We often belittle ourselves when we repeat popular sayings.
But there are some popular sayings that are of terrible wickedness.
So it is good to always analyze what we are going to say before we say it.
Here I will name some of these that we should never repeat:
To go down, every saint helps! This phrase clearly has Protestant origin and tends to disparage the saints of the Catholic Church. The idea here is to mock the faith of Catholics, but who invented this saying was deceived and induced to offend God Himself, drawing the wrath of God upon Himself and upon Him, for He does not know the Scriptures where God Himself said: saints as I am holy! Thus, to say that downhill every saint helps, implies that a saint cannot help at all and thus directly offends the Creator who is three times holy. Moreover, the Catholic who pronounces this denies the Communion of Saints contained in the Creed.
Another range of poison-filled phrases are those that use Mary's name:
maria goes with the others, maria onion, maria gasoline, maria stinky, etc. These phrases were created intensely to reach the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, that is, mother of God, because Jesus Christ is God! Naively, wanting to offend the Catholic Church again, it offends Jesus Christ, because it offends His mother. What would you do if someone dared to curse your mother? This leaves people, especially those who do it wickedly, in a very complicated situation before God. For when we die, we appear before Jesus Christ, and there the devil will dispute our souls, presenting our faults to God. We also call Mary our lawyer, because before the Son she intercedes for us (remember the birdhood: ... pray for us sinners, now and at the time of our death ...) and her son who is Jesus, who is God hears it and does not let the devil carry our soul to eternal perdition. It is too naive and foolish to offend the Mother of God!