessary, since it had started on his way, and the men that were with him, they should suffer, it had to fulfill its mission, and to give up all the conveniences of human life. He said that he loved her, and I would love to, but right now I belonged to all men and women. He asked him to make a sacrifice, that is, the eternal Father would reward him. He added that, " I hold that the prophesied by Simeon: that is, a sword traspassaria in your heart and in your soul. Mary was sad, and it's very serious, but is resigned to the will of God, and of the fort, and put his trust in God. Jesus showed to be filled with the spirit of love and kindness.
In the evening, there was still a meal at the home of Lazarus, to whom the pharisee, Simon, was one of the guests in the other of the pharisees. For the women, and did eat the portion of a living room is divided by a fence, so they were able to hear the teachings of Jesus which he spoke of faith, hope, and charity, and obedience. He said that those who wished to follow him, they should not come back, but to do what he had to say and teach, and to suffer what they must suffer; that he would never let them down. Back to talking about the heavy, the way it touched the floor: how will entreat them evil, and the perseguiriam; his friends had to suffer, and to suffer with him. All were listened to with respect and admiration, but he said he would be persecuted and ill-treated them, it seemed like more of a way of saying to the prophet, it is not to be understood literally. And the pharisees Also, they found no more of her talking loud and you should not accept it; but they kept staring at her and listening to it with more curiosity than others.

Jesus walking with Lazarus, the baptism of jesus

After a good meal and a short rest, and Jesus went, he Says, is in the direction of the Team, to be baptized of John. As a servant of the Lazarus went with them for some time, with a torch, since it was night time. After half an hour, they arrived at a hostel that used to belong to L., where the disciples were to stop and pause. It wasn't the same as the lodge, far in the other direction, out of which I have spoken, the other all the time, and all the disciples and used it often. A photo gallery where Jesus was, and after Mary's have been received by Lazarus, was in the same place where he later stayed and taught them, before the raising of Lazarus, where he went out to meet year after year. When they arrived at the hostel, Jesus took off his shoes and stood barefoot on my feet. Therefore besought him that he calçasse by the stones out of the way, But the lord said to him, "permit it to be so. I know what I have to do this." In this way, they will continue their march.
This is the desert stretched away by way of a five-hour, with the gorges of the mountains, to Jericho, and after that, for more than two hours for the rich, the Valley of Jericho, one; though, by the wild places, of the hard road. Thence, there were still two hours to the place where John was baptizing. And Jesus walked in the shoulders, which Says, it sometimes preceded him in an hour of the path. A group of people, including tax collectors, they returned to the baptism, which Jesus himself sent them: they passed close to Jesus in any portion of the way through, from the wilderness to your Relatives. Jesus is not entered into the place, and left it on the left, the city of Jericho. There were a number of small towns on the way, but it did not go into any of them.
His friends Says: "To the son of Simeon, John, Mark, spoke little to do with Jesus; but they were astonished at his wisdom and his ways, thinking about the good qualities of the soul and of the body. They used to exclaim, "What a man!... There has not risen one the same, until now, no one will be as he is... so kind, so sweet, so earnest, so simple and at the same time it's decent...
With a depth of it you know it all!!..."And to it was added:" you do not get to understand it at all, and yet, I have to believe it. You can't be staring at your face because of reading my thoughts. What a presence, what a face, what a size, what a way to walk, as light, and no rush!... No-one can walk, even as he is! How to gnaw in the distance, and how to get to the point, and of a sudden he preaches and talks back in march! What kind of a man is extraordinary!..."After speaking of his childhood, of his teachings at the temple and the teachers of the law and the things that they had heard tell of his first trip around the dead sea the dead Sea, while helping the boteiros, and a thousand of things. But no one thought that Jesus was God. They were the largest, the most wise, all the men, and worshipped; but they seemed to be elusive in your presence. They just have such an extraordinary man.
Obed was a young man of the age, and the son of a brother of the husband of the old woman Anna in the temple, and he was one of the elders in the temple, the Sanhedrin; he was a devout man, and was a disciple of the occult, of Jesus, and to work as a teacher helped us in the community of the lord Jesus.

The story of John the Baptist

John was given the revelation about the gospel and for the sake of it, out in the desert, and digged a pit on the outskirts of the Promised Land. I saw it on the western side of a steep mountain. To your left, and there was a river, perhaps, one of the sources of the Jordan, that it was born in a cave in Lebanon, between the two mountains are not seen, well except for when you weren't around. To his right, there was a plain which is surrounded by the desert, where he was supposed to dig up the source.
He was bent over with one knee, the other had a long roll of bark, on which he wrote a canuto. The sun was shining hotly on him; I looked to the lebanese front, to the West. As I wrote, it seemed to me that she was in a trance. When I saw him thus absorbed in that, a man appeared in front of him, and that he wrote so many things, and drew the signs on the reels. To him, John was able to read what he had written, and began to work on the the work of the well, with a lot of power. While I was working, I had to roll the shell is written to the ground, pinned to the stone, to keep it open, and I stared back frequently for the design, as it seemed to me that he was drawn to the work they had to do it.
In relation to well what he was doing, I had a vision of elijah (Elias). I've seen it caused by a fault in the wilderness, morose and sleepy. I dreamed that a young boy was pushed with a rod in the pit, next to him, and that he was about to fall; for, if he saw how you moved a piece on the place where it was stopped. It was then that the angel woke him and gave him water to drink. So it came to pass in the place where John was going to do with the source, and well. While John was at work, I got to know the explanation of each and every layer of the earth that took the life of each and every work that he did. This was compared with the strength and tenacity of the men, and with the characters that had to bow to the grace of God to reach out to them. In this work, it was like all of his work, and throughout his life, the figure and the anticipation of what was indicated not only that he was guided by the Holy Spirit, but in reality, he was the one who was supposed to do, and what his work meant that he saw the good-will which he has placed into his work. This work was conducted as one of the ancient prophets by the Spirit of God. He began to cut up gently on the vegetation and on the surface, around-the-pit-of-shape, round, and then said, digging in a round container rather broad, and set with stones chosen or less in the middle, where they dug in to find the source of the water. The land that drew was going to add to the edge of the fountain, leaving the five of places to cut. In front of the four of these holes, and he has planted four trees in the distance is the same. These trees had a canopy of green, they were in four different class types, with their meanings. In the middle of the fountain and planted a tree, the leaves thin, and the branches of the pyramid-shaped, with twigs, and thorns. This is the tree, she was there for some time to dry in front of his cave. The other four seemed to be the bushes, and had soft, and made of them in and around the reinforcement, piling up the earth. When he arrived, with his digging to the water, where he planted a tree on the foregoing, it became a channel, it was the river that ran by the side of his cave until the pit is dug. So that's when I saw him to join you in the field, many of the shed that was going to teaming up with each other, and it did come up in the pit, and then covered all of the channels with the ground. He could at will dismiss all of the channels, or you can open them. He had made his way through the bushes to the opening up of its fountain, the path that ran round the pit, between the trees, and through the openings. In front of the opening to be left as an input, it had not grown a single tree. Just the other side of the fountain was open; the other was closed with bushes or rocks. Built around four trees, has planted an herb, it was not unknown: I've had it since I was a child, for a very good reputation and when that was planted near the house. I had a tall stem and a succulent with a plant with red in the dark, and it was so medicated against acne, and pain in the throat, such as I have heard.
He planted other trees, and various herbs. During his stint, he was looking at from time to time on the roller, designed, and measured the distance with his walking stick.
It seems to me that all that he did, and even the trees have been drawn into the roll, written and drawn on. I remember having seen a picture of a tree on which he has placed it in the middle of the fountain. It worked for a few weeks, and only at the end of his work has appeared in a little bit of water in the bottom of the source. The tree in the center that seemed to be flat and dry, then esverdeou. John went to get water from another source, and poured it out on the inside. The vessel, which he wore seemed to be made up of crusty, thick, in the shape of the bag, and calafetado fish, or resin.
The water came from a source who was close to his cave, which at the time he was done, forth and smote the rock with his rod in the shape of a cross. I have heard of this, he would not have done well in that spot, because it was all of stone, and this was the meaning of it. Let them in as much water as was necessary when it was, the move was to go out through the hole and water the plant in the surrounding of the cockpit. I saw after that, John went into the water up through the body, which hugged her with one hand on the tree is erected in the middle of the source and the other is holding a rod which acrescentara a cross, and a flag, and with which it hit the water, causing it to bounce over his head. When I did this, I saw that I was walking down a light on them, and lay upon him, the Holy Spirit, as the two angels had appeared to be on the brink of their source, and they were talking with him.
This was the last thing he's ever done in the desert. The well was in use even after the death of jesus Christ. When the christians fled the persecution, I saw they were bringing the sick and those opinions in order to be baptized, and where they used to pray their prayers. In the time of Peter, and the pit was surrounded by an enclosure. After work, John went out to the desert, and came to where the people are waiting for him. He was impressive: tall in stature, while the slim and streamlined for the show; the strong muscles; large, noble, personable, clean, simple, and full of compassion; of the color of his face tanned, his face thin, her face serious, and energetic; and the hair dark brown, and curly, and short beard. One half of the body was in a fabric that reached the knees. He was dressed in a dark cloak, who seemed to be made up of three pieces. The skin, attached to a handle, he covered her back. His arms and chest were uncovered; the chest had at the time, and covered up by the color of his coat. He carried a walking stick with a buckle as worn by the shepherds.

The preaching, and the travels of John the Baptist

To return to the wilderness he built a bridge across the river. Not interested in that has already existed for a pass-through at a certain distance, it did the job it was fitting to your mission. An old way through the site. He taught at the Cidessa, where the people were, for the first pagans to come to the baptism of jesus. These were people who lived isolated in the jungle. They were the descendants of several of the varieties that have settled there since the destruction of the temple. One of the last prophets, and said unto them, for if you lay there, until he came to one, and he pointed out how John's, and that I would let you know what we should do. Some time later, they retreated to the family of Nazareth. John is not impressed by anything around him, and only spoke of one thing, and to do penance, and that the Messiah was coming. Everyone looked up to, and remain absorbed in its presence. His voice was as penetrating as a sword, the powerful and hard, but it's still nice. He is associated with all sorts of people, and in education. In all of the places that he went straight to his goal: to not care about anything, did not ask for, nor want anything from anyone. I saw him wandering through the desert and all the way into the forest, and I saw, dig, remove the stones, having a tree or plant them, and prepare for a refund. He called for all the men who saw him, to help him, and they hearkened unto him. At times, he took out of their houses. They all respected him. He did not stop, much anywhere, and was constantly on the go. He walked the roads of Galilee, which is the around-the-lake, on Tariqueia, and over, and over, of Salem, in the wilderness, in the direction of the House of god, and is close to Jerusalem, that he did not want to play in your whole life, because of their complaints, and lamentations, were often directed at the city of sin. He appeared incredibly busy with your mission, and your destiny, serious, severe, simple, earnest, shouting with one voice: "Penance!'. Prepare ye the way of the Lord! The Saviour comes!" Then he went back to his place, in the valley of peace. His parents had already passed away. Among his first followers were some of the young people who were the relatives of Zechariah. after the death of Joseph, and he rarely came out, but some of the people in your family, listen to his words, and to have accompanied him for part of the way there. Three months prior to the start of the church, John toured the country twice, announcing to anyone who would come after him. His walk was quick, with light, with no breaks, but without the hustle and bustle. Can't remember to walk in the quiet of the Savior, where he had no business to do it, and I saw him running down the field, on the field, to teach, and the people in the squares and in the streets to talk to them, I have found that the pharisees, and all the nobles of the people, sometimes they would stop, to prevent you from speaking, but then they were amazed, and marvelled, and left them alone. “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” were not the only figures of speech. I saw that John has traveled all the ways that Jesus and the apostles walked, after removing barriers and making its difficulties. He cleared the bushes and the stones of the road, and opened up a new path. He put the stones on certain areas of the brook, he cleared the canals, dug wells, fixed sources, blocked, he made the seats and the comfort that the Lord is later used in his travels. He has built up roofs, where he later met his hearers, or where he has rested from his work.
In all of his work, this man is single, and serious, had made the hearts of all those watching, or it helped you, even in the cabins, where would that he were giving way to the toolbar. Everywhere it was surrounded, and without the fear of them called to repentance by the close proximity of the Messiah, and called himself the coach is preferred. Many times I saw it, indicating the direction in which Jesus walked in at that point. However, I have never seen him with Jesus, even though at times they did not have more than an hour from each other in their travels. Once John answered and said unto the people, he was not the Saviour is to be expected; that it was nothing more than a humble coach and leader, and that he" (indicating the distance it was him.
John, in fact, it has seen only three times in his life, the Savior. The first, which is in the wilderness, in the Holy Family on their flight into Egypt, he passed close to where John stood, and, guided by the holy Spirit, came to salute his master that the santificara from the womb of his mother, and John felt the closeness of the Savior, who was then the headquarters, she said a prayer, and he played with his rod the rock, out of which grew the abundant water. At the time, went on the boy, John, and found Mary, and Joseph, and Jesus.
I've seen him dance, and leap for joy where it sprang to the source, while I was playing with the little flag that he carried with him. The second time you saw it when you have it on. In the third, when it moved with the land, and he gave his testimony in front of him.
I heard him say that Jesus, he thought about the sight of his disciples, the killing of John, who, on the occasion of the baptism took place in the ceremonies of the rite only to do his duty, even though her heart was broken to love for the Savior, the desire to be with Him and to follow him. He also said of Jesus that John was in his presence, in all humility, and the mortification of it, because of your taste would have been to visit him often, and to stay with him. On the other hand, John, always the Savior in spirit, as it was often in a state of supernatural and prophetic. I saw in Jesus the fulfillment of the promise, and the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning his mission. Jesus was not a contemporary and a fellow citizen: he is the Savior of the world, and is the Son of God made flesh, the god appeared to him at the time, and that's why he couldn't even think of living with him, and to be familiar with their presence. On the other hand, the John, was detached from the male, and he was not caught up in any of the houses.
Since the breast has been notified and is governed by the Eternal, a post in relation to the supernatural, by the Holy Spirit in his Body. As a kid it was taken out of the world and has remained in the wilderness, not knowing anything other than the things that do his own things, but even that came off as a re-born in the desert to carry out its mission seriously, enthusiastically, energetically, without having to worry about what's happening in the world. Their desert was to the Jews; and, as he talked to the animals, birds, rocks, plants, and trees, all the while living in the midst of them, and he did so with the men, and the sinful, and without taking care of himself, or of what was going on around her. He did not speak, he did not know and did not see anything other than Jesus christ. His word was, "He's coming. Ready for the road. To do penance, and receive baptism. "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Clean and pure, like a child at the breast, and went out to the desert, plain and simple, he was now like a child on the breast of his mother. I heard Jesus say to his apostles: "It is a pure, like an angel, nothing vulgar, no sin, he arrived on the spot it; and that not a lie came to her lips".

Places where John the Baptist was baptizing

John was baptized on multiple sites. The first in a Ainon, near Salem.
Then, click On on the front of the Bethabara, on the west side of the Jordan, not far from the border of Jericho. In the third place, it was on the east side of the Jordan, baptizing them in the North. Then he went back to baptize with Ainon, where he was captured by Herod. The water with which to be baptized as belonging to a tributary of the Jordan, that is, to the East, it was a diversion for an hour. This is an arm of the Jordan, and was at times so narrow that it could be overcome by jumping. In the bed of the river, it seemed to have changed, of course, because they saw that some of the places that they were running out of water.
The diversion of the Jordan formed the sources and wells, who received their water from a tributary of the river Jordan. One of these sources, it was separate from the arm core was on the site of the baptism of call of Ainon. Under the seal, there were a channel that can be opened and closed at will, and prepared by John himself.
On the shore there was a rail, and in many of the grooves of the land went into it. The batizandos put it in between two of the ridges down into the water up to his waist, leaning up on an edge. On a piece of land, it was John, and that he, and drew the water, and with a shell on its head giving, while the other part was already baptized, he put his hand on the shoulder of a novice. The first of these witnesses, John himself had his hands on her shoulders. The batizandos did not have the upper part of the body to fully discovered and put it on a white cloth, leaving uncovered only by men. There was a hut, where you would get all dressed up and despiam. I didn't see any woman named ali. When John was baptizing, he was wearing the clothes and long hair.
The region was a region of the beautiful and the rich in the water, call the Railroad, the population of this name, it was on both sides of the river. Ainon it is located on the other side of the Jordan, in the North of the Salem area of the Jordan, and he was the greatest.
I saw a lot of animals peacefully on the plains, especially for the stupid. Governs it in His, and Ainon, a species of the right of the old one, According to which no one can be kicked out of the place, that is, being declared free. John lifted him up to his cabin in the Ainon, on the ruins of an old building, the walls of which were covered with vegetation, and is seen in the other huts built over it. These ruins were the former grounds of the tents erected for the Melchizedek priesthood.
On this site, I have had several visions of the past. I remember that Abraham was there, in a vision, and set of two large, stone: on the one inclined to pray, and the other one with the rose on the altar. I saw, to his own vision. It was a city, the heavenly Jerusalem, where they went out like lightning from the water, shining down. He was told that he was to pray for the coming of the "city of God" on the earth. This is the water that came from the heavenly City, was then spreading on all sides,'". Abraham had such a vision for the five years prior to the Melchizedek priesthood to withdraw to his tent. This castle was made up of a series of rooms, galleries, and stairs, that are similar to the rooms of the king's Mensor in the middle, and only the foundations were of costly stones. It seemed to me I recognize you now, in the time of John to the four angles, which were planted in the columns of the building. on these walls, which seemed to be a fort, John built his cabin there. Melchizedek had built these houses, because he met a lot of foreigners and travelers, and be a place of abundant water. I believe that Melchizedek was built there because, as ever I saw him appear as a guide, and the driver of the people, all together, to be able to advise you and guide you to them, and welcome them to your game. Since then, however, he had a relationship with the baptism of John, was it, for the Melchizedek priesthood in the place of where I was going to build in Jerusalem, and to get to where Abraham was. From then on, would be distributed to the families and the tribes that stayed in place. Jacob also had a lot of time on your camping trip in Ainon. The water tank of the well of baptism, it was already there, and I saw Jacob to renew it. The remains of the buildings of the Melchizedek priesthood were close to the water, and the place of baptism, and I saw that in the early days, was built in Jerusalem, with a church on the spot where John was baptizing him. This is the church remaining, and when Maria, the egyptian was in the wilderness, to make the life of those who are penitent. Salem was once a beautiful city, which had been devastated in the wars before Christ, when the temple was destroyed. The last of the prophet, he walked also in these places.

John the Baptist and Herod

John was already known for his preaching, a few months ago when it came to some of the messengers of Herod and from Kallirrohe to see you.
Herod lived in the castle, to the east of the Dead Sea, where they were swimming in the sea, and the hot baths. Herod had wanted John to be where he was, But John replied to the messengers, that he had a lot to do; that Herod wanted to see him and talk to him and you could get close to him. After that, I saw Herod, when travelling in a horse-drawn carriage, very low, of the wheel, but on a throne, high up, of which I was able to see all around you: this is a seat that had a ceiling, and around the car, there were the soldiers who guarded the king. I went to a village about a five-hour drive to the south of Ainon, and sent and told John that he could get to it. John agreed, and out-of-town, a cottage, and waited for Herod, he ran with no follow-up. I remember that Herod had him wondering why he lived in a log cabin is so miserable at Ainon; and that he, the king, and he wanted to make her a good home. John replied that she did not want the house to some, and that was all that she needed and did so with the will of the one who is higher than kings. He said seriously and emphatically, and went back to his place. He spoke at a little distance from Herod's, a look back the other way.
I've seen the sons of the late Alpheus and Mary, Cléofas, Simon, James The Less and Thaddeus, and of the son, from his second marriage with Sabas, Joseph Barsabas. These were all baptized by him in the Ainon. Also, Andrew, and Philip, they were baptized in the Ainon. Later, they went back to their jobs. The rest of the apostles, and many of the disciples had already been baptized. One day, many of the elders, and the priests of the neighbouring peoples of Jerusalem, and appeared to ask him for the reason of which was, to preach, to those who had sent him, which was his teaching, and other such things. And he said unto them, referring to the close proximity of the Messiah and his coming, and rebuked them, and throwing them in with the courage of their self-righteousness and stubbornness not to try to atone for it.
After a while, all the elders were present, the priests, the pharisees, Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Hebron, to inquire about our mission, arguing that if the apropriara to where he was baptizing. I have seen too many publicans to be baptized by John the baptist, after you have taken up for his wrongs. Among them was the tax collector Levi, and later in Matthew, the son of the first marriage of a widow Alphaeus, who was the husband of Mary, of Cléofas. He departed thence, and a lot of emotion, and it was life until then had been, in a great image among your family members. Many of the collectors were turned away from John, as the impenitent.

The commotion that was produced with the baptism of John,

In Dothaim, where he aquietara the man she lived to be mixed up with the jews, many non-christians, since the time of the captivity in Babylon. All the believers were one time in the vicinity of a talisman with an altar. When the jews heard of in the vicinity of the coming of the Messiah, you do not want to live in mixed in with these pagans. This entry has been aroused ever since, John has traveled all over the country, and when they got baptized of John. The prince of Sidon, who had to send in troops to protect the non-believers. Herod, when he sent troops to pacify the people. These soldiers were the worst in the class. I saw that it was the first of the Kallirrohe, where he was of Herod, to him saying that they wanted to be baptized by John. They did the most for the policy and to make a good impression among the people. Herod, when he said that it was not necessary to do-baptism, John was not a miracle at all and that he could prove his divine mission; that in all things you ask in Jerusalem, which was fitting for him to do so. I have seen the like in Jerusalem. They were with three heads, asking about the issue, so that I knew what they were divided into three sects. All of this has happened in the yard of the court, in which Peter denied Christ. There are many of you sitting in front of the court, surrounded by all the people. And the priests answered with the amount that would have been able to do so, or fail to do so, and that was it. I saw some of the worst of them was John, who scolded them harshly, because he had no desire to become; for them to be baptized, some in good faith, after he had sent them porsua self-righteousness and evil, to do it.
The multitudes of people who were Ainon they were too big. A few days left to John to be baptized, and those employed in preaching and scolding with energy. I saw lots of groups of jews of the kingdom, and the pagans sat separately in the hills and in the fields, under a roof, or in the shade in the open air, listening to the preaching of John. There were many hundreds. They listened to him at his word, were baptized and went after it. One time, I saw many non-christians, and some of the world, as well as other areas of the east, which brought many of the donkeys and of the sheep, as they had close relatives in such places, and such as were supposed to go there, but I have been listening to the preaching of John.
There were at Jerusalem, to an important meeting of the Council, for the sake of John the Baptist. They were sent to nine men, three from each of the three authorities, to be the question, John. Annas sent Joseph of Arimathea, the eldest of the children of Simeon, and out of another priest that was in charge of the sacrifices and offerings. The Council have sent out three messengers, and three other civilians were to represent the people. Had to ask John who he was, and to say to him, to be in Jerusalem at that time. To her, it was true, you had to present themselves before the temple. You asked me about how to dress, and it also was baptizing the jews, when that is only if you acostumava to do it with non-believers. It had one who believes that John was Elijah's coming into the world.
I saw now, Andrew, and John, the Evangelist John. They were also in John, in the majority of the future apostles), many of his disciples, in addition to Peter's, who came to baptize you now, and Judas, the betrayer, who was in Bethsaida and fishers, and had heard all that was said of Jesus, and John. When the envoys of the Council arrived, they were in a three-day John was baptizing, and he began again to do so. The envoys wanted, he could hear it right away. And he said to them, " who would listen to when he had finished his work, and with the words short and severe, left them waiting in the wings. Warned by taking him to the same authority, who was present in Jerusalem and that it should not have to wear so savagely.
When you have moved away from these messengers, they were Joseph of Arimathea and the sons of Simeon, and received baptism at the hands of John. There were a lot of people that John did not want to baptize. They have teamed up with the messengers of the Council, accusing them of John the bias and hostility against them. In the future the apostles returned, now in their homes, talking about John, and pay attention to Jesus, who heard it from John, and the Lost.
Joseph of Arimathea, came to Jerusalem, and found Obed, related to Serafia, who was a servant in the temple. Joseph was told to Obed a lot of things about John, And Obed, was also baptized. As a servant of the temple, and that he was a disciple of the mysteries of Jesus, and later declared that he was a christian.

John receives a warning to back off for the Team

I saw after that, John went on to name some of the patients.
He is wearing his cloth for the dress, and her mantle hanging from her shoulders. On one side was a bowl of water, baptismal font, and on the other, he was to be the shell that used to be baptized.
They brought in many of the patients on stretchers, portable and hand-carts, with the long edge on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing. As they could not be brought to the other side, asked John about to go off to where they were. John has been with a few people.
He was prepared, there's a beautiful fountain surrounded by a fence you made for him. He brought a shovel. He left to enter the water in a canal, which he did, and he mixed it up with the one that brought it into his bowl. Catequizou those who are sick, and be baptized, after a sort, that were on the edge of the fountain, and as he was pouring the water over them. After you get baptized, it came to the other side of the Jordan, Ainon.
There, I saw an angel appearing to him and telling him to go back to the other side of the Jordan to Jericho, as he approached the one who was to come, who was to announce that John and his disciples: and they rose out of their tents, and went a few hours on the east side of the Jordan, up, up, and went over to the other side of the river, which they did in a way. There were places for bathing, and drilled, and is bordered brick to white, with the channels that are opened and closed at will to bring up the water of the Jordan, the river was an Island. This is according to the place of baptism, he was among the Team and Betagla, on the west side of the Jordan, in front of the Betabara, on the east side of the river. It was about five miles from Jerusalem.
The right path was for Bethany, across the desert, until you get to a hotel, a bit out of the way place between the Team and the Bethagla. The waters of the Jordan, and there was a very clear and calm. She felt the delicious aroma of herbs and flowers, whose petals are falling into the water. In some places, the river was so narrow and shallow that you could see to the bottom; on the banks through the slits carved out by water over time.
I was glad for me too, when I found myself in the Holy land; but I was surprised at the changes of the time, compared to the us. When it was winter, it was flourishing, and when there was a summer, it's already estvam there to grow the plants on for a second harvest. Then there came a time in which there was a lot of fog, and it was raining a lot.
Next to John, I saw about a hundred people, including his disciples, and many of the non-believers. They are working to improve the Baptistery, and to repair the shed. They brought in the things of Ainon. The patient was transported to angarilhas. This was the site of the Jordan, where Elijah slew them with his cloak on the water, to cross over to the other side of it, and where it did the same thing Elisha, when he turned to go. And elisha put in there of your trip. There are all the children of Israel, when they went into the Holy Land.
In Jerusalem, they were sent back to John, and the people's temple, the pharisees and of the sadducees. An angel announced this in the Kingdom. When they got close to the Jordan, and they sent a messenger unto John, to tell him that it was moving closer. Without neglecting his work, he replied that if they wanted to talk to him, you could do it closer to where he was baptizing. Came close, but John, he left to continue his preaching and baptism, and in the presence of the envoys. When jim has finished his work, answered to the messengers, and sent it to his disciples, that is, the abrigassem under one roof, they come to they are accompanied by a variety of listeners. The messengers were come in, they asked who it was he, of whom it was said, always to come, according to the prophecies of the Messiah, and they were said to have already arrived. John answered and said unto them, they had risen up against them, and those who don't know each other. He added that he's not the one I had seen, but even before he was born, he was ordered to prepare his way, and that I ought to have it. I told them that they would return in a certain amount of time, in which he had come to john to be baptized. He spoke so sternly, and said unto them, that they had not come to baptize, but to spy on him. They answered and said unto him, who now knew who he was, what he was baptizing without the mission entrusted to us; and that he was a hypocrite, the dress is so strangely, and they came to Jerusalem. Shortly after that came other messengers of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, and in the number of about twenty-priests and bishops of various cities, with its mithras, the wide track and long strings that you hung from his arms. Then said they unto him, who came to the Grand Sanhedrin, which would go before him to give an account of his mission and of his conduct; it was a sign that he no longer had a mission to do not comply with the Council. Then I heard the John, I told you to wait for a little bit, and that was the one who had sent him, pointing clearly to Jesus, " lord, that he was born in Bethlehem, and brought up in. Of nazareth, who had fled to Egypt, and he still hadn't seen it. They threw him in the face, it was understood, for Jesus, who was sent to each other and the messengers. John answered and said unto them, that all the messengers that were sent out were not able to show it to them, because they were blind. The apostles were upset and frustrated. The multitudes of the jews, and the pagans had come from far and wide. Herod himself commanded us to listen to his sermon, with the charge that he has to tell you what to listen to him. I saw that it was well established in the place of the baptism of jesus. John rose to his disciples with a great roof, where they are wrapped up in the ill and weary of the journey and where it is reúniam to listen to his preaching. Sometimes the singing of psalms; as, for instance, I listened to the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to the passage of the Red Sea for the children of Israel. At times it seemed that it had been rigged with a small population in the tents and huts, these houses were covered with the skins, and the reeds which grew on the banks of the river. I could see a lot of the influx of travelers coming from areas of the wise men: they came in on the camel, on the donkey and horse racing, beautiful, and very responsive. They were on their way to the land of Egypt. Now, everyone gathered around for John, as they listened to his preaching about the Messiah, and they received the baptism of jesus. From thence they used to go in groups of up to beth-lehem. Not far from the foot of the grotto of the manger in the front of the field of the shepherds, and there was a well, where Abraham had lived in the Sahara, and the patient wished to strongly advised to drink water, and he brought in a bucket of water from the well, no, I just wanted to drink it, leaving it to God, and as a reward, the rid of the God of plague. Because of its great depth, it was very difficult to get water out of the well. There was a very large tree there and not far away she was the mother of Maraha. Being a nurse is quite old, I used to take it on your travels on a camel. These events can be converted in to a place of pilgrimage for the pious israelites, as they were in the Mount Carmel, and mount Horeb. In this place, this prayer is also the saints, wise men (Magi).
In the Galilee, there had been too many to look at John, in addition to those who were his disciples. More and more people came to Hebron, and among them many of the gentiles.'"
This is why, as Jesus walked in Galilee: for he exhorted the inhabitants to attend the baptism of John.

Herod, in the baptistery. A festive, traditional

The place where John was teaching was about a half-hour of the Baptistery.
It was a holy place, filled with memories, of the hebrews, and he was surrounded by a garden. On the inside there were huts, and in the midst of a large rock, which was indicated by the world of the children of Israel with the Ark of the Covenant, and that which they had put in to offer a sacrifice of Thanksgiving." Upon this rock had got up all the seats, where he taught, he had built a large shed with a roof of reeds; at the foot of the rock there was a chair of John. He was surrounded by his disciples, teaching them, when he came to the king, and Herod; but, John is not really bothered by it in his preaching.
Herod was in Jerusalem, where he teamed up with his brother's wife, that he had a daughter named Salome, in about ten-and-six years of age. I had intended to be united with this woman, and he had, in vain, tried to obtain approval from the Council. For this reason, there has been a lively discussion among them. The king was afraid, on the other hand, is the voice of the people, and sought to cover himself up with a word with the permission of the portion of the james, and John. It was thought that the kingdom, in order to please the king, and would go according to his plan. I saw it now Herod had her Arrested, she was the daughter of Herodias, and to their employees, in the company of some of the worst people on the road to the Jordan. He was on his way with the ladies in a carriage, and had sent a messenger to John ' the Baptist did not want to get to the king in the holy place, as he was coming up with them. Let, then, is to be baptized, and went on with his disciples to set before where I used to preach, and he spoke strongly on the subject, that Herod wanted to find out. I told him what was expected of him that was to come; that it was not to remain long time, being baptized, that he should give place to that of one who was only a precursor. He spoke in such a way that when this is understood, that was his subject, and was aware of his intention to do so. Herod, when he presented her with a roll of, very big, that it contained a procedure; but John did not want to stain his hands in batizador by tapping on the text. Now Herod was very, very reluctantly to leave the place of its incorporation. There lived at that time near the baths of Kallirrohe, just a couple of hours in the Baptistery. Herod, when he had left some of the delegates to the roll and to John, to read it, but to no avail, John returned to the place of the baptism of jesus. I have seen women who were with the king, they were dressed in luxury, but with the nature. Madeleine was the most fabulously decorated at the time.
It was now a party of three days, along with the Stone of the passage of the hebrews. The disciples of John, adorned with plants, wreaths and flowers. I saw among them Peter, and Andrew, Philip, James the Lesser, Simon, and Thaddeus, and of many of the future of the disciples of Jesus christ. The place is also sacred to the pious israelites; but, in this veneration was very, very down and John went back to renew it. I saw John and a few of his clothes, which seemed to be defeated. The Baptist had on a vest, the dark, the other is white, long; and he was girt with a yellow sash, wrapped with stripes of white, which decorated with tassels. Over the two shoulders, and carrying a large precious stones, which were recorded, six of the names of each and every side of the twelve tribes of Israel. On his chest he had a shield, square, black-and-white, attached to the four corners, with chains of gold. On the shield there were twelve stones engraved with the names of the twelve tribes. From his shoulder hung a banner as a stole wrapped in a yellow-and-white, which came in far below that, and which ended on the tassels. About put it on the outside at the bottom was sewn to the buds of the fruit in a silk, white, and yellow. My head was uncovered, but in the back and hung him with a sort of hood, who could barely stand on his head until his forehead, and came to an end at the end. In the face of the stone where the Ark of the Covenant there was an altar in the little, square, empty in the middle, and covered with a grill, bottom hole for the ashes, and on the four sides of the nozzle, hollow horns. John and several of his disciples were with a garment, that I could remember all that I have seen and the apostles, when they were celebrating the mysteries of the first-time.
They assist in the sacrifice. It was incensado, and John burnt the various herbs and plants, and I think that it's also grain-of-wheat-on-the-altar, which he was transported. They had met many who were waiting to be baptized. The priestly garments have been prepared in place of the baptism, because they are now living in a women, in the outskirts of the land, and they did it in all sorts of ornaments and utensils, for John. However, they were all baptized there. It seemed as if John would start a new church with a service of its own. No longer did you work as before, and with his own hands, and he wore to name a long, white robe. I have yet to prepare yourself in the place of the baptism of Jesus, as the disciples had brought on the need.
John said, to this day, a great sermon, very excited. He was, with his garments, the priesthood, the tabernacle, then after that, I had a gallery around it as I had seen in the tent, in the country of the Kings and the Magic. All around were lifted up, the stands where they would put us in the party, it was a countless multitude. He spoke of the Savior, who had sent him, and whom he had not yet seen him, and he spoke to the passage of the Jordan by the israelites. After that, on the inside of the tent, there was a re-offering of sweet incense, and burned herbs. In Maspha to Galilee, he had spread the news that John was going to give you a great sermon, and so it was that drew such a large crowd. The essenes were also present. To the majority of listeners wearing robes, a long and white. They came, both men and women, and women are often assembled in the ass, in the middle of the tutorial, with the doves and food, while the men's guide to animals. The men offer bread as a sacrifice, and the women, and the doves. He was behind a fence, and was receiving the loaves of bread were deposited on a table with a grill, purified with the flour, and then, huddled together, they were blessed by, John, and raised to the high bid. These products were then broken up into pieces and broken down: for they were coming from further away, played big parts because they are most in need. The meal was falling down and the pieces of bread released and were passed down through the grill and burned on the altar. The birds were distributed among the poor and needy. This went on for almost half a day. Throughout all of the party raged on, with the on Saturday, the three-day saints. Then I went back to look at John in the baptistery.

The very basis of the island, to the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River

The Baptist he spake to his disciples, about the close proximity of the baptism of the Messiah. He stated again and again that you haven't seen before, but he added: "I want to show you the place of the baptism of jesus. Behold, the waters of the Jordan shall be separated, and form an island. At that time, the waters of the Jordan was divided between the two, and a small, round Island, and off-white is built up on the surface. It was the same place where the children of Israel crossed the Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, and where Elijah and divided the waters with his mantle. There was a great commotion among the audience: they prayed, and gave thanks to God.... John and his disciples, they brought great stones, and put them in the water, and then, with the branches of trees and plants, it acomodaram is a bridge to the island, and covered it with the passage of small white stones.
When they've finished the job, the water is seen running Underneath the bridge. John and his disciples, grew twelve of the surrounding trees on the island, and unite their hearts, so as to form a roof with a leaf. Among these trees, they put in the fences of a number of plants which came into being many of the on the banks of the Jordan. They were leading-and white-colored, and the fruit is yellow, with a small crown, how to nisperos. The island, which had grown on the spot where the body had been deposited in the Ark of the Covenant, in its passage through the Jordan, and seemed to be in a rock, and on the bottom of the river, which is higher than that in the time of Joshua. In the water, on the contrary, it seemed to me to be deeper, so she won't be able to tell you if the water is pulled out, or the island rose up over the water, and when John appeared in the form of the Baptistry of the lord Jesus. On the left side of the bridge, not in the middle, on the edge of the island, and he made a pit, into which the clear water was flowing.
Led to this source, a short flight of stairs; on the surface of the water, there was a stone in the triangular, flat, color, red, to where he should be to Jesus for Baptism. In the right-hand side, a slim, palm-tree-with fruit, which was the embrace of Jesus christ. On the edge, this was a delicately crafted, and the whole presented the appearance beautiful.
When Joshua led the israelites to the Jordan, saw that the river was very much raised. The Ark of the Covenant was taken very far away from the people, for the Agency. Among the Twelve, who is the lead, and he was accompanied, were Joshua and Caleb and the other character whose name sounds like Enoi. Coming to the Jordan, and took the one on the front side of the Ark, which used to take two, and the other held up behind, and at the same time that the Ark touched the water, they calmed themselves, looking like jell-o, who went up on top of each other to form a wall or a mountain that could be seen in the city of Zarthan. The water that flowed into the Dead Sea, have been lost at sea, and it was possible to pass through on my feet at the bed of the Jordan. Thus, the israelites were distant from the Ark crossed the river. The Ark was carried by the levites to the interior, where he had a four square stones laid on a regular basis. They were the stones of the colour of blood, and on each side there are two rows of six stones, triangular, flat, and work. Twelve of the levites left him in the Ark of the Covenant of the four stones in the middle and began to twelve on each side about the other stones, due to that, they had the cone submerged in the water. The other twelve stones in a triangle, were placed at a distance: they were too thick, the colour, the recorded pictures and designs with flowers. Joshua has chosen you twelve men out of the twelve tribes to take over your naked back to these rocks, and in the distance, a series of two lines to the memory of the passage. Later, the population stood there. They were written on the stones and the names of the twelve apostles, and in them the names of those who made the stones. The stones of which were of the levites, were growing up, and when they crossed the river, and the stones are turned with the point up.
The stones, which had been out of the water and were no longer visible at the time of John the Baptist, I don't know if they have been destroyed by war, or they were simply covered with earth and rubble. John rose to his tent in the place of one of them. Later, there was a church there, and I think that in the time of St. Helena.

The place where the Ark of the Covenant, is exactly the same as that of the island, and to the font where he was baptized. When the israelites had the Ark, and set up the twelve stones in the Jordan, and came back to do the same as before. Water is the source of the baptism of Jesus is of such a depth that, to the edge-only if she could see of his chest when he was a man on the inside. The depth is somewhat staggered, and this font is octagonal-shaped, measuring about a foot and a half in diameter, and was surrounded by a ledge cut in five places, where some people were able to witness the act. The twelve stones in a triangle, on which were of the levites stood on either side of the baptismal font the Jesus and ends up out of the water. In the font of baptism, they were placed with those of four stones, square-faced, on which rested the Ark of the Covenant Beneath the surface of the water. These stones, they came to their ends out of the water, in the times of the downspouts. Very close to the edge of the fountain, there was a triangular stone in the shape of a pyramid, with the point facing down, which was a picture of Jesus when the Holy Spirit has come upon it. His right hand was a palm tree, close to the border, at which Jesus held with one hand, while his left hand was in the kingdom. The triangular stone on which Jesus was, it is not the age of twelve, it seems to me that John brought her to the edge. There was a mystery, because I saw that it was marked with the pictures of the flowers and stretch marks,'". On the other, the twelve stones that were of many colours, and painted with flowers and branches. They were larger than most of the walks on the earth, it seems to me that it was in the beginning with precious stones that Melchizedek and abraham planted since childhood, when Jordan was on top of them.
I have found that in many places it was this laid the foundations of the works that were soon to be a sacred place, or where you presented the facts of the notable, though, for a long time they stayed in the one with the most hidden among the bushes. I also believe that the twelve stones that John was at the party at the crest of the breast were bits and pieces of those twelve precious stones that were planted by the Melchizedek priesthood.

Herod once again with John

When John came back to the Baptistery has been seen again and again, a group of about twenty people at one time to ask him of his mission. They came to Jerusalem at that time. You waited on the spot where he had been a party, and for John, but it didn't move. The next day, I went to see them for half an hour in the place, where John was baptizing; But John did not let them in on the grounds of the tent, which was surrounded by. Then I saw that John, when he had finished his work, he spoke to them from a distance, he told them of the things that has always referring to the one that you just would come to his baptism, that it was too much for him, and those who had not seen it in person. Some of her questions, he doesn't respond.
Later, I saw that Herod, mounted on horseback, seated on a sort of seat-of-the crate, and the wife of his brother, with whom I lived, is also mounted on horseback, proud and daring, a young girl with a luxury and despudorada, which, if it came down to the place where John was baptizing. The woman stopped at a certain distance, as Herod, when he came down from his horse came up to John, and he began to speak to him. Herod litigava John, for he was cut off, and forbidding you to participate in baptism and salvation of the Messiah, if it does not even have a scandalous company. The king, the king gave him again the one written in defence of his conduct. Herod and asked him if he knew anything about a certain Jesus of Nazareth, who used to talk a lot in this country, and to whom, in the second he had heard, he had received a message; if that Jesus was to be Expected, given that she always spoke to him. It required her to tell him clearly, because he wanted to treat the subject of the Messiah. John answered and said to him, that is, Jesus had heard him, as he will not listen to his demands; that it was a man, and as such, would be handled; that, in one way or the other, it was always an act of adultery. When Herod asked him why he spoke to him in the distance, and it is not coming, he said to John, "thou art blind, and the act of adultery committed, you became even more blind in it, and the more you get closer to it, the more blind you become. When I am in the power of thine hand, and thou shalt make of me what you feel you have done." This was announced prophetically to his near death. Herod, and the woman came back very upset.
Now that the moment of Jesus ' baptism. I saw John, so sad.
It seemed that his time was going to end very soon, I don't viaejo so strongly in his work, and I saw him pursued by all sides. They came to Jericho to Jerusalem, from jerusalem to kick him out of the place of the baptism of jesus.
To his disciples, and occupied a part of quite a considerable amount of the surrounding area of the baptism, and so they asked John about to depart from thence, and passed it to the other side of the Jordan. The soldiers of Herod, when they came to break up to a certain point in the siege, seeing the people, however, did not bother with the tent, John, and between the twelve stones in place. John spoke in a very saddened with the spirits, or fallen, with his disciples, he wanted since they came to Jesus and to be baptized; and soon, as it would from his presence on the other side of the Jordan, and there remained a long time in his place. The disciples were very sad about the things he would say to them, and they didn't want him to leave it abandoned.

Jesus is baptized by John the baptist

When John was given a warning that he was coming closer, his new courage to be baptized. They came in groups of those whom Jesus called upon to come to the baptism, and among them, among the publicans, and I've seen Parmenas with his parents to Nazareth. John spoke to his disciples of the Messiah, and he has humbled himself before him, in such a way that those that were left heartbroken. They also John for those disciples to whom Jesus was rejected in Nazareth, I saw they talking about John, of Jesus and his works. John was full of love for Jesus and it almost seemed impatient that the Messiah is not to state more broadly. When John baptized him, and he had received the assurance that he was getting closer. He saw a cloud of light that surrounded Jesus, and for his own, and saw in a vision that, every time. From then on, she was extraordinarily happy, and anxious, and it was often up to the side of where it was. On the island, with the baptismal font was all green and no one's going to-it was John, when he had something to fix up the path that led to it was usually closed.
And Jesus walked, the more light that Says, and it came just two hours before it in the place of the baptism of jesus. It was dawn when the lord Jesus came at the same time. They do not know him, and walked to the side of him, but looked at him with surprise, because they saw it as something to be admired, that they could not explain it to himself.
There was a crowd of great people. John was preaching, and with the more enthusiasm of the proximity of the Messiah, and of the need to do penance.
He said that he soon would be. He was in the middle of the audience.
John felt his presence, came and looked on him, and he was more than happy and excited; but he so to speak, and then he began to call. He had already been baptized many, and it was about ten in the morning, when it was in the time of Jesus, it came down to the source. Then he leaned in front of him, and he said, "I ought to be baptized by you and do you come to me?... And Jesus answered and said to him, "permit it now, that if you do this, it must comply with all of the justice, which thou hast given me batizes, and I have to be baptized by you." Jesus said:"do you want to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the blood." Then he told her to follow him to the island. Jesus said that he would, adding that he wanted the land, that they were baptized with the others if they let it flow, to it, all of which should be soon to be baptized to be there, to be baptized, and that's the tree that he was going to hug it was transplanted to where they were baptized, to the other, and they all played it when they were baptized. The Savior was with John and his disciples, Andrew, and Saturninus over the Bridge to the island. Jesus went up on a small tent next to the fountain on the east side, to dress and undress themselves. And the disciples followed him to the island. Up on the bridge, there was a large crowd of people, and on the bank of the river and even more.
On the bridge, were able to stand up to the three men, and among them was Lazarus of bethany. The baptismal font was made of an excavation in stages, octagonal-shaped, and had a below the border in the same way, with five channels in which connected it with the waters of the Jordan. The water is filled to the supply by means of entries that are cut off at the edges. All three of the entries were visible in the Northern section, through which the water came, and the two exits were covered in the south part of the source, and there was on this side, I didn't see the water through the fountain. On the south side, went up a few stands of the green plant. The island itself wasn't flat, but it is a little bit higher in the middle, filled it with rocks and the soft pieces, all covered in lush vegetation. The nine disciples of Jesus christ, that, over the past years were with him drew near to the fountain and stood on the shore. He is in the tabernacle of his robe, and his band, and his clothes fleece yellow opens on the front and is closed with a ribbon, a strip of wool, narrow crossed over his chest, which is rising over your head at night, or in the open air, and he was in a robe of dark, which came out of the tent, and to go into the water, where, in his head, he took this piece of clothing. It was, in the water, only one lane of the half of the body to the feet. All of the garments have been received by Saturninus, who went on to Lazarus, who had been on the edge of the fountain. Jesus went down to the well, where it was recovered from the water up to his chest. With his left hand, grabbed hold of the palm-tree and put it right on the chest, while the white stripe floating on the water. He was on the south side of the fountain; he had in his hand a vessel of a wide border of what is left in the water for three slots. He bowed, and took the water to the vessel, and poured it on the three lines on the head of the Saviour. A line of water was dropped on the front of the head, and the face and the other in the middle of the head, and the third one in the back. I can't remember the words to John and said to baptize, but to have been more or less the following: "The Lord, the seraphim and cherubim, pour his blessing on Thee, and, with wisdom, knowledge, and power". I can't remember if these were the last three words. but they are the Three Graces, or gifts of the Spirit, the soul and the body, and there was one of everything that each one of you needed to present to the Lord is one spirit, one soul and one body, and renewed.
As Jesus came out of the water, the disciples, Saturninus, and Andrew, who were on the right hand of the Baptist, on the stone is triangular in shape, hold a cloth, and put them on it so that if you secassee, and a long robe and a white one.
When Jesus stood over the stone, the triangular, red to the right of the entrance of the fountain, put her hands on his shoulders, and John on the head.
Until then, we went to the baptized, just a cloth, a small, but after the baptism of Jesus and he took another, longer.

The voice of the Father after the baptism

When they were about to walk up the stairs to the exit of the source of the voice, the voice of God and Jesus standing just on the stone in prayer. She came in like a gust of wind, the sky and a clap of thunder, so that all the people present were frightened, and looked up at the clouds. There was a cloud of white light, and I saw a winged figure of Jesus, which was filled with a flood. Now I saw heaven opened, and behold the appearance of the heavenly Father, in the manner and in the face of the common, and I heard a voice that resonated: "this is my beloved son, in whom I am not complacent". It was a voice inside a clap of thunder. He was completely surrounded by the light, and the evil, if I could look at him, his face was clear. I've seen the angels all around him.
In the distance, over the waters of the Jordan, saw Satan in the form of dark, such as dark cloud, where it bounced into a mess of worms, and reptiles of all kinds, it was a representation of how all the bad, all bad, all the bad in the area was there, in their origin, and they fled from the presence of the Holy Spirit, who difundira in Jesus christ.
It was a wonderful and horrible, which contrasted completely with the clarity and the light that you spread around Jesus, and of the place of the baptism of jesus. The shining to the product; all was altered. Were four stones, which was on the Ark of the Covenant, shining with the glow of joy on the bottom of the fountain, and the twelve stones which were of the levites, appeared to the angels of prayer, the spirit of God has borne witness in the sight of all men, of what was supposed to be a living stone, a precious stone is chosen, the corner-stone of the Church. In this way we, as living stones, forming a sacrificial, spiritual, and one of the spiritual priesthood, to offer to God, sacrifice, acceptable to the altar, by means of Her divine Son, in whom it found its compliance.
After that, he went to the tent. Saturnino was brought to him of his garments, it Says, had been maintained in the custody, Jesus came to put them on. Already dressed, Jesus went out of the Tent, and in the midst of his disciples to him, he placed himself in the place of the island, on the side of a small tree in the center. Then he spoke with the spirit and joy of the people, and to bear witness to Jesus, saying, who is the Son of God, and the promised and expected Messiah.

To confirm his testimony, he said the prophecies of the patriarchs and the prophets, and found compliance with them, saying that he had seen and what they had all heard, now, adding that as soon as Jesus, to come back after an absence, and that he, John, would vanish on the spot. He also said that this place had been in the Ark, and Israel, received an inheritance in the promised land, and now there was the fulfillment of the covenant, of which he gave a testimony of God the Father, in the son of god. He called them to follow Jesus, calling out happily, the day of the fulfillment of the promise to Israel.
In the meantime, other people have, between them, the friends of Jesus ' Love, and Obed, and Joseph of Arimathea, John, Mark, and many others that I had seen in the crowd. John told Andrew that spoke Belonged to the baptism of Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus, in turn, gave the testimony of John, saying that he had spoken the truth; he added that he would leave for a while, but it soon came to Him all that were sick, and the afflicted, for he wanted to comfort them and help them to prepare but then life and good works.
He said that he was moving away for a while to enter into the kingdom of his father, he had entrusted to his care. Jesus put it like in the parable of the king's Son, and that prior to carrying out the will of his father, he wanted to retreat, beg and plead for Your help to get ready. There were those among the listeners, some of the pharisees also, who took this in the direction tour, saying, "maybe it's not the carpenter's Son, the way we think, but that's the bastard son of some king, and now you want to go down there, to join us and then come and take Jerusalem. It seemed to them, all this is very interesting and is insane.
As for John, and He has continued that day, naming those present on the island for the source of Jesus were, for the most of the few men that it was at that time the disciples of Jesus christ. They went into the water around the fountain, and John, the baptize of the border. Jesus, with his nine disciples and the others who join it, he departed thence at that time. They followed him into the Lazarus of bethany, sam and Saturninus.
They had filled up, by the command of Jesus, is a container filled with water, the baptism of Jesus, and carried him with it. In the present, and cast it at the feet of Jesus, beseeching him that he would tarry with them. Jesus promised to come back very soon, and walked away.

Jesus preaches in the synagogue and in the Light of

He went with his companions to a small space for a couple of hours from Jerusalem, and the name seemed to Bethel. There was one hospital with lots of patients. Jesus came and took some food with him. Many people came from, who they welcomed ceremoniously, as in a prophet, as it was already known that John said, to him. Jesus, through the beds of the sick, and comforted them and told them that I would come back again, and cure them if they believed in Him. He healed only a sick man who was in the third house: he was this sick, drunk a lot, he had head wounds and acne. Jesus and blessed him, and commanded him to get up. The man stood up pontamente, and he bent down in front of a Savior. Saturninus, and John gave a few people in there. Jesus told us to bring it in a large container of water, where he was able to hold a child, and be put on a pallet in the living room, he blessed the water, and like to spread out with something in it: I think it was the water brought from the fountain of the lord Jesus. The batizandos covered up to his chest, bowed to the source, and to Saturninus was baptizing them. He said the words that he had taught him, but we don't remember it very clearly.
Jesus is celebrated on the Saturday, and then sent Andrew to His.
And Jesus went into a city called the Light of it: and he went into the synagogue, where he made a long explanation by stating things that are hidden in the holy Scripture, which were the figures of the present day. I remember what I said by speaking to the children of Israel, after they had passed the Red Sea and they went in pilgrimage so much time in the wilderness because of their sin, and later crossed the Jordan and entered the promised land; and that the time had come when it was the reality of the baptism in the river Jordan. And then it was just a figure that now they were to be kept and to keep the commandments of God, and to enter into the promised land, the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God. They were in Jerusalem be freed from the yoke of the romans. He spoke of the Ark of the Covenant, and the severity of the old law, for a person who approached him in the Ark I was to death. Now, if you had all the time in the Law, and there came a time of Grace, which brings up the Son of Man be. He said that now was the time at which the angel took them First to the promised land, which he had so long lived, faithful to the commands of God, such as his captive. He also talked about the widow Judith, who cut off the heads of the drunken Holofernes, and delivered the oppressed Betúlia: now it would be to grow and thrive, that a Virgin, who had existed from all eternity, and the many, the proud Holofernes, which oprimiam Betúlia, they will fall out. Alluding to the Church, and their victory over all the princes of the proud not of this world. Jesus reminded many of the similar things that now would be the fulfillment. I never used to say:"I am that". He spoke always in the third person. I was referring to the standards to comply with the Law, so had to leave everything behind and don't have a lot of concern at the time, it was so much more important it is to be regenerated and born again of the floor in search of food; that is, on the other hand, if you were born again through water and the Holy Ghost, the same as he had done to be reborn to take care of your food, and dress. He said that those who wished to follow him, they were to leave, their relatives, and to abstain from women, as it was not a time to plant, but to reap. He also talked about the bread from heaven for you.
All his respect and admire, but that's all they knew from the way the material and the human body. Therefore departed there, and the friends of Jesus, and sent them off at the Jordan. The holy women, who were at Jerusalem, in the house of Course, they left for the desert.
Jesus and his disciples went to the Light to the south, and across the desert.
During the catnino, as Jesus and his disciples were passing between a row of palm trees, were reluctant to pick and eat the fruits that had fallen to the ground. And Jesus said unto them, eat them slowly and don't be too timid and careful; they cuidasseem of the cleansing of the soul, in their conversations, and actions, and not so much on the things that are for you to eat. On this trip, I saw Jesus, she visited ten or sick, in a few cottages scattered over some and he comforted them, and he healed them. Some of them were to follow later.

Jesus Ensemes

I saw Jesus come to a small town called Ensemes, where he went out to meet some of the people, as is expected from the new prophet. Many of the home, your children's hand-in-hand, to greet you with a sense of solemnity, and bowed at his feet in humility. Jesus is in the rose family, with loving-kindness. He was taken to his home by the people of a noble family. The officers took him to the school, they were well-meaning and if they were glad to have a prophet among them. But when they were told by the disciples, that he was the son of Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth, who began to call out to him, to it they seemed to be okay. They believed that he was a prophet, and when Jesus said of baptism, and they are asked to reason about the word of baptism was for the best, that of John's, or their own.
- Jesus to them again, that the Baptist was said to be baptized, and baptism of the Messiah, and he said that the one who despised the baptism of John, he despised the Messiah. However, he would never say, "I am," but he spoke in the third person, or, as it says in the Gospel:"for The Son of man." In the house where he stayed, and took his food, and he prayed with his disciples before going to the rest. The Ensemes set out with his companions, by the stream Kidron, to the Jews. It almost always goes for the paths of the few popular, and across the valleys, and which they had travelled, Mary and Joseph when they went to Bethlehem. Now, there was a lot of mist in the country, and it was very cold: I saw you sometimes snow, dew, and frost in the valleys, but on the part where the sun would go against everything he was presented with a green and beautiful. Still hung up fruits from the trees. Along the way, we saw Jesus and his disciples to eat of the fruit.
Avoid to enter in the big cities, because the whole party, I ran the reputation of the things that spoke at his baptism, and of the testimony of John. Also, in Jerusalem, via an alert for this situation. Jesus wanted to show just after his return from the desert to the Galilee, and, if I had been by now in these places, it was for the sake of love and those who are ill to lead others to baptism. Don't always put all of his followers, at times, I just saw the two of them with him, the other stretched out along the streets through which they passed, and retificavam the one who claimed to be Jesus christ. In general, they were excited to John, and they believed that Jesus was only a co-driver of the Baptist; and, as his assistant. The disciples and told them, the apparition of the Holy Spirit, and the voice which they heard from the Father, and repeated what John says of himself that he was not only the forerunner and preparer of the way and this is why it was so hard and hard as the one who had your way. For this reason, the shepherds and weavers of the valleys, they came to the times in Jesus, they had heard of Jesus and under the trees or in the warehouse, and would bend down to her feet, As Jesus blessed him, and charged as well. As they walked, Jesus explained to his disciples the words that you have heard of Him, "This is My beloved Son", dizessem also to all of those who were without sin, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In this region, it was the same as that which Joseph and Mary walked in when they were in the River. Joseph knew about these places because of his father's fields and pastures. Joseph had been away for about a day and a half from Jerusalem to avoid the big cities and the small steps that I preferred to go to these places, where are the huts of the shepherds were no longer together. Too much was for Mary to be in the saddle a long time, but also walk the walk. The main population and that Jesus is now coming in was made up of the two houses of the shepherds, to whom Joseph and Mary had come before it. He stopped first at the house where the Virgin mary had been ill-received. The owner of the house was an old, rough. Now, you also do not want to receive Jesus christ. He had the air of some of our farmers today, who seem to be saying, "that doesn't matter to me in all of this? I have paid for the rights, and I'm going to Church." Other than that, you live once as they want to. So you say to those people: one that had to do with it? They had the law of Moses were accomplished, it was because of God and you don't need any more. And Jesus said unto them for the hospitality and the charity of the others, that the old patriarch had been exercised. And where, in fact, it would be a blessing, and that's the Law, Abraham had not received the angel who brought it?... Then, they exposed them to this parable: those who reject a parent who brings the child in your heart, tired, and beat at the door, and he mocks the man, who kindly asks you for hosting this and rejects also the salvation of the Child will bring. Jesus said it so clearly that it seemed to be a lightning bolt, which would go against the heart of man is hard. This is the house where Joseph and Mary had been laid off screen. "I recognized very well in the house. For the old, it had a great confusion, for which Jesus ' name, Joseph, and Mary, and gave it to them, understand what they had done to the Holy Family. Then one of them threw himself at Jesus ' feet, and begged him that he hosts with them, for surely, he said, is a prophet who knows everything that has happened here thirty years ago. Jesus took the food in his house, like the man he wanted, and he said, " teaching to the bishops assembled that a lot of the things that they do are the preparation of the seed of the other, which shall be made, and that repentance and penance to destroy the roots of evil the senses, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, who gave birth to a man and to bring the fruits of eternal life.
From thence he went out walking the other dales, as he taught in different places. Some of the demon screamed in his way, but it's calavam when he reached her. Jesus made his way to the house of the shepherds, and on a height, where it has also been the Holy Family on its way to the River. The owner had a large number of the beast. In the course of the valley and there were shepherds living and the makers of the tent. Had to put the big canvas as the tent and ran to the open air of the agreement. There were the cattle, and wild animals; the birds were in a large group, such as the chicken, all around the house, as well as other birds of great long tail. In the field, they saw a lot of bucks with smaller antlers-they were home and mixed up with the livestock. There, Jesus was received in a very friendly manner. The people of the house, the neighbors and the kids, and went out to meet him, and knelt down in front of him. There were quite a few young people in the house, and the children of the elderly man, who was still alive and that it was hosted in Joseph and Mary; he was of small stature, inclined, and he walked with a cane. He took some of the food, fruits and vegetables, which if you molhavam in the sauce, and ate it in small loaves of bread over the fire. They were very pious and well-educated.
They led Jesus away to the same chamber where they were staying, Mary, who had been converted to a sacred place of prayer. Was the only one division of the house, but he had been in a secluded, making him one way; they swallowed up the four corners of the house, forming an octagon, and the roof had collapsed into a truncated cone. Hung from a lamp in the middle of the ceiling, there was a gap that couldn't be opened at will. In the face of the lamp, there was a table and narrow, similar to the one on the bench in communion with us, where they could pray, and supported by the bank. Everything was clean and well-maintained, as in a building. The old man took Jesus, and he showed him the place where his mother had had a good rest, and Where his grandmother Anne had been on its way to Bethlehem, and when you come to visit Mary, the mother of jesus. These people knew nothing of the birth of Jesus, the adoration of the Magi, from the prophecy of Simeon and Anna in the temple, the flight into Egypt, and the teachings of Jesus in the temple. Some of these days, all played with a prayer in the place of believing, hoping and loving and faithful. They asked me to Jesus, with a simple: "How is it? In Jerusalem, among the erandes, it is said that the Messiah will be a king of the jews, who will have the greatness of the kingdom, and he shall deliver them from the yoke of the romans. It will be just like they say it is?" Jesus said it all in a parable of a king who sends his son to take the throne and re-establish themselves and get rid of their brethren to the yoke, but that they did not recognize the child sent to you, to persecute you ask and entreat them evil... but also that he would be lifted up, so that would appeal to everyone in the kingdom of heaven, of your father, and keep his commandments. It was a lot of people, with Jesus in the place of prayer, and that he taught them, and he cured a few sick people. The pastor took Jesus to the house of a neighbour, who, for many years I was in bed, sick of the gout. He took her by the hand, and bade him that he should aarise. She immediately did so, he leaned in and followed him to the door. He walked bent, as the mother-in-law of Peter. Jesus was made to carry the logo of a deep valley, where there were many sick: he healed some of them and comforted them all. On the heals were only ten of them.
John also was baptizing, and everybody was going out to him. The tree of Jesus was played during their baptism, has been extended to the middle of the large fountain, and it was green and beautiful. This font was steps from the river, and of several plant rows of the land which went up to the lake. The people they passed one after the other; They went in and out through the opposite is true.
The time when Jesus left to the house of the pastor, who was about five hours from Bethlehem, and he was accompanied on some of the men, and the relatives of those pastors who had visited Jesus in the manger. Why were you so nice to him.' The Saviour and his disciples as they walked through the many hidden corners, and gathered here and there, groups of pastors and lay workers, who have been taught with parables and comparisons with their own offices. He urged them to reach out to John's baptism of jesus, and to do penance, and that he spake to them of the approach of the Messiah, and the redemption. On the slope of a hill, in a very good place in the way of Jesus and, I have seen people who are working in a job in the field, in the vineyards and in the fields. I saw to take wheat, a plough and sow, as of that region was very fertile, while in the other, I saw frost and snow in the valleys. The corn was in the beam, but it was cut out beneath the ear for a half a foot, and the bundles were tied in such a way that both sides went out of their ears. They tied they were in the stacks together. The peasants, did not bring these tied to their homes, such as in the time of the harvest is finished: they were there, forming a small mountain, and now it was the time of the rains, they were covered with hay, while they were preparing for the new field. The grain was cut with a curved blade, to the hay pile and emparvado later.
When they took him in, and they did it in the shopping carts that were pulled by four men. The hay was put in chains and wrapped in a package, maybe not to burn it. In other places, they aravam, with brazilian studs, always ready, without the wheels, and of the men and throw him to the outside. The plow, which I saw was like a sledge with three gaps, cutting, increased weight; and between them was off the yoke; it was not often follow, and he was pulled in by the people or by the ass. Aravam on the sides and in the center. His whereabouts were a triangle, with the wide end on the front, and marched very well. Where the ground was rocky, and they aravam a little bit, and he grew up there as well. The sowers had a bag of seeds in front of you and behind you, at times, in the neck with the two ends of it, hanging on his chest. I've seen them, to sow, and garlic is a plant with large leaves, which I think is what they called it, of durra. And the disciples were meeting for these employees in the ways, And Jesus spoke in parables, and about plowing, sowing, and reaping. He said to his disciples, that they should sow by means of baptism, and he set a few among them, Saturnine, that baptism in the river Jordan for quite some time. I told them that it is the seed, and then reap the harvest of them within a couple of months, as a people, they were sown there. He spoke of the straw, which would have meant in the past. While Jesus was teaching, there was a multitude of the workers of Sichar; they had shovels, axes and long sticks; they seemed to slaves who worked in the building and were now on their homes. They were very impressed, not daring to join the jews, and we have heard from a distance. Jesus called out to them, saying, that his Father in heaven was through him, and in speaking of the equality of all before God, who did penance to have been and to be baptized, and these poor men, they were so moved at seeing the gentleness and kindness of Jesus, they begged him on his knees go away with them to Samaria, to help them out. And Jesus answered and said unto them, would that now I had to pull away to get ready to go to the kingdom to be with his heavenly Father had commanded him. The shepherds led them by the other way, that his Mother had passed. How did Jesus know this path the best of them, and they said to him, "Lord, if Thou art a prophet, and a very good child, and how well do you know the steps of Thy Holy Mother, and you'll be going through". Once you have taught them, and embraced them, and Jesus spoke to the people of Bethabara. It was late afternoon when he came to his disciples, and in the open air, and climbed up into a platform for the school which was under the shade of the trees. Joined by many listeners, and it showed feelings on him.

Jesus is in the Valley of the shepherds of Bethlehem

Jesus, accompanied by many of the audience, he went to the Valley of the shepherds, and nearly three-and-a-half on the way to this place. When I saw him, with his disciples, under one roof, where they ate berries in color and grain that had been collected. The disciples were scattered in different directions as well as Jesus pointed out to us the place where you would meet up with him. For the disciples and exhorted the people to be baptized, and they were talking about Jesus, some of the men went with them to the place designated by him. Jesus was walking by the roads and shortcuts. I've seen it too many times, spending hours a day in prayer over the hills alone; and so it was time for their journeys. I've heard that the disciples were saying to Jesus, who do not arruinasse your health, your life's so hard, with her to walk on barefoot, and with fasting, and vigilias the night, in the cold and the time after work. We are listened to with kindness,but she continued her life of hardship and suffering as possible. At daybreak, I saw Jesus and his disciples, to climb up the side of a mountain, in the Valley of peace. The local population has already had the news that jesus is coming. All of them were baptized by John, and some of them were taken as the views and the prevention of the coming of Jesus, and watched over are always where he was supposed to arrive in el Salvador.
You saw it in the bright, light-filled, come down from the mountain to the valley floor.
Many of these people were extraordinary. Blew a horn, calling the attention of those who lived far away, so that they should gather themselves together. They had this habit at all times, as well. All of them came to the meeting of the Lord, and, throwing himself in his way, advancing humbly, your neck, as a sign of submission, and, while they held in their hands with their long rods-of-voice. Dressed in doublets, short fur of the sheep, and a few are open at the chest, came to them, up to his knees. On the shoulders of the they had bags of natural light in him. Greeting them to the Saviour, with the words of the Psalm, which is related to the first coming of the Messiah, and to give thanks to Israel for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Jesus, she was very kind to them and spoke to them in their happy state. He taught in one or another of the cabins were along the Valley of the shepherds, for their teachings, they were accompanied by a comparison of the shepherd, and the sheep.
Then, accompanied by them, he went to the tower of the shepherds in Bethlehem, is built in the middle of the Valley, on a high, with a base of rocks off. It was made for a window sill, a fairly high risers, and he was strengthened, with the trees and the leaves, over the long-term. Hung up the mats in it, and I had stepped outside to go up to the galleries, and had a small watchtowers of the comment. From a distance it had the appearance of a tall ship with sails extended on, and kept his resemblance to the towers, which I have seen, in the country of the wise men (Magi) are used to observe the stars. From that tower, they saw the whole region was in Jerusalem and also to the mountain of the temptation of Jesus christ. The shepherds looked at the tower in the path, and the cattle, and watched as the possible bursts of thieves and robbers, because there were a warning to the people of the Valley. On the other shepherds were living with their families on a circuit different from the one the way to the tower; they had in their fields, gardens, and vegetable gardens. In the place of the tower, it was the one of the general meeting; they had right there in the warehouse of his tools, and went to get the food. Over the hill and there were huts and houses, and there was a house or a barn a very large, which was occupied by the women, who were preparing the food for the year.
These women did not go with them to meet Jesus, and later received a visit from Jesus and his teachings. There were some twenty shepherds, to whom Jesus spoke of his blissful state, and I told them that I was visiting, because they had tried to visit him in his cradle in the manger, and had been in love for him and his parents. And he said unto them in parables of the shepherd, and the sheep, saying that he was a shepherd, who was the other shepherds, who were supposed to gather the sheep, and take care of them, and healed them, and guide them to the end of the world.
Of the shepherds, for their time, telling things to the advertisement of the Angels, Mary, and Joseph, and the newborn Child. They, too, had seen the star, the manger, the image of a young Boy. They narrated about the Magi, and how they are in their country they had seen in the tower, the star, and have been to many of the gifts they left for the kings, at his coming, which they had employed a lot of which was received by them right here at the tower, in the cottages and in the home. He had the men of old, who had been involved in all these events, when they were Young, and they had come to the manger in Bethlehem, these were the things they had just witnessed.
Jesus and his disciples were driven out by the shepherds near Bethlehem, to the house of the children of three of the pastors, elders, who have died, to whom the angel appeared to the first, and that they were to worship the child of a newborn baby. The tombs of these two were not far away from their homes, and about an hour on the way to the foot of the grotto of the nativity. Three of these children, already of age, that you lived there, and they were highly respected. In this family, it was like the guardian of the other, as it were, the Three Kings, the Magi among the people. Come to know Jesus in a very humble and they took him to the sepulchre of their fathers, in the morrinho where it was growing on the vine, was isolated, and at the bottom where you could walk in the underground, and above it was the burial place of the old men, which received the light from an opening in the top. All three of the graves were on the ground in these positions, and they had the doors. The shepherds had opened the door, and I saw the dead bodies wrapped up and the faces of these dried and blackened. The space in between the the three of the graves were filled in with small stones, well-laid out. The inside of the tombs was the rest of the staves of a pastor. The pastors have shown him the treasure that had stored there, and consists of items of value given by the wise men, which they had lost. Was this a common treasury on the set of the gold, and the genres that are interlaced with gold. They asked Jesus if they should take him to the temple and Jesus said to them, " watch him for the church, and that it would be in the house, adding that a church be built on that grave. This was done by St. Helena. On the hill, it was the beginning of a series of hills with vineyards, which went as far as Gaza, and was an unmarked grave, the pastors of the place. Thence led him to the shepherds, to the place of his birth in the manger of your nativity scene, about an hour's journey, through a beautiful valley where they were at in three ways between the trees. On the way out, told to the shepherds on the scene, the Gloria In excelsis. This time, I saw that many of the scenes will change. The angels also appeared in three parts: the first, to the three shepherds, in the night, in the tower of the shepherds, then, in the pit, the place where he was met by the lord. On the side of the tower, the pastors appear in a greater number of the angels, beautiful, and a great person with no wing. The shepherds have led Jesus to the island, Maraha, for the love of Abraham, and together with the great oak.

The grotto of the manger, a place of prayer and pilgrimage, to the shepherds

On the way to the grotto of the nativity remained by the side of the Middle of the day, so it won't be easy to reach the city of Bethlehem, for there was not a path that is straight. In the city, you could hardly see it from this side, it was as if separated by thick walls in the ruins and rubble, and there was a deep depression between them, and to the Valley of peace. The entrance closest to the town was located on the port side of the middle is to bring the world of comfort. At this point, if you had to walk to the far East, in and around the city, and if you wanted to come to the Region of the cave, close to the Valley of the shepherds, and all of which, without touching it, in Bethlehem, was in the area. The grotto of the nativity, such as the caves adjacent to each other, they belong to the shepherds, and from the beginning they used to shelter for animals, and for all its utensils of husbandry, and none of Bethlehem was in place, property, or the rights of a traffic or roads. John, who had been at his parents ' house in the south, I had dealt with many times as a child with these little children, for hiding the evil deeds of his brethren, or to give themselves more easily to god.
When your shepherds were in the cave, and Jesus, he was greatly changed. They had turned the place into a place of prayer and devotion to the task, no one was to enter, and for this reason had made the round of the crib, lay siege to the grid, and the cave was enlarged. From the entrance, had made a number of rooms on the inside, on the rock, just like the cells, while the church.
Hung from the walls of some of the spreads of the Magi, and the ground was carpet of the same origin; they were from the range of colours and adornments, especially the illustrations of the pyramids and towers. On the basis of these passages in the sides of the cave, and they had two staircases that led to the roof, from where you have removed the cover, with two windows, turning it into a dome that would let the light into the room. One of those stairs, and they were able to climb up the mountain and follow it to Bethlehem. With these changes, and the tea was made with the gift that the wise men. they leave on their journey through the region.
It was the beginning of the celebration of the sabbath, when they were Jesus christ. Light up all the bulbs that were in the cave. The nativity scene has been preserved as it was before. Jesus pointed out that they didn't know: the exact place where he was born. Was there even a conversation, teaching them, and kept the sabbath day holy. And he said to them, " that your Father in heaven had chosen from all eternity, in this place, Mary give birth to him, and I was aware of many things preanunciantes of the Old Testament, relating to this site.
Abraham and Jacob were in the same place, and to Set up The promised child in place of Abel, was born in a cave of god, and that he had done in the seven years of penance. From there, the angel appeared to the woman and announcing to him that it would be given to the Set of Abel. The Set has been here for a long time, hidden away by the jealousy of her, and it was kept in a cave for the love of Milk, Maraha, and fed for a very long time, because of their brethren, in the process, such as the sons of the righteous Joseph. The pastors also took him to another cave in which Mary had been hidden for quite some time because of the fear of the soldiers of Herod. The source from which it had emerged at the birth of Christ, had it repaired and use of the waters of the disease. And Jesus said unto them, take water with you. After that, I have to visit each and every one of the cottages of shepherds.
I've seen Saturnino baptized several of the older men who could not afford to go to the baptism of John. I saw that the water of the fountain of the baptism of Jesus, on the Island of the Jordan, and, mixing with the water from the grotto of the manger. The baptism of John, there is a general confession of his sins. The new name of Jesus and confess the sins in a particular arrependiam, and they would receive a pardon. The old men would bend down and getting in the water of baptism, naked to the middle of body. Leaning her head on a large vessel where the hands are in the water. In this baptism, using the words of John; for I have heard the name of the lord, and the gift of the Three Graces, but it was added to the name of the Messiah.

Jesus is to visit places where the rest of the Holy Family on their flight Into Egypt

Jesus spent his nights in prayer and solitude. When he was preparing to say good-bye to the shepherds and said unto his disciples, how that he wanted to pay a visit to the people they had sheltered and taken care of Mary and Joseph as they fled to Egypt, and they had a cure of some sick person, and to convert a sinner. He said that any of their parents would be left without a blessed, and visit. To all of those who then helped first responders and shown love, and he wanted to visit them and to bring them to salvation. All of the demonstration of love was a part of the work of redemption, and would be for eternity.
He added that, as soon as he was now visiting, and he thanked those who had been shown the love and tenderness, with Mary and Joseph, as well as his heavenly Father's will in all that you are to the benefit of the one of the smallest of his brothers and sisters. He gave his disciples came to find themselves in a place close to the mountains of Ephraim, where he would meet them after their journey.
I saw Jesus walking on alone through the wilds of the territory of Herod, in the direction of the wilderness of the Arrow, and in the Enganim, a few hours ' drive from the Dead Sea, passing through a region of both the wild-but not zero-sum or sterile. There were many camels, and I told them about thirty and was in the barn.
There was a shelter for travelers crossing the desert, where he was going. On the way I saw the sheds, and cabins, one next to the other.
This place was the last place of the accommodation on the territory of Herod, which is used for the Holy Family on their flight Into Egypt, and even if we barely to live, and even there were robbers among them they were given the well-the Sagrada Familia.
In the next city, I lived with a lot of people from the Damage that had been taken there after the war.
Jesus is asked to stay in a house whose owner is named for Reuben, a man of about fifty years, and that on their return to Egypt, he had been there. When jesus spoke to him and he looked at it, it was as if a lightning bolt entered his chest. The Word of Jesus, it's like a blessing and greeting, like a lifeline.
The man said, "Lord, it seems to me that it comes from you my house, such as the promised land. And Jesus said unto him, who believed in the fulfillment of the coming of the Messiah, and do not reject your reality, and it would be a participant in the promised land.
She spoke to you of the good deeds and their consequences. He added that he came to her house to bring her to the health clinic, which had been his mother's and his father's life in the same house, the thirty-year-to-back, on their flight To Egypt.
Like every good book is always a reward in the same way with the evil, lead to poor consequences. The man threw himself at the feet of Jesus, in humility, saying, "Lord, how can it be that thou shalt come to my house, if I be a man, lost and miserable?..."And Jesus said to him, who had come to take away our sins, and to cleanse mankind. The other one was still talking to her misery, the moral, and the place was more or less of a class. He added that even his grandchildren, they were patient and made in a miserable state. And Jesus answered and said unto him, if I believed on him, and if you leave it baptized, it would also be the salvation of your children. The man to his feet, and gave him what I had to eat. When his neighbors came to him, and he said to them, " who Jesus is and what he has promised. There was one among them, a relative called Yet. Then she took Jesus to see his grandchildren, one of which was a leper, and the other one poor, and ill-formed. He also met with a few women who are sick. He ordered it to be built upon, and when they did they found themselves healthy. Ordered to prepare for a bath, have brought a bowl of water and put it on the under one roof. He took the water in a vessel, of which there were two, attached to the belt of his robe, and he poured a little of the water from the river Jordan into the large bowl, and blessed it, o men, if them there, and went out at the sound, and cleaned their illness, and they gave thanks unto the Lord. Jesus did not baptize this wash-it was like a baptism of the need for, and called on them to be baptized in the river Jordan. When asked if the waters of the Jordan, and had, by virtue of curing all disease, he answered them and said, "the way of the mass is measured, and fed, and all the holy places of this land, they are the predestined, the one before that there were men before they were on the land, and the land of my Father".
He wrote something really amazing about all of this. The women spoke of the marriage, he called them by the Dutch, and the purity of morals. He told them that the distress of the people of the region, and of the diseases of children, was a consequence of the poor countries. He spoke of the guilt and responsibility of the parents to the troubles and the evils of his sons, and he said that they blame for these evils are to be avoided and addressed with penance. He spoke of the rebirth of man by means of the baptism of penance. After he talked with you all about what her parents had done to the Holy Family when they walked by, and taught us where you were staying, and power. They had fled to Egypt on a donkey, and a donkey. Jesus told them these things as a sign of its actual passage from sin to salvation.
The people have prepared a dinner for Jesus in the best way possible. I saw that they had a milk is thick, such as cheese, honey, and small loaves of bread, and of birds, and grapes.
Accompanied by some of the inhabitants of that place, Jesus went out of the Arrow in a different direction, and it came in the night to a place on a mountain where he lay in a valley, the rugged, with many of the canyons. On the spot, and the mountains were called Ephraim, or of Efron. The mountain was on the road to Jerusalem. He was coming out of the region of Hebron.
A little out of the way, exposing a population to the environment in the ruins, a tower, called something like Malaga. (Maybe it is and Moladah; Josephus ' accounts of the call of Malatha). All around the place, and about an hour of walking, I was in the woods Mambré, where are the angels, they brought him to Abraham in the promise of a son, Isaac.
Close to it, there they were in the cave which Abraham bought Efron Hetita, where he had been to his grave, and the place where it took place, the battle of David against the giant, Goliath. Jesus, the one who had left his companions, as you can see from the side, where it was founded in the city, on the side on which the city was built, and in the valley, the wild, the disciples, to whom he had known as they are. He took them to a cave in the wild, but it was wide, where they spent the night. It was the sixth stop of the Holy Family on their flight into Egypt. Jesus was saying these things to his disciples, as they esfregavam a hard wood against each other, and take a spark to the fire. He told them that the place was holy; that they had many of the times, a prophet, and prayed, saying, I think the map. David kept his father's sheep, and he prayed in the cave, and it had been there, sent an angel, and as he was praying, it came to him in order to kill the giant Goliath.
The Holy Family arrived, exhausted, and overwhelmed, and that Mary was so sad that he had cried. With all manner of hardships, because they were fleeing for ways to rugged, avoiding the cities, towns and places of the paths to the public. There, they spent the entire day resting from their labors. They happened to ali, some of the wonders to be done for your comfort: jumped in the water from a rock from a cave, and a goat, the wild came by allowing herself to express. Jesus said to his disciples, of the many difficulties that awaited them, and all those who followed him, and of the sufferings which his mother taught, and of the goodness and the mercy of your Father in heaven. It was announced to them, that one day we will rise there's a church, and he's the consagrasse. They were the fruit, and the little loaves of bread that the disciples had been brought up, and ate it up.

Jesus is going to Maspha, to the house of a relative of saint Joseph

As Jesus and his disciples left the cave, they moved in the direction of Bethlehem, and entered into some of the houses on the other side of Ephron, and in a b & b and they took the food, and rest, and wash your feet. The people were great, and they were curious. Jesus taught about the path of penance, for the coming of salvation, and the follow-up. They say unto him, by what his Mother had done on the way from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and have it last as well, at his home. And Jesus said unto them of the promise, that he should be born in poverty, in Bethlehem, and in between are the shepherds, as the Shepherd that he was, and that was to gather the sheep, so he walked now, he's even in these regions of the shepherds, from that of his father, who had given the testimony of the person. From there, he went to the heart of Bethlehem, just a few hours away, has shortened the route to the Valley of the shepherds, and he passed to the West of Bethlehem, and leaving it to the noble house of Joseph, on the right-hand side. Dusk has arrived in the small town of Maspha, just a couple of hours of Bethlehem, which is seen in the far distance. In the streets, burned with torches placed on the inside of the containers of iron. He had the walls and towers, and the various ways to pierce.
This is the city I had for a long time been a place of prayer. Jude Maccabean period had been speaking at length here before the battle, showing the presence of God, and the decree to be offensive to the enemy, despised the power of god, reminiscent of the God of His promises of protection. There have also been put on the garments for the priests, before the people. In the wake of the prayer, the five-angels appeared in front of the city, which you have promised to complete victory over their enemies. Here we gathered Israel against the tribe of Benjamin, for the punishment for the outrage, and to the death of the wife of a levite of the journey. This evil has happened to him under a tree. The place was surrounded, and no one dared to come close to it. And Samuel judged in Maspha, and here she was in the convent, that of the essenes, which was Manahem, who had predicted the reign of Herod when he was a child. A essênio so-called Charioth had been built. He had lived for approximately one hundred years before Christ; that he was a married man, in the region of Jericho, one; but that they had separated by mutual agreement, and the both of them they have built some of the communities of the essenes, he's the one for men, and she's into women. Not that far from Bethlehem was built up another monastery, where he died. He was a holy man, and the death of Jesus, and was one of the first who rose from the dead and appeared in Jerusalem at that time.
In Maspha there are a number of lodges, and the people you knew when you came in with a stranger. As soon as Jesus made his way to the inn, and the people gathered around him. He was taken to the synagogue, where he explained the Law. There were spies, who were seeking to put him in his words: "I had heard that he wanted to take it also to the gentiles in the kingdom of God, and of salvation, and that he had spoken to this effect to the address of the wise men, the shepherds of Bethlehem. Jesus spoke harshly, saying that the time of our salvation had come to him, that is, the time of the promise was to be fulfilled, it all renascessem by baptism, and believed in Him, and that he was sent by his Father, and guardassemm his commandments, they would be partakers of the kingdom of God, and that they should be heirs of that kingdom. He added that, if the jews do not believe in the promise of salvation would go to the gentiles who turn away from them. I can't play it all that he said. He added that he knew that you were spying on their words, that they were in Jerusalem, and say, there, that they had been told. He also talked about Judas ' Maccabean period, and that of the other facts that have occurred up there. They wanted to talk about the greatness of the temple of Jerusalem, and the pre-eminence of the jews in the rest of the people. And Jesus said to them, " what is the purpose of the has been chosen as the object of the temple, and had been since the end of its reason for being, as he is the one who is the heavenly Father, send now he had come to found the second of the prophets in the kingdom, and of the temple of His Father in heaven.
After this teaching, Jesus had to Maspha, and withdrew to the east, and a time-of-way. Became the first by a row of houses, and has entered into it, was a relative of Joseph. A step-son from the father of Joseph, by means of a widow, and she had to be established, and he and his descendants lived there. They had no children; they had been in John's baptism of jesus and come to know Jesus with a humble heart. Other neighbors came over. Jesus was teaching, and he took some of the food. After the meal is over, and he walked with the two of them alone, and they were the names of Aminadab, and Manases. They asked him if he knew of the circumstances in which they found themselves, and if that were to follow it up right away. And Jesus answered and said unto them, it is not; it is now contentassem to be the disciples of the hidden.
They bowed, and he has blessed you with. For these men, even before the death of Jesus, his disciples, shows. Jesus spent the night with them.
Jesus went with his disciples, a few hours later to the place where he was one of the last lodge of Mary, of Bethlehem, which was about four hours. Did you meet some of the men knelt down at his feet and asked him to go to their own homes. They received him with great joy. These people have often been the site of the baptism of jesus, and they knew what had happened at the baptism of Jesus. Prepare him a meal, a warm bath or shower, and a place to rest, in very well-placed. Jesus was teaching there. He was still the woman of thirty years ago, I had just received and served by Mary, and Joseph. He lived in the house on my own, and their children, and to the side, he was sent to the feed. When Jesus washed, he went to where she was, the woman, the blind, and for several years to a standstill, and bowed. Jesus said to him, mercy, and hospitality of the works are imperfect and self-love, and self-centeredness, and it appeared to him that the state is miserable from now on, it was a punishment for all of these faults. The woman turned out to be extremely compungida, and confessed their sins. Jesus healed him of his illness. Jesus told him to go lie down in the water, which he'd used to wash them. To the extent that he received his sight, and if he lifted his sound. Jesus told us not to publish it. People have asked again and again, very naively, one who was older, or John. And he answered, "the One of whom John bore witness". Also talked about the strength and the zeal of John, and is considered a beautiful, and powerful, the face of Jesus christ. And Jesus said unto them, that at the end of four and a half years and don't find it beautiful at all and not to recognize: this is the way they would do to the men of her body. He spoke of the strength and zeal of John as the one who knocks on the door of someone's life, and does not serve for the coming of the Lord to prepare the way across the desert to the king it can go, and how the stream that runs to take out the trash in the bed of a river.

"Behold, the Lamb of God."

In the morning, at the dawn of the day, Jesus walked on to the river Jordan, that it could be starts from thence, or three, or more times, with his disciples and a group of people who had gathered with him. Jordan meandered in a large valley that went on for half an hour on the way to the sides. The Stone in the Ark of the covenant, that was there in the enclosed space, where they held a party, as described, was, perhaps, an hour away from the place of the baptism of jesus, going up to Jerusalem. The Cabin of the Baptist's, between the twelve stones that were in the direction of Bethabara, a little to the North of the Rock of the boat.
The twelve stones that they were half an hour away from the site of the baptism in the direction of the Gilgal, located to the West of the height from which it was starting a new decline. A beautiful sight, and it extended from the source of John, unto that same slopes on both sides, which was very fertile and green. A band of green is truly beautiful, full of fruit and richness, and bordeava of the sea of Galilee; and there were, like, in Bethlehem, in most fields, garlic, cucumbers, plant-durra, and the fields, Jesus was already on the Stone, the Ark, and it was about a quarter of an hour from the hut, to the John where he was standing, and teaching. I spent at that time by a narrow opening, through which one could see from his distance. He could see John for a couple of minutes.
John was impressed by the Holy Spirit, and pointed out to him that it was him, and he cried out,"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Jesus came, surrounded by his disciples, the ones at the front, the other behind. Those of you that have been added recently, they were for the last one. The scene is early in the morning. Many flocked to Jesus when he heard John cry out; But he had already gone by, and they cried out, they were alive, and the glorified, and the power to achieve it. When these people came back, and said to John that many follow Jesus that they had heard of the disciples of Jesus christ were baptized: and the meaning of it. John turned and said to them that he would soon leave this place, for Jesus, and it went on to say that it was not only his predecessor, and his servant.
It was not a lot to them that you were a bit jealous of those of Jesus christ. Jesus and twisted its way to the north-west, has left the Team to the right, and then went on to Gilgal, which was about a two hour drive of the Team. It was in some of those places, where the children went out to meet him, singing his praises, and went out of the houses, where they were taking them to their parents.

Jesus is in Gilgal: and

Gilgal was the whole of the region is high up on the valley of the Jordan, which is surrounded by a stream that flowed into the river, in a span of five hours on the road. The city, however, in the which Jesus christ has come in the afternoon, there was widespread among many of the gardens for an hour, on the way to the place where he was baptizing, John. Jesus was first used in a holy place, in front of the city, where they were used to carry out the prophets, and of the great masters. It was then that Joshua said to the sons of Israel the things that Moses had been part of it, and the Elieser prior to his death. It was six blessings, and six and a curse. The Mountain of the circumcision of the israelites was in the vicinity of this place is surrounded by a wall.
On this occasion, I have seen the death of Moses. He died on a small, steep hill that was at the heart of the mountains, Or among the deserts of the land. The tents of the israelites, they were located far away; it's only a few observation posts were in the valley that surrounded the mountain.
The hill was covered with vegetation, such as ivy, who grew up as a woods that are similar to the juniper. Moses had to go up to the top holding the plants. Joshua and the Elieser you were there with him. Moses was there with a vision that others will not have seen them. And he gave Joshua a roll, where there was six then, and six of the blessings that he's supposed to do to get to know the children of israel when they were in the promised land. Then hugged him and told him to go put them out from thence, without the back cover. After that, he bent down, lifted his arms in the form of a prayer, and he fell down dead, lying on one side. I saw that the land was opened up from there, and went back to the close-up of a beautiful tomb. When Moses appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration, and saw that it came from this place, to go to Tabor.
The six blessings, and for the six curses have been read by Joshua to the people.
In Gilgal they expected Jesus to many, many friends, Lazarus, Joseph of Arimathea, and Obed, the son of the widow of Nazareth, and so on. There was an inn, where they washed the feet of Jesus, and his companions, and they prepared the food. Jesus is nailed to a large number of people that had gathered, among whom there were many who came to John's baptism." The village was a station of the baths, and the purification was built on the bank of the river, on land, in the form of a terrace. It was covered with a canvas, and there are places for recreation, trees, forests, and a variety of plants all around you. Saturninus, and two more of his disciples, who had been John, baptized there, and after that, Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit, and taught them the different properties and gifts, and, as was seen when anyone else was getting.
With the baptism of John, I used to precede a summons and a statement of repentance of your sins, with the promise of amendment; but, at the baptism of Jesus is not only the confession as a whole, but that each one of you pointed out, individually, and acknowledge their sins, the main and the most serious. Jesus is called on it, and you don't want to do it, either out of fear or shame, he told them, your sin, in your own head, to which they did not repent of. Jesus and teach about the passage of the land, and upon the circumcision, which was done in there, so it was the baptism at a place: and he said unto them, that they let themselves be circumcised in the heart, renouncing of sin, and by keeping the commandments of god. The batizandos't went there in the water, just leaning on the head, and did not get a towel, as a whole, but only with a white cloth draped over her shoulders. The disciples of jesus who baptized did not have a vessel with three outlets for the water, like the one that John was but a vessel, common, and threw it three times, with his hand on his head. Jesus is not in the water, and had thrown her for a little bit of that is first washed. When they batizandos, which was about thirty, they were clean, they were very happy, and we were deeply moved, and they said that they felt themselves to the Holy Spirit.
After this, Jesus went out among the songs of praise, and many of the companions, to Gilgal, to celebrate the sabbath in the synagogue, which was located in the eastern part of the city, and it was very big and old. It was square, with the angles to cut and it was a three-storey building, in which were installed in three of the classrooms in the school. Each of these floors and I had an outdoor gallery for the move and on the stairs, went to the top of the side walls to the outside. At the top, and precisely at the corners cut off, there were quite a few niches where you could stand and she could see of the landscape in the distance. The synagogue was open on both sides, and had to gardens all around. In front of the entrance there is a porch with a chair in order to teach, as in the temple of Jerusalem, and a courtyard with an altar in the open air, where the sacrifices were offered to them. Had the Seats covered for all the women and children. There were the remnants of the Ark of the Covenant was and of that which sacrifices were offered for the resemblance of the arrangements of the temple in Jerusalem. In the classroom, in the school, on the first floor, the better it fixed, I could see a column of plate in one of the corners, with a box around with a variety of rolls in writing.
It is from this place to that of the Sancta Sanctorum of the Temple. At the bottom there, in and around the column of a table, and the way to the vault, where the Ark of the Covenant. The column was a beautiful, white stone, polished.
Jesus taught in the lower school, and in the presence of the people, the priests, and the elders, and the elders. And he said to them, " the foundations of god's plan, had been placed there, and then, a horrible sin of idolatry have been made, so that there were only seven of them righteous in the city, that Nineveh was about five times greater, and the five righteous people were found there; and that in Gilgal: and it was written by God, but he did not reject it now, for the accomplishment of the promise, and Sent the promised; and that they should do penance, and to leave to renew at the baptism of jesus. While he was preaching, he scooped up some of the scrolls are written to, and read and explained to them. Then went on to teach at the second floor, the youngest, and later on the children, on the third floor. When he taught us all, in an arcade, to the women, and then to the girls. He spoke of chastity and continence, to the maturity date of the desires of decency in the garment, in the covering of the head, and the hairs at the temple, and in high school. He spoke of God's presence especially in the holy places, and in the presence of the angels, and they will cover your face with the reverence of those places. He said that there are many angels that are in the temple, and at school, around the men there, and explained why women should cover their hair and heads. The children are cared for Jesus too familiar: he blessed him, and he rose up, and they seem to be very much attached to Him. there was, in general, to the great joy and contentment in Jesus, and when he dropped out of school and all the people cried unto him, even those who went before as well as those who followed him: "then was fulfilled the promise to stay with us, you will never get away from us this blessing."

In the Midst of Jerusalem,

After that, he taught the people wanted to be able to bring it to the sick. And Jesus said to them, " it is not the appropriate place or ought to, by now, that you had to leave, because it had required his presence elsewhere. Lazarus of bethany, and the friends of the Jerusalem, they returned, and he said to the Blessed virgin Mary, where it would meet prior to their departure for the desert. In the Midst of Jerusalem was once again in a long session about Jesus christ. It was established by the all-party snooper-paid, that they were to refer to all who knew him. This Council was made up of 71 members, including the priests, and the scribes, of them have been made about twenty-divided into groups of five, with the aim of discussing and investigating everything about the lord Jesus and his ways. They sought their genealogical records, and they could not fail to see that Joseph and Mary descendiam of David, and the mother of Mary, was in the race, and the tribe of Aaron, but they claimed that these families had fallen, and that he was mixed up with all kinds of people, the evil, the suffering that manchava you're dealing with tax collectors and sinners, and the kissing of the house. They knew that Jesus was no treaty with family a short time before, on the outskirts of Bethlehem, and the slaves of the shechemites, which came back from work, and they had assumed he wouldn't be up to any conspiracy with them. Some of them would say that perhaps it would be a bastard son of some king, and that for this reason he spoke of a kingdom, and to the possibility to recover it. The other required that it should be a teaching of the secret that he could not come only from the devil, because, they said, squeezing it at times, lonely, and spends the night in a desert or on a mountain. All of this has been spied on, and analysis. Among these, there were about twenty members who knew him best, to Jesus and to his; I had been affected by their conversation, and they were in darkness and your friends. Do not set up the contradiction of the other, to be the secret to better help the friends of Jesus, and for the messages and announcements. Finally, the council of twenty members, he decided to take a foregone conclusion: that Jesus could not be the only amestrado of the devil.
On the other hand, for the baptism, which took place in Gilgal: and it was also announced that John, as an encroachment on their rights. And he answered and said to them, as always, with deep humility, and he would soon have to leave the place, the servant of the Lord, as it was to its parent, and its announcer. Some of John's disciples did not satisfied with this answer. He Gilgal, with about twenty of the companions and walked around the Jordan, and then to the river on a raft made of wooden planks. On the inside of the raft, had seats for both passenger cars and in the middle is a major rail, designed for the camels, because otherwise, they could fall into the water, across the board. Up to three of their camels could not be placed there at one time, but now there was none of them. Only Jesus and his was towards the future. It was night, and it was lit up by the torches.
Jesus taught us through the parable of the sower who went on to explain in the morning, and the next. With the passage of the river, it took him a quarter of an hour, because it was a stream at this point; they went first to the top, and then allowed themselves to be carried away by the current. Jordan had the characteristics peculiar in some places, it was not possible to pass you by don't have to go to some of the rocks, steep on both sides. Too many times have I followed in a way that seemed to traverse the city, and then go out of her course. I ran in between the rocks and stones, sometimes muddy, the other is clear, according to the field through it; and I had many of the smaller islands in its course. I also had a few falls. The waters were gentle and warm. On the other side there were houses that are inhabited by collectors because it is a main street in the vineyard, in the County of Kedar, where the valley opened up.
And Jesus went into the homes of tax collectors that they had received the baptism from John the baptist. Many of his companions were impressed with their familiarity with this type of person, and if you kept them at a distance for fear of getting influenced. Jesus and his were pretty, humbly are served by these collectors. The houses are located in the path of the Valley of the Jordan, in the distance there were a shelter for the merchants and their camels. They were quiet, because on the next day began with the celebration of the feast of Tabernacles, and could not, from, or travel to, and even though they were the majority of the pagans, that they were forced to watch the rest. The tax collectors, they asked Jesus what they should do with the profit attributable to owners. He said unto them, that they should be brought to the temple; and that they ought to be comhecedores spiritually, the church, the Christian Community, he said to them, you buy them in a field, the widows, the poor and near Jerusalem. He explained to them the reason why of this in connection with the parable of the sower, which has exposed once again.
On the day following the day cometh Jesus with them all around in the beach to teach a variety of applications in the parable of the sower and of the future of the collection. He said it was because it was also a celebration of the harvest of the fruit, and the harvest of the grapes.
And Jesus continued on his way through the valley. On both sides there were, for half an hour, at the top and at the bottom, small houses or huts, where they celebrated with the feast of Tabernacles. The path that led to Dibon, to the which seemed to be the first of the houses. Next to them were everywhere and the huts, green rose, with sprigs of trees, complete with leaves, berries, and clusters of grapes. On one side of the path, they were in the huts, the women were separated, and on the other side of the huts for the sacrifices of animals. They brought all kinds of food, and they saw the children in the groups that were in a cabin by playing musical instruments and singing. They were adorned with wreaths and flowers, and playing instruments as a triangle with the rings that sounded like; the other, an instrument that is triangular, with the strings and woodwind instruments, which had the pipes of yarn.
Jesus was going from one side to the other in teaching. They brought it to him, as well as to the disciples, and some of the food; for example, grapes on sticks and carried between the two of them. At the end of the row of houses, Jesus, has entered into an inn close to the big and the beautiful synagogue and to Dibon, who was standing in between these houses and the city, in a wide spot in the road and surrounded by trees. A few days later, he taught again at the parable of the sower; he spoke of baptism and in the nearness of the kingdom of God; and the feast of the Tabernacles, and of a way of honouring it, and say that you mixed a few of the things heathen, with the manner of your holiday party. Indeed, they lived there in moab, and that they had been mixed up with that of race. When Jesus went to the synagogue, it was discovered that they had brought out many of the sick in the art, and a wheelbarrow. In these patients, they cried out, "Lord, you are a prophet. You are a son of God. You can help us."
He has healed many people. In the evening, Jesus and his, there came a great meal at the inn. In attendance were many of the merchants from the pagans, it was about the calling of the gentiles, and the star appeared to call for the wise men who came to worship the child is newly born. In the evening, Jesus had left and it was just to pray on the mount. He called for his disciples to come back the next morning, on the road, and on the other side of Dibon. In this town there was a six-hour drive from Gilgal was an area with many springs of water, and grazing land, and so were many of the gardens and homes, with a private entrance. It was in the valley, but saw the buildings on the slopes of the mountain. From there, Jesus went to Sukkoth. When we arrived in the afternoon in the city, met a lot of people in it, and also many people around. Jesus taught in the synagogue, and by the middle of Saturninus, and the other disciples, he did baptize them. These baptisms took place at the fountain in the rock, which opened up into a cave that looked to the West, in the direction of the Agency. The river could not be seen, because there was another mountain in the middle. However, this water was from the Jordan, because its waters ran deep, even there. At the cave in came the light by means of an opening on the top. In front of the cave, there's a place for leisure rather broad, adorned with trees, plants, and grass, and a stone, and it reminded me of the appearance of the Melchizedek priesthood by the patriarch Abraham. Jesus spoke of the baptism of John, saying, that it was life, and that I should give up your seat to the other, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sins. He asked them with a sort of general confession, and then the particular to each of them. To some, he is told of his sin, to humble their stubbornness. Laid his hands upon them, in a gesture of dismissal. The batizandos they were not immersed in the water; and he was on it in a container, and they are discovered, to his shoulders, leaning your head on the fountain and took the water. The batizador hands three times in the water, which she took with both hands on the power source. So it was that many of the people had been baptized.
And abraham lived at Sukkoth, with her nurse, Maraha, and took the fields, in three places. In this place, he had the opportunity of dividing the land with his relative, Lot, and Melchizedek, came in for the first time you see Abraham and the angels that they used to come to him. Melchizedek told him to make a sacrifice to threefold increase in the birds, birds with long beaks, and all the other animals. It was told him also that he would come back to him to offer up a sacrifice of bread and wine: and he taught you the things that you should ask for, and for whom I was supposed to pray, and told him what was going to happen to Sodom and Gomorrah. I could see that Jacob was in his tent in the place.

Jesus, Corazim, Aruma, and John

From Sukkoth went to Jesus in his steps, for the great Heart, and that was where you were cited and Mary and the holy women at a shelter in the nearby area. On the way he passed by, Gerasa, where it was celebrated on the Saturday, and then went to the inn, almost in the desert, a few hours ' drive of the path of the sea of Galilee. This inn was decorated for the feast of the Tabernacles, and of the owners have lived here. The holy women who had rented in advance and beautiful. The food was of Gerasa. They were there, the wife of Peter and the other, between them, Sally, from Jerusalem, but not Veronica. Jesus said the gates of his mother, telling her that he was going to Bethany, and then on to the desert. Mary was worried and serious, and asked him not to go to Jerusalem because he knew that the Great Council of plotting against him. Later, I saw Jesus ' teaching from the time of morrinho, where acostumava to do so, to which it had been fixed to the seat. There were a lot of people from the surrounding area and saw some of the worst of women who occupy a separate seat. After teaching, he said to her that he would leave them for a while, they were able to separate yourself until you see it again. The same is said of the women. He spoke of the baptism of jesus, and that he should cease from a very early age, and predicted the severe persecution that he and those who followed him would suffer.
Jesus left the inn, accompanied by about twenty, and had walked about twelve o'clock, for the south-west, in the direction of the city is the Aruma close to what I had already rented it definitely is a hostel for him and his family. Martha, who for the first time ever I saw one next to the holy women on this journey, the Gerasa, he had already arranged for the ticket. The owners were living in the vicinity of the costs were borne by the friends of the Jerusalem church. The women that Jesus is the hostel prior to your departure. Aruma is a total of nine hours out of Jerusalem, and of the six from the Team. Around the hostel you were in their rooms, some of the essenes, and that they came to Jesus, they spoke and ate with him.

And Jesus went into the synagogue, and taught him about the gospel of John. He said that it was a baptism of repentance, and the first, purification, preparation, and a celebration of the many, that is the Law, but that which was different from that of the baptism of the one to whom John was announced. I saw that those who are baptized by John, were not renamed until after the death of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit, at the pool of Bethesda.
And the pharisees also asked him where the signs with which they would recognize the Messiah who was to come, and he said to them. In this place, he had talked about marriage with the kingdom. There, I saw Judas Iscariot is among the hearers of Jesus christ. He came over just to listen to his preaching, and not with the other disciples. After hearing two days of the preaching of Jesus, and he was talking about the pharisees, who contradicted, it was a place with a somewhat discredited, where he has had to speak, for the purpose of this hearing, against a good man who lived in this place, and then she invited Jesus into her home. Judas was engaged in business, and in the scriptures, and it was all kinds of services, wide. And when Jesus came with his disciples to the place desprestigiado, though new buildings and the crowd was no longer there. Herod was a castle and in the surrounding area.
Must have been something in there with the benjamites, because they had a tree that is surrounded by a wall, and no one dared to come close to it. They offered the sacrifices of Abraham, and the father of Jacob, and Esau and Jacob broke up after their differences for the sake of the firstborn. Isaac had lived, then, in Sichar.
The world that had visited him are now his name was Jairus, and he was the essenes were married, and he had a wife and several children. The men were Ammon, and of Caleb. He also had a daughter, whom Jesus had healed later on. It wasn't the one In whom is the gospel in the following respects: he was a descendant of the essênio the Chariot, which was founded in the monasteries of Bethlehem, and Maspha; he knew a great deal about the parents of Jesus in the infancy of it. He went out to meet Jesus, and with his children, will humbly. This man was taken by the head of this people, despised the rule of love. She cared for the sick; he taught the ignorant, on a certain day, because there's no there's no school, not the priest in charge. Cared for children and the poor. Jesus told them in there, as usual, from the baptism of John, such as a baptism of repentance and the nearness of the kingdom of God. After it was In, to where they had been on the sick, and comforted them, though it didn't heal no one. It was promised to them, but that I would be back in about four months, and the cure of their infirmities. He recalled in his / her teaching some of the events that happened there, just like the separation by the wrath of Esau, his brother, and Jacob, and all the reasons why he is despised this place. He pointed out the goodness of our heavenly Father, who has promised to all of you, and if you have failed, to comply with the salvation of those who believe in the Ships, if they would only stop to baptize, and to do penance, and indicating that, as a penance, to repair and the consequences of evil deeds. In the afternoon, he spoke with Jim, and their children to Relatives. Jim and his sons came back in the middle of the way, and the disciples followed Jesus.
At the hostel, close to John, Jesus spoke to his disciples in the realm of the perils and trials that were waiting for him, as well as all those who would follow later in his footsteps. I told them that they could now leave you, and in the meantime, think about it seriously and if they could follow him and abide in him in the future. Lazarus of bethany, came to meet him, when he had departed to their homes as the companions of Jesus, less of Aaron, and the Themeni, who were with him in the John. There are many friends of the Jerusalem, they expected Jesus; and the holy women at Veronica. Prepare and Themeni were the family of the mother of Joseph of Arimathea. They were the disciples of John, and followed Jesus when he was passed by Gilgal, beside the site of the baptism of John. Jesus taught us in the house, Says, in speaking of the baptism from John the baptist, and jesus, the law, and the fulfillment of the sect of the pharisees, and of their way of life. The two of Jesus ' friends had brought several rolls of Scripture, and he said to them, some of the passages from the prophets about the Messiah. In this explanation, they were not in the presence, but it Says, and some of the philosophy of right. Jesus spoke of his future residence, and your friends told you not to and settled in Jerusalem, where he deturpava all of what he had to say, and he taught them. They were His, and there was just listening. Jesus, you said something about these places, and Melchizedek, which priesthood, he should have his execution; he said that he had measured, and visited all the places that his Father had set up in order to be covered by your Divine Son. And he said unto them, that a lot of times I would be on the shore of lake Gennesaret. This talk took place at a place in his retirement, where he had rooms, and bathrooms.
Jesus also talked about women in a room that had been Madeleine, of which the window gave onto the street that led them to Jerusalem. Lazarus brought in at the request of Jesus, Mary, Silent, and left it there with all the other women that come out. On the other, were, however, in the antechamber. The code of conduct is Silent it was on this occasion that is different from the previous one: she set out at Jesus ' feet, and gave him a kiss on them. Jesus, let her do it, and then lifted her up by the hand. He spoke again, looking up, things are very, very high, and deep, with a very simple to do. He spoke of God the father and his Son and his Kingdom, as it would be with a child of peasant farmers from the father of her Lord and of his or her estate. His talk was like a vision, because all of what he did in the face. He spoke about the major sins and the wrongs done by the men-servants, and maid-servants, and, as we now believe in the Father, the son, for they had to get noticed, and paguasse of his servants, as would be wrong, and would die in great pain, and as it were with the blood of the save, and the founding of his kingdom, and to pay the debts of his servants, and make them heirs of the kingdom, and of the children of God. She said all of these things in a way that's very natural to you. The still enjoyed it-if, at times, and others complained of being her maid of useless and weak, interested in from the erandes the work of the Son of the merciful God, who sent it out. He lamented that the servants don't understand what this is, it was such a natural thing, and that's the way it should be.
Jesus spoke of the resurrection, and the son would come to visit with the inmates on the prison ground, to console them, and set them free, and once you have called, to ascend with them to the heavenly Father, and how all those who do not want to acknowledge this, redemption, and continued to operate in the evil would be to be thrown into the fire, when he shall come again to judge and make war. He spoke to Lazarus, and his death and resurrection. He would get out of this world, and you would have seen it all, and the other shall be in it, as if he had not come; but the Son of God, to call on you again and he will be back to work in the vineyard of the Lord.
He said the Magdalene, by saying, "your servant is in the desert, the most terrible thing, and where the children of Israel, they were in a place of evil, where the darkness to reign, and he stepped onto a plant to a man, but she will come out of this darkness and in the remediará all of your mistakes on the other, desert solitaire". Speaking of Mary, said that his body was like a prison, and that she did not know what was to be his life, and he wanted very much to go to the house of his father, and that the land was narrow; no one understood her, because they were blind.
He added that while he wanted to stay here-for the love of God, and wait; you don't deserve anything better, on the other side of it. Jesus said to him, full of love, and consoling her, Said to him, "thou shalt go to the house of my father, and then for the Easter, and when I come back here again." He has blessed you with, while she is bent; and he laid his hands upon their heads, and I think I spilled something on it in a bottle, and I don't know if you oil or water
This is Mary, and in the Silence, it was with a lot of promise. Anyone know her or understand her. He lived in a continuous state of vision, the supernatural, the work of Redemption, which she understood so very simple and plain. It was deemed to be delayed, or that person's simple. Jesus said to him, in the time of his death, and how he was going to the house of His heavenly Father, and anointed his body for burial. From this point on, you must keep in mind that you may want to get more attention to your body than what people think. Jesus turned to Mary, " the Quiet one, because, being considered as the delay time, and maybe privassem of care, which were used to embalm the dead. The sanctity of this person, it was hidden and the mysterious. He's Silent, and she went back to her room.
He spoke to the men about the baptism of John and the baptism of the holy Spirit. I don't remember that there was a great difference between John's baptism of jesus and the early disciples of Jesus, is the last one I had more of a connection with the forgiveness of sins. Also, I saw that the back of the church, the baptized by John the baptist, before the coming of the Holy Spirit. Prior to Saturday, the friends of Jesus, they returned to Jerusalem. Aaron and Themeni went to Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus had told them that I was going to separate yourself from them for a long time, in order to prepare them for the task. He did not speak to them fast.