There is a subject that everyone runs away from. It is a subject that bothers, is frightening and is never in fashion: death.
Although the sensational programming of our free-to-air broadcasters, exploits almost to the point of blood dripping on our television screens; Very little is said about DEATH!.
In the case of a condition and a certainty to which every rational being (man) is conditioned "unconditionally"; I want to broach the subject with maturity, and I promise that after you read this article, you will have another view on death, and find that it is not yet the great bogeyman of man's existence.
Before I begin, I confess that I am a practicing Catholic, who read a lot, but only read what the Holy Mother Catholic Church suggests or endorses with at least one Imprimatur.
Thus, in the rich treasure of the Church, I am always panning and every day I am more sure of my faith, and consciously, I would like to share what I have learned.
The first theme I want to raise is about the truth: THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH!
Explanation: Yes is the opposite of no. Either yes or no! For example:
Question: Is sunlight natural?
Answer: Yes, it is natural.
Answer: No, it's artificial.
In both answers we have a truth and a lie.
It is fashionable today to say that if a lie is repeated over and over and over, it will come true. It's a big lie. A lie will always be a lie, although if you convince people that it is a truth, it will always be a lie.
Now yes, we can go on! Under penalty of condemning my soul, I cannot lie to you. And not only for this: I know that many people suffer eternal damnation by mistake, ingenuity. Because they lie to them.
Man's life does not end with his death here on earth. This is the big mistake! MISTAKE! MISTAKE!
To understand this it is necessary to understand, initially at least as briefly as possible, what is the truth about man and everything around us.
The creation
All that exists, all that our reason is able to grasp to process and understand; Everything our eyes can see, our ears can hear, our touch can touch and feel. All our feelings, our joys, our sorrows, our body, the people, the ground we tread, the stars, the sky, the sun, the moon, the planets, the universe, the cosmos, the little worm, the grain of sand, the elements, fire, water, wind, air ... etc, etc ... Everything, everything was created, wanted, thought and made from nothing.
The creator
Man is the only being endowed with intelligence, reason, feelings, capable of thinking, reasoning! Though not taught to him; through creation he would realize, with little effort, that all the perfection in the world could under no circumstances be the result of chance.
Someone infinitely powerful, infinitely wise and infinitely kind would have to have thought and desired and made all creation so perfectly! And this someone exists! He is called God! Creator God, Father God.
This God created everything we see and understand and also what we do not see and do not understand!
What we see: visible things and also some invisible things like air, the bureal and southern aurora, for example;
What we don't see: Heaven, angels, demons, Purgatory, Hell.
To understand a little about our planet and the universe, we went to school since childhood. I say a little because Man is still discovering, for example about the Sun. The more Man discovers, he realizes that he knows nothing!
God is love, is perfection. She didn't create anything bad.
The angels
He created angels for his praise and service.
Angels are very powerful, very intelligent, invisible creatures created for eternity.
These angels have names and hierarchies in heaven.
The fall
One of these angels, called Lucifer, became corrupted, and even wanted to be a creature, to be God.
This cost him his final expulsion from heaven. So there had to be a place for him. This place is called Hell. He also corrupted a third of the angels who were precipitated in Hell with him. All the beauty of God's creation comes from its Creator. It comes from God. Corrupted, this evil angel has lost all the good he possessed, becoming the bad person himself. There is nothing in him, nothing of God, that is, nothing good. Neither in him nor in demons.
The man
After God created the earth, He also created man. The man and the woman.
They lived in God's friendship and did not die.
He endowed man with body and soul. Every human being has a soul that resides in his body from conception. This soul is the seat of man's will and is responsible for his actions.
Man is collaborator in creation with procreation. If a child is born, it is a soul that is born, of the union of two people.
The Devil (Lucifer), personified as the serpent, father of lies, lied to Eve, Adam's wife, and caused them to disobey God. The price for this disobedience was the expulsion of man from heaven.