Prophecies about the End Times

Revelations History

Prophecies about the End Times

According to the revelations of the venerable Anna Catherine Emmerick




























TERESA MUSCO (1943-1976) May 20, 1951:

TERESA NEUMANN (1898-1942)









BERTA PETIT (1870-1944)




























I saw different parts of the earth: my guide named Europe and, showing me a sandy corner, told me these important words:
— This is the enemy Prussia. He then showed me a point further north saying: — Here is Muscovy bringing with it many evils. (AA.III.133)

The inhabitants had an unusual pride. I saw that they were coming together and working on all sides. Everything was dark and threatening.
I saw Saint Basil and others there. I saw above the castle with shining roofs, the evil one who was in the towers.
I saw that among the demons chained by Christ, when he descended into hell, some had recently been released and had raised this sect. I saw that others would be freed every two generations. (October 19, 1823).
She saw (said Brentano; the transcriber) with their terrible consequences, the measures which the enlightened would take in every place where they attained power and influence, to abolish divine worship, as well as all practices and exercises of piety; or make of them something as vain as were the great words of light, of charity and of spirit, under which they hid from themselves and from others the desolating emptiness of their affairs in which God was not at all. (AA.111.161)

My guide led me throughout the land:
made me travel constantly through immense caves made of darkness and in which I saw an immense number of people wandering everywhere and engaged in obscure works. It felt like I was traveling through every inhabited part of the globe, seeing nothing but the world of addiction.
I have often seen new troops of men fall as if from above into that blindness of vice. I didn't see anything getting better... It made me enter the darkness and consider again malice, blindness, perversity, deceit, vengeful passions, pride, deceit, envy, greed, discord, murder, lust and the horrible impiety of men, all kinds of things which, however, did them no good, but made them more and more blind and miserable and plunged them into deeper and deeper darkness. I often had the impression that entire cities were situated on a very thin earth's crust and were in danger of sinking into the abyss very soon.
I saw those men themselves digging lightly covered graves for others: but I saw no good people in that darkness, nor did I see anyone consequently fall into the graves. I saw all these bad people as big dark spaces that stretched from one side to the other; I saw them in the commotion as in the tumultuous confusion of a great fair, forming several groups that practiced evil and masses that mixed together: they committed all kinds of guilty acts and each sin brought another as a consequence. It often seemed to me that they were sinking even deeper into darkness. The road ran down a steep slope: it was a terribly scary thing, and it stretched across the entire terrain. I saw people of all colors, wearing the most diverse clothes and all immersed in abominations: (AA.II.151)

I often woke up full of anguish and terror:
I saw the moon shining peacefully through the window and I prayed to God, begging him not to make me see those horrible images. But immediately He made me go down again into those terrible dark spaces and see the abominations that were being committed. I once found myself in a sphere of sin so horrible that I thought I was in hell, and I began to scream and groan. Then my guide said to me: “Am I not near you? And hell can't be where I am.”
I thought I saw a very spacious place that received more natural light. It was like the image of a city belonging to the part of the world we inhabit. A horrible sight was shown to me. I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ crucified. I trembled deeply: because there were only men of our time there.
It was a martyrdom of the Lord much more horrible and much more cruel than that which he had to suffer from the Jews. (AA.11.157)

Finishing the story of this horrible vision, the memory of which gave her convulsive palpitations, and of which nothing persuaded her to tell everything, she said:
- My guide said to me like this: "Did you see the abominations of the blind fighting in the darkness?"
I saw with horror a large number of people I knew there, even priests.
Many lines and branches starting from the people who wandered in the darkness led to this place (The place of the new Crucifixion) (AA.!1.157)

I have seen in various places an innumerable multitude of unfortunate oppressed, tormented and persecuted people of our day, and I have always seen that Jesus Christ himself is mistreated for this. We are in a deplorable time when there is no longer any refuge from evil: a dense cloud of sin hangs over the whole world, and I see men doing the most abominable things with total calm and indifference. (...)I saw all this in various visions as my soul was led through various countries throughout the earth” (CC.89)

I saw new martyrs, not of the present time (1820, year of the vision) but of the time to come.(...) However, I saw that they are already oppressed (AA.I11.112 )


I saw people from the secret sect ruthlessly undermine the great Church... (AA.111.113)

... and I saw near them a horrible beast that had risen out of the sea. It had a tail like a fish, claws like a lion, and several heads that surrounded a larger head like a crown. His mouth was wide and red. She was seen as a tiger and seemed very familiar with the destroyers. She often remained among them during their work: often, too, they went looking for her in the cave where she sometimes hid.
During this time, I saw from one side to the other, all over the world, many good and pious people, especially ecclesiastics, persecuted, imprisoned and oppressed, and I had the feeling that one day they would become martyrs. (AA !11.113)

As ​​the Church was already largely demolished, with only the choir and altar left standing, I saw these demolishers enter the church with the beast. (The demolishers found in the temple)
...a woman full of majesty. It seemed to me that she was pregnant, as she walked slowly: the enemies panicked when they saw her and the beast could no longer take a step forward. The beast stretched its neck towards the angriest looking woman, as if it wanted to devour her. But the woman turned around and fell face down on the ground. I then saw the beast fleeing towards the sea again and the enemies running in great disorder) (AA.111.113)

I saw St. Peter's church and a large number of men working to invest it, but I also saw others making repairs. The intense work chains of this dual work extended across the world and I was impressed by the coordination with which everything was done. Demolitionists extracted large fragments; They were particularly sectarian in large numbers and with them apostates. These people, carrying out their work of destruction, seemed to follow certain prescriptions and a certain rule: they wore white aprons surrounded by a blue ribbon and equipped with pockets, with mason's trowels at their waists. They also had all kinds of clothes: among them there were illustrious men, tall and corpulent, with uniforms and crosses, who, however, did not work directly on the work, but marked on the walls with a spatula the places where it should be demolished.
I saw with horror that among them there were also Catholic priests” (AA.l1.202)

The entire front part of the Church was already destroyed: only the sanctuary with the Blessed Sacrament remained standing (AA.!1.203)

I saw the Church of Saint Peter: it was demolished with the exception of the choir and the main altar (10 September 1820). (AA.l!1.118)

“I also saw how, in the end, Mary spread her mantle over the Church and how God’s enemies were expelled” (AA.l1.414)

May 1823. I saw again the vision of the secret sect undermining St. Peter's church everywhere. They worked with instruments of all kinds and ran here and there, carrying stones that they had pulled out. They were forced to leave the altar, they could not remove it. I saw an image of Mary desecrated and removed. (AA.111.556)

I lamented to the Pope and asked him how he could tolerate there being so many priests among the demolishers. (...) I saw on this occasion why the Church was founded in Rome; It is because there is the center of the world and all people are linked to it through different relationships. I also saw that Rome will remain standing like an island, like a rock in the middle of the sea, when everything around it will fall into ruins.
When I saw the demolition workers, I was impressed by their great skill. They had the same. They made no noise; They paid attention to everything; They resorted to tricks of all kinds, and the stones often seemed to disappear from their hands. Some of them rebuilt: they destroyed what was sacred and great and what they built was nothing more than empty, hollow, superfluous. They carried the stones from the altar and made them into a staircase at the entrance. (AA.!11,556)


“I saw the earthly Church, that is, the society of the faithful on earth, the army of Christ in its state of passage through the earth, completely obscured and desolate” (AA.11.352)< /p>

You priests who don't move! You're sleeping and the barnyard is burning everywhere! You don't do anything! How you will cry over this one day! If only you had said a Pater! (...) I see so many traitors! They can’t stand being told: “this is going wrong”. Everything is good in their eyes, as long as they can glorify themselves with the world! (AA.1I1.184)

I saw the deficiencies and decline of the priesthood, as well as their causes. I saw the punishments being prepared” (AA.!|.334)

Church servants are so negligent! They no longer make use of the strength they possess in the priesthood” (AA./1.245)

If one day souls demand what the clergy owe them for causing them so many losses due to their carelessness and indifference, it would be a terrible thing! (AA.11.342)

They will have to account for all the love, all the consolations, all the exhortations, all the instructions regarding the duties of religion, which they do not give us; of all the blessings that they do not distribute, despite the strength of Jesus' hand being upon them, for everything they fail to do in the likeness of Jesus (AA.11.358)

... (by) the caresses given to the spirit of the age by the servants of the Church (AA.11.377)

“I saw relics left for adventure and other things of the same kind” (AA.11.347)
... for an infinite number of people who had good will, access to the sources of grace in the heart of Jesus was prevented and closed by the suppression of exercises of devotion, by the closure and desecration of churches (AA .11l.167)

“I had a vision about the faults of countless shepherds and the omission of all their duties towards their flock” (AA.!l.347)

“I saw many good and pious bishops, but they were mute and weak and the evil party often gained strength” (AA.!1.414)

All this made me know that the recitation of Our Lord's genealogy before the Blessed Sacrament, on the feast of Corpus Christi, contains a great and profound mystery; I learned from this that the same thing, that among the ancestors of Jesus Christ, according to the flesh, many were not saints and were even sinners without ceasing to be steps of Jacob's ladder, by which God descended to humanity, for the same reason Even unworthy bishops remain capable of consecrating the Blessed Sacrament and conferring the priesthood with all the powers associated with it” (CC.175).

I saw in a city a gathering of ecclesiastics, lay men and women, who were sitting together, eating and telling frivolous jokes, and above them a dark cloud that ended in a plain immersed in darkness. In the midst of this fog I saw Satan sitting in a horrible form, and around him as many companions as there were in the meeting taking place below. All these evil spirits were continually on the move and busy pushing evil into this gathering of people. They spoke in his ears and acted in every possible way. These people were in a very dangerous state of sensual excitement and engaged in useless and provocative conversations. The ecclesiastics were those whose principle was: “We must live and let live. In our time we do not have to be separate or be misanthropes: we must rejoice with those who rejoice. (AA.Il.488)

As ​​he (Satan) spoke of his right and as this language greatly surprised me, I was instructed that he actually acquired a positive right when a baptized person who received through Jesus Christ the power from defeating him was, on the contrary, freed from him by sin freely and voluntarily. (AA.1l.489)

I see several ecclesiastics punished with excommunication, who do not seem concerned or even aware of it. And yet they are excommunicated when they participate in these endeavors, when they join associations and adhere to opinions that are anathema. I see these men surrounded by a cloud like a wall of separation. From this we can see how much God takes into account the decrees, orders and defenses of the head of the Church and keeps them in force when even men do not care about it, deny it or laugh at it. (AA.!1l.148)

They showed me how the pagans of old humbly worshiped gods other than themselves (...) The worship (of those pagans) was worth less than the worship of those who worshiped themselves in a thousand idols and did not allow the Lord to have a place among these idols. (AA.111.102)

I saw how disastrous the consequences of this falsification of the Church would be. I saw it grow, I saw heretics of all conditions arrive in the city (Rome)
I saw the lukewarmness of the local clergy increase, I saw a great darkness become
Then the vision expanded in all directions. I saw Catholic communities oppressed, persecuted, imprisoned and deprived of freedom everywhere. I saw many churches closed.
I saw great miseries occur everywhere. I saw wars and blood spilled. I saw savage and ignorant people intervene with violence. (AA.!I1.103)

...this won't last long...
“Once again I had a vision in which the church of Saint Peter was undermined, following a plan drawn up by the secret sect, at the same time that it was damaged by storms” (AA.111.103)

“I saw help arrive in the moment of greatest anguish” (AA.111.104)


I saw the church of the apostates grow a lot. I saw the darkness that was spreading from it and I saw many people abandon the legitimate Church and go towards the other saying: “There everything is more beautiful, more natural and more ordered” (AA.11.414)

“I saw deplorable things: there was gambling, drinking, talking, women being seduced in the church, in short, all kinds of abominations were committed there” (AA.111.120)

The priests let everything be done and celebrated Mass with great irreverence. I saw few who still had mercy and judged things seriously.
All of this made me very upset. Then my heavenly Husband took me by the middle of the body, as he himself was tied to the pillar, and said to me: "This is how the Church will still be chained, this is how she will be intimately linked before she can reveal herself" (AA. I1 .120)

He (my heavenly husband) also showed me in countless images the deplorable conduct of Christians and ecclesiastics, in increasingly vast spheres that extended throughout the world, including my country. It was an immense and inexpressibly sad picture, impossible to describe. I was thus shown that there were hardly any Christians left in the ancient meaning of the word. This sight filled me with sadness. (AA.111.125)

“In the future I saw religion fall a lot and be preserved only in some places, in some homes and in some families that God had also protected from the disasters of war” (AA.!11.557)< /p>

(September 12, 1820). I saw a strange church built and contrary to all the rules. The choir was divided into three parts, each a few degrees higher than the other. Below was a dark, smoky cellar. (AA.1!I.104)

... in the first part I saw a throne being dragged... in the second a basin full of water. Only the water seemed to have something sanctified... on the highest table..."
I did not see any angels assisting in the construction: but several planetary spirits (responsible for deceiving men) of the most violent dragged all kinds of objects to the basement, where characters in small ecclesiastical robes picked them up to take them with them. Nothing came from above in this church: everything came from the earth (...) and from the black region (...) everything in that church was black, contrary to meaning and lifeless: there was nothing but mockery and ruin"
I saw another church nearby where clarity reigned and which was endowed with all kinds of graces from above. "I saw the angels ascending and descending, I saw life and growth... (and also) lukewarmness and dissipation."
However, the traditional Church (no matter how imperfect or obscure it was in not knowing the light that awaited it) was like a tree full of sap compared to the other, which looked like a trunk full of inanimate objects. This one was like a bird that glides, this one like a paper dragon, with its tail laden with ribbons and signs, which crawled in the stubble instead of flying. I saw that many of the instruments that were in the new church, such as arrows and darts, were only gathered to be used against the living church” (AA.!!1.104)

They kneaded the bread in the cellar below; but nothing came of it and the work was done in vain" (AA.!11I. 105)

“I also saw men in small cloaks carrying firewood to the stands where the preacher's headquarters was, lighting a fire, blowing with all their might, causing extreme pain, but all this produced nothing but abominable smoke and vapor (AA.!). I!. 105)

Then they made a hole in the top with a stick, but the smoke wouldn't rise and everything was submerged in suffocating darkness.
Everything stayed on earth and went to earth, and everything was dead, artificial and made by the hand of man: it was properly a church of human fabric following the latest fashion, just like the new heterodox church in Rome, which is of the same kind." (AA.111105)

I was in a large room. On both sides, in front of the desks, were young people in long robes who looked like seminarians. In the middle, a fat man walked in and out. Suddenly, in the place of men, I saw nothing but horses, on both sides, and in the middle a large ox that came and went chewing its cud, while behind it the horses showed their teeth and made all kinds of faces. He expected the ox to show them its horns and force them to remain calm, but the only thing it did was, reaching one side of the room, banging its horns on the wall. There was already a hole and I told myself that everything was going to collapse on top of them” (AA.!11.176)


November 12, 1820. — I was traveling through a dark and cold region and arrived at the great city (Rome). I saw again the large and unique church that was being built there; there was nothing sacred about it; I saw this in the same way that I see a Catholic, ecclesiastical work, in which angels, saints and Christians work together; but there collaboration was done in other, more mechanical ways. (AA.III.105)

I saw above drawing lines and drawing figures, and I saw how, immediately, on the ground, a man had created a plan, a drawing. I saw the action of the proud planetary spirits in their relationships with this construction being felt even in the most remote regions. I saw the impetus given to the preparation of everything that could be necessary and useful for the construction and existence of this church reaching immense distances; I saw all kinds of people and things, doctrines and opinions, gathered there.
There was something proud, presumptuous, violent in all of this and everything seemed to work out and was shown to me in an infinite number of scenes.
I saw the planetary spirits rise and fall, I saw them send lightning upon the people who were building the building. Everything was done according to human reason. (AA.!!I. 105)

I have not seen a single angel, nor a single saint, cooperate in this work. But I saw much further away, in the background, the throne of a savage people armed with swords, and a figure that laughed and said: “Build it as solid as you want, we will tear it down” (AA.111.105)

(I saw) that religion was so cleverly undermined and stifled that there remained little more than a small number of priests who were not seduced. I can't say how this was done, but I saw the fog and darkness spreading more and more. However, there were three churches which could not be contaminated: they were those of San Pedro, Santa María Maior and São Miguel. They continually worked to demolish them, but were unable to do so. Everyone worked for the demolition, even the ecclesiastics. Great devastation was coming. (AA.!1I.122)

I have seen many abominations in detail; I recognized Rome and saw the oppressed Church and its decay inside and out. (AA.111.159)

I saw in a green meadow many people, among whom were wise men, gathering together... (AA.I11.156)

...and a new church appeared in the place where they were gathered. This church was round with a gray dome and so many people came that I didn't understand how that building could contain them all. It was like an entire city.
However, this new church became increasingly gloomy and black (in the beginning it was just gray) and everything that was done in it was like a black vapor. This darkness spread outside and all the vegetation withered; several neighboring parishes were invaded by darkness and dryness, and the meadow, at a great distance, became like a gloomy swamp.
I then saw several groups of well-intentioned people running to the side of the meadow where there was still green and light.
I can't find words to describe the terrible, sinister and deadly action of that church. All the vegetation withered, the trees died, the gardens lost their beauty. I saw, as may be seen in a vision, the darkness work its effect at a great distance; wherever they reached, it stretched like a black rope. I don't know what happened to all the people who were inside that church. It was as if it devoured men: it became increasingly black, completely resembling forged coal and flaking off in a horrible way.
After this (after the horrible vision of the black church) I went, guided by three angels, to a green place surrounded by walls, about as large as the cemetery that is here before the door; I was placed there as if I were on a raised stool. I didn't know if she was dead or alive, but she was wearing a big white dress. (AA.I1l.157)

The oldest of the three said to me: “Praise be to God! "Here there is still light and greenery" then fell from the sky, between the black church and me, like a shower of shining pearls and dazzling gems...
And one of my companions (one of the three angels) ordered me to collect them.
Then they left. I don't know if everyone left; I only remember that, in the great anxiety that the black church caused me, I didn't have the courage to collect the precious stones. But when the Angel came back to me, he asked me if I had collected them and I replied that I had not; So he ordered me to do it immediately.
Then I leaned forward and found three small rocks with faces carved like crystals. They were arranged in order: the first was blue, the second was light red, the third was bright white and transparent. I took them to my other two companions, who were smaller than the first, and, always marching from there to there, they rubbed them together and caused the most beautiful colors and the most beautiful rays of light to come out and spread. for everything.
Wherever they arrived, green was reborn, light and life spread. I also saw on one side the dark church that was decaying.
Then, suddenly, a large crowd spread across the green and illuminated meadow, heading towards a luminous village.
On the other side of the black church everything was still a dark night. (AA.111.156)

They wanted to be one body in something other than the Lord.
A body was formed, a community outside the body of Jesus, which was the Church: a false Church without a Redeemer, in which the mystery was to have no mystery. (AA.l1.89)

It is when science separates itself from faith that this Church is born without a Savior, the so-called good works without faith, the communion of unbelievers having the appearance of virtue, in a word the anti-Church whose center is occupied by malice, error, lies, hypocrisy, negligence, the artifices of all the demons of the time. (AA.11.89)


Everything (in that “false church”) was fundamentally bad; It was the communion of the profane.
I don't know how abominable, pernicious and vain everything they did was. (AA.11.89)

They want to be one body in something other than the Lord! (AA.11.89)

I had a vision in which I saw the others in the false church, a square building, without a steeple, black and dirty, with a high dome. They were in great intimacy with the spirit that reigned there. This church was full of filth, vanity, foolishness and darkness. Almost none of them were aware of the darkness in which they worked. Everything was pure in appearance: but it is nothing but emptiness. (AA.!l.88)

(The false church) was full of pride and presumption, and thus destroyed and led to evil with all kinds of good appearances. His danger lay in his apparent innocence (AA.11.89)

They did and wanted different things: in certain places their action was harmless: they also worked to corrupt a small number of wise people, and so all together they ended up in a center, in an evil thing by its origin, in a work and an action outside of Jesus Christ, through whom only all life was sanctified and outside of whom every thought and every action remains the empire of death and the devil. (AA.!11.89)

I was on a leaky ship and lying at the bottom, in the only place that was intact: people were sitting on both sides of the ship.
I continually prayed that they wouldn't be thrown into the waves: however, they mistreated me and kicked me. Every moment I saw the ship about to sink and I was scared to death. (AAA.!11.147)

Finally they were forced to take me to the land where my friends were waiting for me to take me to another place.
I always prayed that these unfortunate people would disembark too...
...but I was barely on shore when the ship sank, and none of those who were there could be saved, which filled me with sadness. In the place where I went there was a great abundance of fruit. (AA.!11.147)

When I looked down, I saw very clearly, through a veil of gloomy color, the errors, deviations, and innumerable sins of men, and with what folly and wickedness they acted against all truth and absolutely right. I saw scenes of all kinds: I saw again the ship in danger, carrying those men, convinced of their immense merit and also admired by many others, pass close to me over a dangerous sea and I expected that at any moment they would perish. I saw priests among them and I suffered deeply trying to help them return to repentance. (AA.111.149)

I saw so many traitors! They can’t stand being told: “this is bad”. All is well in their eyes, as long as they can glorify themselves with the world. (AA.l!l. 184)


I saw the Pope in prayer; He was surrounded by false friends who often did the opposite of what he said. (AA.11.203)

I saw the Holy Father in great tribulation and great anguish affecting the Church.
I saw him surrounded by traitors a lot. (AA.II.414)

They wanted to take away his field from the shepherd! They wanted to impose another one that would leave everything in the hands of their enemies! Then, overcome with anger, he raised his clenched fist saying: German scoundrels! I heard! You won't make it! The shepherd was in a rockery! You priests don't move! You sleep and the farm burns everywhere! you don't do anything! How you will cry over this one day! (AA.!!I.184)

I saw that, in certain cases of extreme misfortune, the Pope had visions and apparitions (AA.11.414)


I saw, under the image of several gardens forming a circle around me, the Pope's relations with the bishops. I saw the Pope himself on his throne, placed as if in a garden. I saw in several gardens the rights and powers of these bishops, in the form of plants, flowers and fruits, and I saw relationships, currents, influences, like threads or rays that went from the See of Rome to the gardens. I saw on earth, in these gardens, the spiritual authority of the moment: I saw in the air, above them, the approach of new bishops. So, for example, I saw in the air (in the future), above the garden where the stern superior was (the bishop of that time, stern because he was firm in the faith), a new mitred bishop, the mitre and everything else. . I saw Protestants around him who wanted to make him go down to the garden, but not with the conditions that the Pope had demanded. (AA.!!I.128)

They tried to infiltrate by all means: they disordered certain parts of the garden where they planted bad seeds. I saw them both in one place, and in another, cultivating, or leaving it vacant, demolishing and not removing the rubble, etc. Everything was full of traps and ruins. I saw them intercepting and diverting the routes that went to the Pope. (AAA.I111.128)

I then saw that when they presented the bishop in the way they had proposed, he was an intruder, presented against the will of the Pope and did not legitimately possess spiritual authority. (AA./11.128)

I have seen, I believe, almost all the bishops in the world, but only a small number who are perfectly healthy. (AA.!I1.136)

I saw everything about Protestantism taking on more and more power and religion falling into complete decadence. (AA.I111.137)

I saw in Rome, even among the prelates, many people with non-Catholic feelings who worked for the success of this issue (the merger of churches).
I have also seen in Germany worldly ecclesiastics and enlightened Protestants manifest desires and form a plan for the fusion of religious confessions and for the suppression of papal authority. (AA.!11.179)

-.. and this plan had, in Rome, its promoters among the prelates! (AA.111.179)

They built a large church, strange and extravagant; everyone had to enter to unite and have the same rights there; Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of all types: what would be a true communion of the profane where there would be only one pastor and one flock. There should also be a Pope, but one who owned nothing and was a salaried employee. Everything was prepared beforehand and many things were already in place: but in the place of the altar there was nothing but desolation and abomination. (AA.!!I. 188)


I have often seen Jesus himself cruelly sacrificed on the altar for the unworthy and criminal celebration of the holy mysteries. I saw before the sacrilegious priests the holy Host resting on an altar like a living Baby Jesus that they cut into pieces with the paten and horribly martyred. His mass, although it actually performed the holy sacrifice, seemed to me like a horrible murder. (CC.89)

... devotion to the Blessed Sacrament would fall completely into decadence and the sacrament itself into oblivion. She said this applying it particularly to that part of the Church in which she saw all things dry up and die before the progress of enlightenment and under the regime of liberty, charity and toleration. (AA.!11.164)

I see the enemies of the Blessed Sacrament who closed the Churches and prevented worship, approaching a terrible punishment. They saw the sick and on their deathbeds without a priest and without the sacrament (AA.!11.167)

The feast of the Blessed Sacrament had become a necessity because at that time (that of its institution) the worship due to it was very neglected and the Church had to proclaim its faith through public worship. There is no festival or devotion established by the Church, no article of faith promulgated by it that is not indispensable, necessary and required for the maintenance of true doctrine at a given time. (AA.l1.286)


It is very sad that the priests of our time (that of Ana Catarina) are so indifferent when it comes to the power to bless. It would often be said that they no longer know what a priestly blessing is; Many hardly believe this and are ashamed of the blessing as an old-fashioned and superstitious ceremony.
Many, finally, do not reflect at all on the virtue and grace given to them by Jesus Christ and treat the matter very lightly. Since the Lord instituted the priesthood and imparted to it the power to bless, it is necessary for me to languish and consume myself in the desire to receive the blessing. Everything in the Church is nothing more than one body: the rejection of one part causes the other to be affected. (AA.!.523)


From Quasimodo Sunday until the third Sunday after Easter (1820), his expiatory sufferings increased to such an extent that those around him, although long accustomed to similar experiences, barely I could bear them. Ana Catarina suffered from the attacks directed by Wessemberg's followers against the celibacy of priests and the numerous scandals linked to these unfortunate actions. (AA.!!1,167)

I was led to a herd at the edge of the bridal house's field. Among the lambs that made it up, there were many bad rams that harmed the flock by hitting it with their horns. (AA.lI1.174)

I was ordered to separate the bad sheep. This was very unpleasant and very painful for me, as I couldn't distinguish them well from the others.


I cannot use the Church's prayers translated into German. To me they are very tasteless and repulsive. In prayer I am not tied to any language and, throughout my life, the Latin prayers of the Church have always seemed much more profound and intelligible to me. At the convent, I was always happy in advance when we had to sing the hymns and responses in Latin. The party became even more lively for me and I saw everything he sang. Especially when we read the litanies of the Blessed Virgin in Latin, I saw successively in a wonderful vision all the symbolic images of Mary. It was as if my words had made those images appear, and at first I was very afraid of that; but soon this became a grace and fervor for me that stimulated much devotion in me. I saw the most admirable scenes in this way. (AA.!.258)


There is only one church, the Roman Catholic Church. And when only one Catholic remains on earth, this will constitute the only universal, that is, Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ, against which the gates of hell will not prevail.
Knowledge of the greatness and magnificence of this Church, in which the sacraments are preserved with all their virtue and inviolable sanctity, is unfortunately rare nowadays, even among priests. And it is because many priests no longer know what they are and no longer understand the meaning of this word, “belonging to the Church”.
It is something very great, but also impossible, without true light, without simplicity and purity, to live according to the faith of this holy Church. (AA.!.528)

I saw in all of them, even in the best among them, a terrible pride, but in none of them did I see humility, simplicity, obedience. They are terribly vain about the separation in which they live. Sometimes they talk about faith, about light, about living Christianity; but they despise and outrage the holy Church, in which only light and life are to be sought. (AA.1.535)

They place themselves above all power and all ecclesiastical hierarchy and do not know submission or respect for spiritual authority. In their presumption, they pretend to understand everything better than the heads of the Church and even the holy doctors.
Those who, with their so-called light, do not consider obedience, nor the rules of discipline, nor mortifications, nor penance, reject good works and still want to possess all perfection. I always see them moving further and further away from the Church and I see a bad future for them. (AA.1.536)

No deviation leads to such disastrous consequences and is so difficult to cure as this pride of spirit, by which sinful man tries to achieve supreme union with God without passing through the laborious path of penance, without practicing even the first and last. necessary of Christian virtues and with no other guide than the intimate feeling and the light that gives the soul the infallible certainty that Christ works in it. (AA.1.536)

I always see these “enlightened” ones in a certain relationship with the coming of the Antichrist, as they too, through their actions, cooperate in fulfilling the mystery of iniquity. (AA.1.536)


Christ for us! Christ in us! (AA.1.536)

They had rejected all judgment of the legitimate authority of the Church, that only she received her power from God, that only she has the mission to be able to decide on the truth or falsehood of this type of inner manifestations; They placed themselves above the rules of faith and the divine commandments, and therefore removed all barriers that could have preserved these unfortunate people from this evil whose disastrous influence they caused to grow like a seed of curse wherever they went. (AA.1.537)

Jesus told them about the different religious sects that existed at that time and described them as whitewashed tombs full of the most horrible corruption. (BB.11.180)

The time of Antichrist was not as near as some believed. There would still be some precursors. I consulted doctors in two cities, from whose school these precursors could have come. (AA.11.441)

...she saw the cessation of sacrifice at the time of Antichrist (AA.!1.492)

June 27, 1822 – I had a painful job to do in a church where, for fear of profanation, the Blessed Sacrament had been closed and walled up on a column and where mass was celebrated secretly in a cellar under the sacristy. I cannot say where this occurred: the church was very old, and I was mortally terrified lest the sacrament should be exposed to some danger. Then my guide urged me again to pray and to ask with all my knowledge for prayers for the conversion of sinners and above all for the priests to have a firm faith: since very difficult times were approaching: non-Catholics wanted for all possible means to dispute and take away from the Church everything that was under its control. The confusion would only increase. (AA.l!.475)


... There was silence about the cross, about sacrifice and satisfaction, about merit and sin, where the facts, miracles and mysteries of the history of our redemption had to give way to “profound theories of revelation”, where the God-man, to be supported, it was enough to be presented as “the friend of men, children, fishermen”, where his life had no other value than that of “teaching”, his Passion as an “example of virtue”, his death as “charity” without object; where the old catechism was taken away from believers and replaced by “biblical stories” where the total lack of doctrine had to be veiled under “a naive language available to all intelligence”; where the faithful were forced to “exchange all their books of piety”, their ancient prayer formulas and their ancient hymns for modern factory productions “as bad and as impious” as those with which they tried to replace the missal, the breviary and the ritual. (AA.11.415)

It was not only for the unbelievers and enemies of God who fought the holy Church with all the weapons of violence and cunning, that the cross was madness and a scandal, but, outside the men who did not want to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ, frightened the number of those who still understood the testimony of the prince of the Apostles:
Know that we were not redeemed with gold and silver, with perishable things, but with the precious blood of Christ, like the blood of a lamb without blemish.



April 12, 1820 – I still had a vision about the great tribulation, whether in our land or in distant countries. It seemed to me that I saw that a concession was being demanded of the clergy that they could not make. I saw many elderly priests and some elderly Franciscans, who no longer wore the habit of their order, weeping very bitterly, and especially a very elderly ecclesiastic. I also saw some young people crying with them. (AA.!11.161)

I saw others, all of whom were lukewarm, willingly complying with what was required of them.
I saw the old men, who had remained faithful, submit to the defense with great distress and close their churches. I saw many others, pious people, countrymen and bourgeois, approaching them: it was as if they were divided into two parts, one good and the other bad. (AA.111.162)


As ​​the enlightened had a particular hatred for the devotion of the rosary, the importance of this devotion was shown to me in a vision of very profound meaning. (AA.!1l.162)

After this (from the vision of the enlightened, enemies of the rosary), Ana Catalina described the rosary; but it was impossible for the Pilgrim (the transcriber of his visions) to reproduce his words; She herself, in her waking state, was unable to express well what she had seen... The various Hail Marys were stars formed by hundreds of precious stones in which Mary's patriarchs and ancestors appeared in scenes related to the preparation of the Incarnation and the Redemption. Thus, that rosary embraced heaven and earth, God, nature, history, the restoration of all things and of man by the Redeemer who was born of Mary; and each image, each material, each color, according to its essential meaning, was used to create that divine work of art. (AA.111.162)


I arrived at the house of Saints Peter and Paul (Rome) and saw a dark world full of anguish, confusion and corruption. (AA.!1.413)

I saw the Holy Father in great tribulation and great anguish regarding the Church. (AA.11.414)

I saw the Church of Saint Peter that a little man carried on his shoulders; he had something Jewish in the features of his face. The matter seemed very dangerous. Mary was standing over the church on the north side and spreading her cloak to protect it. (AA.111.124)

That little man seemed to succumb. He seemed to still be secular and I knew him.
The twelve men he always saw as new apostles were supposed to help him carry his load: but they came very slowly. It seemed as if he would fall under the weight of the load, then finally they all came, they stood under him, and numerous angels came to his aid. There were only the foundations and the back of the church (the choir and the altar), everything else had been demolished by the sect and the church's own servants. (AA.!!1,124)

They took the Church to another place and it seemed to me that several palaces fell before them like fields of wheat being harvested. (AA.!!l.124)

As ​​long as there was still a single Catholic Christian left, the Church could triumph again. (AA.111.124)

When I saw the church of Saint Peter in its state of ruin and how so many ecclesiastics were working, these too, in the work of destruction, without any of them doing it openly in front of the others, I felt such affliction that I cried out to Jesus with all my strength, begging his mercy. Then I saw before me my heavenly husband in the form of a young man and he spoke to me for a long time. He said, among other things, that this transfer of the church from one place to another meant that it was in complete decline, but that it rested on those who carried it and would be revealed with their help. Even if there were only one Catholic Christian left, the Church could triumph again, since it is not founded on the intelligence and advice of men.
He then showed me how there was never a shortage of people praying and suffering for the Church. He made me see all that He Himself had suffered for her, what virtue He had given to the merits and works of the martyrs, and how He would again suffer all unimaginable sufferings if it were possible for Him to suffer again. He also showed me in countless scenes the deplorable conduct of Christians and ecclesiastics, in ever wider areas, extending throughout the world, including my country, then he exhorted me to persevere in prayer and suffering. It was an immense and indescribably sad scene, impossible to describe. I was also shown that there are almost no Christians in the old sense of the term, for the same reason that all the Jews who still exist today are pure Pharisees, only more hardened than the ancients: there are only the people of Judith in Africa that He is similar to. to the Jews of old. This sight filled me with sadness. (AA.I11.125)


I saw a big storm coming from the North. It advanced in a semicircle towards the city of high towers (Vienna) and also extended towards the west. I saw battles and bloody furrows in the sky above various distant places, and I saw endless woes and miseries approaching for the Church. (AA.!1.244)

I saw terrible threats coming from the North in this city (Rome). (AA.11.414)

I saw the sacrifice of Isaac on Mount Calvary. The back of the altar faced North: the patriarchs always placed the altar like this because evil came from the North. (AA.11.484)

Oh city, oh city (Rome)! What are you threatened with? The storm is coming.
Stay tuned! But I hope you remain unshakable. (AA.!111.127)

I saw Rome in such a deplorable state that the smallest spark could set fire to everywhere. I saw Sicily in the shadows, frightening and abandoned by all who could flee. (AA.111.127)

One ​​day, in ecstasy, she exclaimed aloud and groaned: “I see the Church completely isolated and as if completely abandoned. It seems like everyone is running away from her. Everything is in struggle around you. Everywhere I see great misery, hatred, betrayal and resentment, conflict, abandonment and complete blindness. (AA.!11.127)

I see from a central, dark point (and located, it seems, in Rome itself) messengers going out to take something to various places: it comes out of their mouths like black vapor falling in the chest of the listeners and ignites hatred and anger in them. (AA.111.127)

I pray ardently for the oppressed. In the places where some people pray, I see light descending, in others I see dense darkness descending. The situation is terrible. How much I have prayed! (AA.!11.127)


I had a vision of a large church with a very tall and very artistically crafted tower, located in a large city, near a long river. The patron saint of the church was Saint Stephen and I saw near him another saint who was martyred after him. (AA.!l.243)

Near this church I saw many illustrious people, including several foreigners, wearing aprons and mason's trowels. They seemed to be sent there to demolish this church that was covered in slate. All kinds of people from the country joined them: there were even priests and religious.
Then I saw five men enter this church (the Vienna cathedral), three who looked like priests, dressed in heavy and ancient priestly vestments; The other two were very young ecclesiastics who seemed called to holy orders. It also seemed to me that these were resorting to sacred communion and that they were destined to awaken the life of souls.
Suddenly, a flame split the tower, spread across the roof and it seemed as if everything would be consumed. I then thought about the wide river that ran along one side of the city, wondering if its water would be able to put out the fire. But the flames injured many of those who dedicated themselves to the demolition work: the flames chased them and the church remained standing. However, I saw that he would only be saved after the great storm that approached.
This fire, whose appearance was frightening, indicated, firstly, a great danger and, secondly, a new splendor of the Church after the storm. In this country they have already begun to ruin the Church through schools that lead to unbelief.
I saw a big storm coming from the north. It advanced in a semicircle towards the city of the tall tower and extended westward. I saw battles and bloody furrows in the sky above various distant places, and I saw endless woes and miseries approaching for the Church. (AA.!111.245)

Protestants everywhere begin to attack the Church. (AA.!11.245)


In a certain place, it seemed to me that a great city was being mined from below, in which evil was at home. There were several demons involved in this work. They were already very advanced and I believed that with so many heavy buildings the city would soon collapse. I always had the impression that Paris must have been swallowed up like this: I see so many caves below, but they don't look like the underground grottoes of Rome with the sculptures that decorate them. (AA.11.157)


When I arrive in a country, most of the time I see in its capital, as if at a central point, the general state of this country in the form of night, fog, cold; I also see the main sources of destruction up close, I understand everything and I see in the scenes where the greatest dangers are. From these sources of corruption, I see spills and quagmires spread across the country like poisoned canals and I see in the midst of all these pious people in prayer, the churches where the Blessed Sacrament rests, the countless bodies of saints and blesseds, all the works of virtue, of humility, of faith, to carry out an action that suffocates, that appeases, that stops evil, that helps where it is needed. Then I have visions where both the bad and the good pass before my eyes. (AA.11.408)

I see hovering over certain places and certain cities, frightening apparitions that threaten them with great danger or even total destruction. I see a place like this collapse in some way during the night: in another way, I see the blood flowing into the rivers in the battles fought in the air, in the clouds. (AA.!!.408)

And I don't see these dangers, these punishments as isolated things, but I see them as consequences of what happens in other places where sin explodes into violence and fierce fighting, and I see sin return the rod that strikes the guilty. (AA.!!.409)

I passed the vineyard (diocese) of Saint Ludger (Munich) where I found everything in pain as before and I passed the vineyard of Saint Liboire (Paderborn) where I worked last and which I found in the process of improvement. I passed by the place (Prague) where Saint John of Nepomuk, Saint Wenceslaus, Saint Ludmila and other saints rest.
There were many saints but few pious priests among the living, and it seemed to me that good and pious people usually remained hidden. I always went around noon (after that climb to the northeast) and passed in front of the big city (Vienna) dominated by a tall tower and around which there are many avenues and neighborhoods. I left this city to the left and crossed a region of high mountains (the Austrian Alps) where there were still, here and there, many pious people, especially among those who lived dispersed: then, always going around noon, I arrived at the sea city ​​(Venice) where I recently saw Saint Ignatius and his companions. I also saw great corruption there: I saw Saint Mark and other saints. I passed by the Santo Ambrose vineyard (diocese of Milan). I remember many visions and graces obtained through the intercession of Saint Ambrose, especially the action he exerted on Saint Augustine. I learned many things about him and, among others, that I met a person who had, to a certain extent, the gift of recognizing relics. I had visions about this subject and I believe he spoke about it in one of his writings...
I arrived at the house of Saints Peter and Paul (Rome) and saw a dark world full of anguish, confusion and corruption... I saw terrible threats coming from the north in this city.


From there, I crossed the waters (the Mediterranean), touching the islands where there is a mixture of good and evil and discovered that the most isolated were the happiest and brightest: then I went to Francisco Javier's homeland (Spain), because I was traveling west. I saw numerous saints there and I saw the country occupied by red soldiers. (AA.!!.411)

Their chief (the one from Spain) was about noon beyond the sea. I saw this country (where the chief was) reasonably calm in comparison with the native land of San Ignacio, which I next entered and saw in a terrible state. (AA.11.414)

I saw darkness spread across this region, where a treasure of merits and graces coming from Saint Ignatius rested. I was in the central point of the country (Madrid). I recognized the place where, long before, I had seen innocent people thrown into a fire in a vision. (AA.l|.414)

Finally I saw the enemies from the interior advancing on all sides and those who fanned the fire being thrown into the bonfire. (AA.I1.415)

I saw enormous abominations spread across the country. My guide told me: “Today Babel is here”. And I saw throughout the country a long chain of secret societies, working as at Babel, and I saw the chain of these things, until the building of the tower, in a fine fabric like a spider's web, extending everywhere and everywhere. the whole story: the supreme product of this flowering was Semiramis, the devilish woman. (AA.Il.415)

I saw everything holy destroyed and godlessness and heresy break out. (AA.I1.415)

There was the threat of an imminent civil war and an internal crisis that would destroy everything. (AA.III.415)


From that unfortunate country (Spain) I was taken by the sea, approximately towards the north, to an island where Saint Patrick (Island) was located. There were only Catholics, but they were very oppressed: even so, they were in communion with the Pope, but in secret. There was still a lot of good in this country because people were united. (AA.11.416)

From Saint Patrick's Island you could reach a large island via an arm of the sea (Irish Sea). It was dark, misty and cold.
I saw here and there some groups of pious sectarians (...) the rest were all in great ferment.
Almost the entire city was divided into two parties, and they were involved in dark and unpleasant intrigues.
The largest party was the worst: the least numerous had the soldiers under their command; It wasn't worth much either, but it was still worth more. I saw great confusion and fighting coming and I saw the smaller party take power.
There were abominable maneuvers in all of this: there were mutual betrayals, everyone watched each other and each one seemed to be his neighbor's spy.
Above this country I saw a great number of God's friends belonging to former times: how many holy kings, bishops, propagators of Christianity who went from there to Germany to work for our benefit! I saw Saint Walburge, King Edward, Edgar and also Saint Ursula.
I saw a lot of misery in the cold and misty country: I saw opulence, vices and numerous ships.
From there I went east, beyond the sea, to a cold land where I saw Saint Bridget (of Sweden), Saint Canut (king of Denmark and patron saint of that country) and Saint Eric (king of Sweden). This country was calmer and poorer than the previous one, but it was also cold, misty and gloomy. I no longer know what I saw and did there.
Everyone was Protestant. (AA.l1.417)

From that place I went to an immense territory (Russia) completely dark and full of evil, from there great storms arose. The inhabitants had an unusual pride. (AA.ll.418)

They built great churches and believed they were on their side. I saw that they were arming themselves and working on all sides: everything was dark and threatening. I saw Saint Basil and others there. I saw above the castle with dazzling roofs the Evil One who remained in the towers. (AA.11.418)

Although all this appears as a development of the dark images that I saw on the ground in these countries, I saw the good luminous germs that were in them, giving rise to scenes located in a higher region. I saw above each country a world of light that represented everything that was done for it by the saints, children of that country, the treasures of grace of the Church that were sent to it by the merits of Jesus Christ. I saw above devastated churches reborn churches in the light, I saw the bishops and doctors, the martyrs, the confessors, the seers and all those privileged by grace who lived there: I entered the scenes where their miracles were and the graces that received them, and I saw the visions, the revelations, the most important apparitions they received: I saw all their lives and their relationships, the action they carried out near or far, the chain of their works and the effects produced by them to the greatest distances. I see everything that was done, how everything was annihilated; and how, however, the blessing always remained on the paths they followed, how they always remained in union with their homeland and with their flock through the mediation of pious people who preserved their memory and particularly venerated their bones, where they rested, They were, through an intimate relationship that linked them to them, sources of their charity and intercession.
Without God's help it would not be possible to contemplate so many miseries and abominations towards this charity and this mercy, without dying of pain. (AA.!1.409)


I saw the earth as a round surface covered with darkness and gloom. (AA.!1.158)

Everything had dried up and seemed to perish. I have seen this in countless details in creatures of all kinds, such as trees, bushes, plants, flowers, and fields. It was as if the water had been taken from the streams, fountains, rivers and seas, or as if it had returned to its origin, to the waters that are above the firmament and around paradise. I crossed the desolate land and saw the rivers as thin lines, the seas as black abysses where nothing could be seen except a few pools of water in the center. Everything else was a thick, murky mud where I saw huge animals and fish trapped fighting against death. I was going far enough to be able to recognize the seashore where I had previously seen Saint Clement drown. I also saw places and men in the saddest state of confusion and perdition and I saw, as the land became more desolate and more arid, the dark works of the men who traversed them. I saw many abominations in detail; I recognized Rome and saw the oppressed Church and its decline within and without. (AA.!!l. 158)


In the middle of hell there was a terrible abyss; Lucifer was thrown there loaded with chains, thick smoke surrounded him on all sides. His destiny was regulated by a law dictated by God himself; I saw that, in fifty or sixty years, if I'm not mistaken, before the year 2000, Lucifer would have to emerge from the abyss for some time.
I saw many other details that I forgot, other demons should also be released at a more or less distant time, to tempt men and serve as instruments of divine justice. Many of these demons should come out of the abyss at this moment and others in a short time. (DD.452)

I saw that the apostles were sent to most of the earth to subdue the power of Satan everywhere and to bring blessings, and that the regions where they evangelized were those that had been most strongly poisoned by the enemy.
If these countries did not persevere in the Christian faith and are now abandoned, it was, as I have observed, through a wise disposition of Providence.
They should be blessed only for the future and remain uncultivated so that, planted again, they would bear abundant fruit when others were left without culture. (AA.!1,340)

When Jesus descended to earth and the earth was watered with his Blood, the infernal power diminished considerably and its manifestations became more timid. (BV.56)



Then I saw the Church rebuilt very quickly and with more magnificence than ever before. (AA.!11.114)

I saw a woman full of majesty advance in the large square in front of the Church. She held the wide cloak over both arms and rose gently into the air.
She leaned on the dome and spread her cloak that seemed to radiate gold across the entire length of the Church. The demolition workers stopped for a moment to rest, but when they wanted to get back to work, it was absolutely impossible for them to approach the space covered by the cover. (AA.l1.204)

Then I saw, in the distance, great cohorts approaching, arranged in a circle around the church, some on earth, others in heaven. The first was made up of young men and women, the second was made up of married people of all conditions, including kings and queens, the third was made up of religious people and the fourth was made up of warriors. Before them I saw a man riding a white horse. The last troop was made up of bourgeoisie and fellow countrymen, many of whom were marked on their foreheads with a red cross. (AA.I11.113)

I saw the church of Saint Peter: it was empty, except for the choir and the main altar.
Then priests and lay people from all over the world came to rebuild the stone walls. (AA.!!l.118)

As ​​they approached, captives and oppressed were freed and joined them.(AA.111.114)

All the demolitionists and conspirators were driven out on all sides and were, without knowing how, gathered into a single confused, mist-covered mass. They didn't know what they had done, nor what they should do, and they ran, bumping into each other. When they were all gathered together in a single mass, I saw them abandon the work of demolishing the church and get lost in the various groups. (AA.!!l.114)

Then I saw the Church rebuilt very quickly and with more magnificence than ever: because people of all cohorts were moving the stones from one end of the world to the other. When the furthest groups approached, the one closest to the center retreated behind the others. It was as if various prayer works were being represented and the group of soldiers were representing war work. I saw in this friends and enemies belonging to all nations. They were simply warriors like ours (like the soldiers of their time) and dressed the same (in uniforms).
The circle they formed was not closed, but to the north there was a great empty and shadowy interval: it was like a hole, like a precipice. I had the feeling that there was a land covered in darkness. (AA.!11.114)

I also saw a part of this group staying behind: they didn't want to move forward and everyone had a dark appearance and were together against each other. In all these groups, I saw many people who had to suffer martyrdom for Jesus: there were still many wicked people there and another separation would have to happen later...
However, I saw the church completely restored; Above her, on a mountain, the Lamb of God surrounded by a group of virgins with palms in their hands, and also the five circles formed by the heavenly cohorts corresponding to those below who belong to the earth. (AA.111.113-115)


I saw large troops coming from several countries heading towards one point and fighting being fought everywhere. I saw in their midst a large black spot, like a huge hole; Those who fought were fewer and fewer in number, as if many fell without realizing it.
During this time, in the midst of the disasters, I saw the twelve men, of whom I have already spoken, scattered in various places without knowing anything about each other, receive rays of living water. I saw that everyone was doing the same work in different places; that they did not know where they had been asked to do it, and that when one thing was done another was given them to do. There were always twelve of them, none of whom were over forty years old... I saw that they all received from God what had been lost and that they worked well everywhere; They were all Catholics. I also saw, in the destructive darkness, false prophets and people who worked against the writings of the twelve new apostles.
As the forces of those fighting around the dark abyss became weaker and weaker, and as during the fighting an entire city had disappeared, the twelve apostolic men steadily gained a large number of adherents, and from the other city (Rome) It began as a luminous cone that entered the dark circle. (AA.!!1. 159)


I saw two opposing spheres, the empire of Satan and the empire of the Savior. I saw the city of Satan and a woman, the prostitute of Babylon, with her prophets and her prophetesses, her miracle workers and her apostles. There everything was rich, brilliant, magnificent, compared to the Savior's empire. I saw there kings, emperors, priests magnificently dressed and riding in carriages; Satan had a magnificent throne.
At the same time I saw the Savior's empire, poor and barely visible on earth, immersed in mourning and desolation. The Church presented me at the same time with the features of the Virgin and those of the Savior on the cross, whose half-open side seemed to indicate to the sinner the asylum of grace. (BB.IV.168)


majestically dressed in a sky blue robe who stood in the distance, wearing a crown of stars on her head. (AA.!I1.160)

I saw a kind of large cloak that constantly expanded and ended
embracing the entire world with its inhabitants. At the same time, this symbol was for me an image of the present time, and I saw priests make holes in that cloak to look through it. (BB.111.344)

I saw in a big city a church that was the smallest became the first. (AA.!111.160)

All the new apostles gathered in the light. I think I was one of the first with someone else I knew. (AA.I!I.160)

Now everything was blooming again. I saw a new Pope, very firm; I also saw the black abyss retract more and more: finally a moment came when a bucket of water could cover the opening.
Lastly I saw three groups or three gatherings of men join in the light.
They had enlightened people among them and entered the church.
Water was abundant everywhere: everything was green and flowery. I saw churches and convents built. (AA.111.161)

I also saw that help arrived at a time of greatest desolation.
I saw again the Blessed Virgin go up to the church and spread her cloak. When I had this last vision, I did not see the current Pope. I saw one of his successors. I saw him soft and stern. He knew how to attract good priests and expel bad ones.
I saw everything renewed and a church that ascended to heaven. (AA.!11.103)


The entire front part of the church had already collapsed: only the sanctuary with the Blessed Sacrament was left standing. I fainted with sadness and wondered where that man was who I had seen before in the church to defend her, wearing a red garment and a white flag. (AA.11.203)

I saw the church of São Pedro with its high dome again. Saint Michael stood tall, shining with light, wearing a blood-red garment and holding a large war flag in his hand.
There was a big fight on the ground. The green and blue were fighting against the whites, and these whites, who had a red and flaming sword above them, seemed defeated: but they all did not know why they were fighting. (AA.!1.205)

The Church was completely red with blood like the angel, and I was told that she would be washed in the blood.
The longer the fight lasted, the more the bloody color was erased from the church and it became more and more transparent. However, the angel came down, went towards the white people and I saw him several times ahead of all his companions. Then they were animated by a wonderful courage, without knowing where it came from; It was the angel who multiplied his blows among the enemies, who fled everywhere. The sword of fire that was above the victorious whites then disappeared.
During the battle, enemy troops continually passed him and once a very large one arrived.
Above the battlefield, troops of saints appeared in the air: they showed, indicated what needed to be done, made signs with their hands: they were all different from each other, but inspired by the same spirit and acting in the same spirit.
When the angel came down from the top of the church, I saw above him, in the sky, a great luminous cross to which the Savior was tied; From his scars came beams of bright lightning that spread across the world. The scars were red and resembled shining doors whose center was the color of the sun. He did not wear a crown of thorns, but from all the wounds on his head came rays that shot horizontally across the world. The rays of his hands, sides and feet were the colors of the rainbow; They were divided into very small lines, sometimes they also met and thus reached villages, cities, houses across the entire surface of the globe. I saw them on one side and another, now far away, now close, falling on several dying people and sucking in the souls that, entering through one of those colored rays, penetrated the Lord's wound. The rays from the side wound spread throughout the church above, like an abundant and very wide stream. The church was all lit up and I saw most of the souls enter the Lord through this stream of lightning. (AA.!1.205)

I also saw a heart hovering over the surface of the sky, shining with a red light, from which began a path of white rays that led to the side wound...
...and Another path that extended throughout the Church and through many countries...
...these rays attracted to them a large number of souls who, through their hearts and through the luminous path, entered alongside Jesus. I was told that the heart was Mary. (AA.11.205)

I then had a vision of an immense battle. The whole plain was covered with great smoke: there were woods full of soldiers from which they continually emerged. It was a low place: large cities could be seen in the distance. I saw Saint Michael descend with a large troop of angels and separate the combatants.
But this will only happen when everything seems lost. A boss will invoke Saint Michael and then victory will descend.
She didn't know the time of this battle. He once said that this would happen in Italy, not far from Rome, where many ancient things would be destroyed and where many new and sacred (that is, hitherto unknown) things would one day reappear. (AA.!11.24)

Saint Michael went down to the church (demolished with the exception of the choir and the main altar) dressed in his armor, and stopped, threatening with his sword, several bad shepherds who wanted to enter there . He drove them into a dark corner where they sat, looking at each other. The part of the Church that was demolished was immediately surrounded by a light light, so that the divine service could be celebrated perfectly. Then priests and lay people from all over the world came and rebuilt the stone walls, since the demolitionists were unable to remove the strong stones from the foundations. (AA.!!1.118)


I saw the daughter of the king of kings attacked and persecuted. She cried a lot for all the blood that would be spilled and looked at a tribe of strong virgins who had to fight by her side. I interceded with her and begged her to think about my country and certain places that I recommended to her. I asked for some of your treasures for the priests. She answered me: “Yes, I have great treasures, but they are trampled on.” She was wearing a sky blue outfit. (AA.!11.181)

Up there, I received from my guide a new exhortation to pray myself and to encourage everyone, as much as possible, to pray for sinners and in particular for backslidden priests. Very bad times will come, he told me. (AA.111.182)

Non-Catholics will seduce many people and seek by every means imaginable to take everything from the Church. Great confusion will follow (AA.!11.182)

I had another vision where I saw how the King's Daughter's army was preparing. A multitude of people contributed to this. And their contribution consisted of prayers, good works, victories over themselves and works of every kind. All of this passed from hand to hand up to heaven and there each thing, after having undergone a certain work, became a piece of the armor with which the Virgin was dressed. You couldn't help but admire how well everything fit together and it was impressive to see how everything meant something else. The Virgin was armed from head to toe.
I recognized several people who gave their help and saw with surprise that entire orders and great and wise people provided nothing, while the important pieces of armor came from poor and short people. (AA.!11.182)

I saw the battle. The enemies were infinitely more numerous; but the small faithful troops overthrew entire ranks. During the combat, the armed Virgin was on a hill: I ran towards her and recommended my homeland and the places for which I prayed. His armor had something strange: everything had a meaning: he wore a helmet, shield and breastplate. As for the people who fought, they looked like normal soldiers. It was a terrible war: in the end only a small troop of leaders of the good cause remained, who emerged victorious. (AA.111.182)


The disbelief of the time (in which Ana Catalina lived) was at its peak: there would still be incredible confusion; but after the storm faith would be restored. (AA.11.132)

But on the other side, those who restored began to work with incredible activity. Very old, powerless, forgotten men arrived, then many strong and vigorous young people, women, children, clergy and lay people and very soon the building was completely restored. (AA.!|.204)

I then saw a new Pope arriving with a procession. He was younger and much more severe than the previous one. He was received with great pomp. It seemed ready to consecrate the church (Saint Peter in Rome), but I heard a voice saying that a new consecration was not necessary, that the Blessed Sacrament had always remained there. (AA.11.204)

A double celebration would then be celebrated very solemnly: a universal jubilee and the restoration of the Church. The Pope, before starting the festival, had already ordered his people to expel from the assembly of the faithful, without encountering opposition, a crowd of members of the high and low clergy. (AA./1.204)

I saw that they left the assembly murmuring and full of anger. The Pope placed other people, ecclesiastical and even lay, at his service. Then the great solemnity began in the church of São Pedro. (AA.!1.204)

The men in white coats continued to work silently and carefully in the demolition work, when others could not see them: they were careful and attentive. (AA.11.204-205)

On the Feast of Purification, in 1822, she said the following:
I see, lately, wonderful things around the Church. The Church of Saint Peter was almost completely destroyed by the sect: but the works of the sect were also destroyed and everything that belonged to them, their aprons and their instruments were burned by the executioner in a square marked by infamy. It was just horsehide and the stench was so strong it made me sick.
In this vision I saw the Mother of God work in such a way for the Church that my devotion to Her increased even more. (AA.111.115)


The Bridegroom will celebrate her marriage, that is, her indissoluble union with the Church, in constant renewal, and to present her to God the Father pure and blameless in all her members, unceasingly pours torrents of graces upon her. But each of these gifts must be taken into account and among those who receive them, only a small number could be found for this accountability, if the Spouse of the Church did not prepare at all times instruments that would collect what others allowed to be lost, taking advantage of the talents that others rejected, paying the debts incurred by others.
Before manifesting himself in the flesh in the fullness of time to celebrate the new nuptials in his Blood, He, through the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, prepared Mary to be the primordial and eternally immaculate type of the Church. (AA.II.247)

It has been twenty years since my fiancé took me to the bridal house and laid me down on the rough bridal bed where I still lie. (AA.I.246)

I was at the Bridal House and saw a noisy wedding party arriving on several floats. The bride, who had many men and women close to her, was a person of great stature, with a bold appearance and the appearance of a courtesan.
He had a crown on his head, on his chest many jewels, three chains and three tinsel brooches from which various instruments were suspended, figures representing crayfish, frogs, toads, grasshoppers, and also small horns, rings, whistles, etc. His clothes were scarlet. An owl flew on his shoulder, speaking in his ear, both to the right and to the left: it seemed to be his familiar spirit.
This woman, with her entire court and countless luggage, pompously entered the wedding house and expelled everyone who was there. The former lords and ecclesiastics barely had time to collect their books and papers before they were all forced to leave, some filled with horror, others filled with sympathy for the courtesan. Some went to the church, others in different directions, marching in separate groups.
She ransacked everything in the house, even the table and the glasses that were on it.
Only the room where the bride's habits were located and the room that I saw transformed into a church consecrated to the Mother of God remained firm and intact.

Notably, the courtesan, all her accoutrements, and her books sparkled, and she smelled infectiously of that glowing beetle that smells so bad. The women around her were magnetic prophetesses: they prophesied and supported her.
But this ignoble bride wanted to marry, and even more so, a pious and enlightened young priest. I believe he was one of the twelve I often see working important works under the influence of the Holy Spirit. He had run away from this woman's house. She brought him back, addressing him with the most flattering words.
When he arrived, she showed him everything and wanted to put everything in his hands. He stopped for a while: but as she showed herself aggressive and without discretion towards him, and used every imaginable means to get him to take her as his wife, he assumed a very serious and very imposing appearance: he cursed her as well as all her actions, as if they were those of an infamous courtesan, and withdrew.
Then I saw everything that was with her, leaving, giving up the place, dying and slandering. The entire Bridal House turned dark and black in an instant, and the shiny things began to corrode. The woman herself, completely devoured, fell to the ground and remained on the ground, preserving her external form: but everything in her decomposed.
Then, when everything was reduced to dust and silence reigned everywhere, the young man seemed to have been sent from Rome.
The old man carried a cross that he planted in front of the Bridal House, which was completely black: he took something from that cross, entered the house, opened the doors and windows, and it seemed that the others who were in front of the house were praying, consecrating and carrying out exorcisms. .
A fierce storm arose and passed by the house and a black vapor came out of it and traveled towards a large city where it divided into clouds of various sizes. As for the House, it was again occupied by a number chosen from among the former residents. Some of those who came with the unclean bride and who converted also settled. Everything was purified and began to prosper. The garden has also returned to its original state.

I saw a huge party in the church that, after the victory, radiated like the sun. I saw a new Pope, very austere and very energetic.
Before the beginning of the festival I saw many bishops and pastors expelled by him because of their wickedness.
Then I saw, close to being fulfilled, the prayer: “Your kingdom come”. (AA.11.209)

On December 27th, the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, she saw the Roman Church shine like a sun. Rays came out of it and spread throughout the world: “I was told that this was related to the Apocalypse of Saint John, about which several people in the Church must receive light and this light will fall on the entire Church”. (AA.11.202)

While the combat was taking place on earth, the Church and the angel, who soon disappeared, became white and luminous. The cross also disappeared and in its place stood above the Church a great woman shining with light who spread her radiant golden cloak far above her.


In the Church, reconciliation was seen taking place accompanied by testimonies of humility.
I saw the bishops and pastors approach and change their books: the sects recognized the Church, its wonderful victory and the clarity of the revelation that they had seen with their eyes radiate upon it. These lights came from the rays of the fountain that Saint John had made to flow from the lake on the mountain of the prophets.
When I saw this meeting, I had a deep impression of the nearness of the kingdom of God. I felt a splendor and a superior life manifested in all nature and a holy emotion took possession of all men, as in the times when the birth of the Lord was near and I felt the proximity of the kingdom of God in such a way that I felt forced to run meet him and shout with joy.
I had the feeling of the advent of Mary in her first ancestors. I saw Her lineage ennobled as She approached the point where this flower would be produced. I saw Maria arrive, what was it like? I don't know how to express this; It is in the same way that I have a premonition of the approach of the kingdom of God. I saw her approaching, attracted by the burning desire of so many Christians, full of humility, love and faith; it was desire that attracted her.
I saw a great celebration in the Church that, after the victory achieved, radiated like the sun.
I saw a new Pope who was austere and very energetic. Before the feast began, I saw many bishops and pastors expelled by him because of their wickedness. I saw the holy apostles participate in a very special way in the celebration of this feast in the Church. I then saw, very close to its fulfillment, the prayer: “Your kingdom come”. I seemed to see heavenly gardens, brilliant with light, descending from above, gathering on the earth in the places where the fire was kindled, and bathing everything below with a primordial light.
As in the lineage of David, the promise was preserved until its fulfillment in Mary, in the fullness of time; in the same way that this lineage was cared for, protected, purified until the moment in which it produced in the Holy Virgin the light of the world, in the same way, this saint of the mountain of the prophets purifies and preserves all the treasures of creation and promise, as well as the meaning and essence of every word and every creature until the times are fulfilled. He rejects and erases everything that is false and evil; then it is as pure a current as when it comes from the bosom of God, and this is how it flows today throughout nature.
I was in the garden of the Bridal House. The matron was still sick, but she still tidied, cleaned and removed debris from here and there in the garden.
I saw several saints dressed in ancient priestly habits cleaning different parts of the church and removing cobwebs. The gate was open, the church became brighter and brighter. It was as if the owners were doing the work of the servants: those in the bridal house did nothing and many were dissatisfied. (AA.11.361)

There was, however, a big movement there. It seemed that some hesitated to enter even when the church was completely arranged: but some had to be left aside. (AA.!1.361)

As ​​the church became more and more beautiful and bright, a beautiful clean fountain suddenly appeared inside it, spreading crystal-clear water everywhere, coming out through the walls and flowing into the garden , reviving the church. (AA.11.361)

In the outpouring of this fountain, everything became brighter and happier and I saw above it an altar resplendent like a heavenly spirit, like a future manifestation and growth (AA.!11.361)

In the outpouring of this fountain, everything became brighter and happier and I saw above it an altar resplendent like a heavenly spirit, like a future manifestation and growth (AA.!11.361)


It seemed like everything was growing in the church, walls, roofs, decorations, the body of the building, everything; and the saints continued to work and the movement grew in the Bridal House. (AA.11.361)

Then I had a new vision. I saw the Blessed Virgin above the church and around her the apostles and bishops. I saw great processions and solemn ceremonies up there.
I saw great blessings distributed from above and many changes. I also saw the Pope order and regulate all of this. I saw poor and simple men emerge, many of whom were still young. I saw many former ecclesiastical dignitaries who, having placed themselves in the service of bad bishops, left the interests of the Church in oblivion, crawling on crutches, like lame and paralyzed people; They were taken by two guides and received forgiveness.
I saw several bad bishops, who believed they could do something alone and who did not receive the strength of Christ for their work through the intermediation of their holy predecessors and the Church, distanced and replaced by others. (AA./1,492)

Enemies who fled in combat were not pursued; but they spread far and wide. (AA.!1,240)

I saw the priesthood and religious orders renew themselves after a long decline.
It seemed to me that a mass of pious people had emerged and that everything came out of them and developed (AA.!11.176)

I saw a great celebration in the church of Saint Peter, in Rome, with many lights and I saw that the Holy Father, as well as many others, were strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
I also saw, in various places around the world, the light come upon the twelve men I saw so many times as twelve new apostles or prophets of the Church. (AA.II.429)


I saw him mild and stern. He knew how to attract good priests and reject the bad ones who were far from him. I saw everything renewed and a church that ascended to heaven. (AA.III.103)

I saw a new and very firm Pope (AA.III.161)

There was a thanksgiving feast in the spiritual church; there was a splendid glory there, a magnificently adorned throne. Saint Paul, Saint Augustine and other converted saints figured there in a very special way. It was a celebration in which the triumphant Church gave thanks to God for a great grace that should only reach its maturity in the future. It was something like a future consecration. This was related to the moral change that occurred in a man of slender condition and quite young, who one day should become Pope.
I have also seen many Christians enter the Church with this vision. They entered through the church walls. (AA.111.177)
I saw that this Pope must be severe and that he will remove all the lukewarm and cold bishops from him. But it will still be a long time before that happens. (AA.I11.177)

I saw this future Pope in church, surrounded by other pious men: he was a relative of that old priest who I saw die in Rome a few days ago.
The young man was already in orders and seemed to receive dignity today (January 27, 1822). He was not a Roman, but an Italian, from a place not far from Rome, and belonged, I believe, to a pious princely family. (It was about the future Pope Pius IX) (AA.II.178)


There was a great solemnity in the church and I saw above it a luminous cloud on which descended the apostles and the holy bishops who gathered in choirs above the altar. I saw among them Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose and all those who worked hard for the exaltation of the Church. (AA.!l.493)

It was a great ceremony; Mass was celebrated and I saw in the middle of the church a large open book with three seals hanging on the widest side and two other seals on each of the other sides. I also saw the apostle Saint John on high and learned that it was the revelations he had in Pathmos. The book was placed on a choir table. Before that book was opened, something happened that I have forgotten.
It's a shame there's this gap in vision. (AA.!1.493)

On December 27th she saw the Roman Church shining like the sun
I was told that this was related to the Apocalypse of Saint John, about which several people in the church must receive light and this light will fall on the entire Church. (AA.11.202)


The Pope was not in the Church. It was hidden. (AA.Il.493)

I think those who were in the church didn't know where it was. I don't know if he was praying or dead. But I saw that all those present, priests and lay people, had to place their hands on a certain passage from the book of the Gospels and that a light fell upon many of them, like a particular sign, which was transmitted by the holy apostles and the holy bishops. I also saw that several of them did it just for the sake of formality. (AA.11.493)

Outside, around the church, I saw many Jews arriving who wanted to enter, but still couldn't. (AA.!l.493)

At last those who had not entered at first arrived, forming an innumerable crowd: but then I saw the book close suddenly, as if under the impulse of a supernatural power. br /> In the background, in the distance, I saw a bloody and terrible combat and I especially saw an immense battle on the north and west sides.
It was a great and very impressive sight. I'm really sorry I forgot where you put your finger in the book. (AA.Il.493)

I knew, through a vision, that near the end of the world, a battle would be fought against the Antichrist, on the plain of Mageddo. (USA | 0.234)


That day, Ana Catarina had a long conversation with two of her heavenly visitors, Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Francis de Chantal:
They said that the current era was very sad, but that after many tribulations a time of peace would come in which religion would regain its empire and in which there would be much cordiality and charity among men, and that then many convents would flourish in the true sense of word. I also saw an image of this distant time that I cannot describe, but I saw throughout the land the night withdrawing and love extending a new life. On this occasion I had visions of all kinds about the rebirth of religious orders. (AA.!l.440)


I saw Pentecost as a feast in the Church, the communication of the Holy Spirit throughout the world was shown to me in several scenes, as it has often happened to me. I also saw the twelve new apostles and their relationship with the Church. I also saw a spiritual church formed with many parishes gathered together and they received the Holy Spirit. It was a new awakening of the Catholic Church. I saw a large number of people receive the Holy Spirit.(AA.111.144)


I had a vision of the Holy Spirit: it was like a winged figure, on a triangular surface, with a spill of seven-colored light. I saw how this light spread throughout the spiritual Church that floated in the air and among those who interacted with it. (AA.111.144)

A fire will break out in the Church, threatening it with total ruin. (AA.III.244)

This fire, whose appearance was frightening, indicated in the first place a great danger; Secondly, a new splendor in the Church, after the storm. (AA.III.244)

I saw throughout the land a great quantity of outpourings of the Spirit: sometimes it was like lightning falling on a church; I saw the faithful in church, and among them those who received grace: or I saw them isolated in their homes or in churches where light and strength came. This caused me great joy and gave me confidence that, in the midst of ever-increasing tribulations, the Church will not succumb, as I have seen the Holy Spirit raise up instruments in every country in the world. Yes, I felt that the external oppression that the powers of this world make her suffer better prepares the Church to receive internal strength.
I saw in the church of Saint Peter, in Rome, a great celebration with many lights and I saw that the Holy Father, as well as many others, were strengthened in the Holy Spirit. (AA.III.429)

I also saw, in various places around the world, the light come upon the twelve men who I often saw as twelve new apostles or prophets of the Church. (AA.1l.429)


From the eastern side of this church, a priestly figure with infinite splendor advanced: it was as if he were the Lord. Soon twelve luminous men appeared around him and around them many more. Then there came out of the mouth of the Lord a small luminous body which, having gone out, became larger and more defined in form, then, repeating itself again, entered like the image of a shining child into the mouths of the twelve who were surrounded by the Lord, then in the others. It wasn't the historical scene of the Lord dining with the disciples, as I saw on Maundy Thursday, but what I saw reminded me of it.
There everyone was luminous and radiant, it was a divine service, it was like an ecclesiastical solemnity.
I saw the end of the ecclesiastical festival and it was as if I had seen those men there who were going to awaken and enliven with new fervor the dormant feeling of the admirable mystery of God's presence multiplying on earth. (AA.11.425)

The priests were immersed in a deep sleep and what they were doing seemed like cobwebs to me. On many sides, malice, cunning and violence grew so much that they betrayed each other. I saw some people lose their places that were occupied by others, and a whole chain of infamy descending from top to bottom towards the world.
Then I saw a group of men advancing across a large field that I could see at some distance. One of them towered above all the others. There were at least a hundred. I wondered if it was the place where the Lord fed seven thousand men.
The Lord came to meet me with all his disciples and chose twelve from among them. I saw how he looked from one to the other. I recognized them all: the old men full of simplicity and the robust young people with aged skin. I also saw how He sent them far away in all directions and followed them with His eyes in their distant walks among the nations. And as I said to myself:
oh! What can such a small number of men do among countless multitudes?
The Lord said to me approximately:
His voice can be heard from far away, everywhere. Thus, even today, several are sent; Whatever they are, men and women can do the same. See the salvation that those twelve brought; Those I send to your time also contribute to this, even if they remain obscure and despised. (AA.!!.128)

She saw the twelve future apostles, each in his place. (AA.ll.422)

I saw the Church of Saint Peter that a little man carried on his shoulders; He had something Jewish in the features of his face. The matter seemed very dangerous. Mary was standing over the church on the north side and spreading her cloak to protect it. (AA.111.124)

That little man seemed to succumb. He seemed to still be secular and I knew him.
The twelve men he always saw as new apostles were supposed to help him carry his load: but they came very slowly. It seemed as if he would fall under the weight of the load, then finally everyone came, lay down under it, and numerous angels came to his aid. It was just the foundations and the back of the church (the choir and the altar), everything else was demolished by the sect and the church's own servants. (AA.111.124)

I have seen many abominations in detail; I recognized Rome and saw the oppressed Church and its decline within and without.
During this time, I still saw, in the midst of the disasters, the twelve men I have already spoken about, dispersed in various places without knowing anything about each other, receive rays of living water. I saw that everyone was doing the same work from different sides; that they did not know where this work was entrusted to them and that when one thing was done, another was given to them to do. There were always twelve of them, none of whom were over forty.
There was nothing special about their clothes, but each one was dressed in the fashion of his country and following the current fashion: I saw that they all received from God what they had lost, and that they worked well on all sides; They were all Catholics. (AA.111.159)

I also saw in the darkness destroyers, false prophets, and people who worked against the writings of the twelve new apostles. I also saw a hundred women sitting in wonder and men next to them who magnetized them; I saw them prophesying. (AA.!11.160)


The time of the martyrdom of the holy Innocents is near! (AA.111.227)

One ​​day, in the Bridal House, Ana Catarina saw a nativity scene... "with images of holy Innocents and the scene of the punishment inflicted on Herod for having wanted to suppress the advent of the Savior. I learned that these images apply to the present time, especially with regard to those who want to take from the world and destroy the renewed grace of this advent (AA.!!l.476)

I saw the prayer “Your kingdom come” about to be performed. (AA.11.209)


A few weeks before Christmas 1819, Ana Catharina was led by the angel, her guide, as every year, to the high place she called “The Mountain of the Prophets” situated, like her tells us, atop the summit of the highest and completely inaccessible mountain in Tibet.
Here is the almost complete account of his impressions of his extraordinary trip.
It was written by Brentano on the 9th and 10th of December 1819. It was only a few days later, it seems, that Ana Catharina understood the whole matter.

She describes it here without comment according to her custom:
This night I traveled through the Promised Land in various directions, as it was in the time of Our Lord... I saw various scenes and went quickly from one place to another.
Leaving Jerusalem, I advanced far towards the East. Several times I passed near large amounts of water and over the mountains that the wise men from the east had crossed to reach Bethlehem. I also crossed densely populated countries, but I did not touch inhabited places: most of the time I passed through deserts. Then I reached a region where it was very cold and I was carried higher and higher to an extremely high point; Along the mountains, from west to east, there was a large path along which I saw groups of men passing.
There was a race of small stature, but very lively in their movements, they carried small banners with them, those of the other race were of tall stature, they were not Christians. This route was descending; my path took me upward, to a region of incredible beauty. There it was hot and everything was green and fertile, there were wonderfully beautiful flowers, beautiful woods and beautiful forests; Several animals were playing, they didn't seem dangerous.
This land was not inhabited by any human creature and no man ever went there; because nothing but clouds could be seen from the great route.
I saw groups of animals similar to small deer with very thin legs; They had no horns, their skin was light brown with black spots. I also saw a black, plump animal resembling a pig, and then animals resembling large goats, but more like deer; They were very familiar, very fast in running: they had beautiful and very bright eyes: I saw others that looked like lambs; They were very thick, had like a woolen wig and very thick tails: others looked like small donkeys, but speckled; large birds, with long legs, that ran very fast, others that looked like chickens, pleasantly decorated, and finally a series of beautiful birds, small and of different colors. All these animals played freely, as if they were unaware of the existence of men.
From this paradisiacal place I climbed higher and it was as if I was led by the clouds. I thus reached the top of that high mountain region where I saw many wonderful things. At the top of the mountain there was a great plain and on this plain a lake; In the lake a green island. This island was surrounded by large cedar-like trees. I was lifted to the top of one of those trees and, holding on tightly to the branches, I saw the entire island from above.
When I looked down at the island from my tree, I could see the lake water at the other end, but not the mountain. This water was alive and of extraordinary clarity: the water crossed the island through different tributaries and flowed underground through several more or less large streams.
In front of the narrow strip of land, on the green plain, stood a large, wide-spreading tent that seemed to be made of gray cloth; It was decorated on the inside, on the back, with long panels of fabrics of different colors and covered with all kinds of painted or embroidered figures. Around the central table were stone seats without backs and shaped like cushions: they were covered in always fresh vegetation.
In the middle seat of honor, behind the low, oval stone table, a man surrounded by a halo like that of saints sat cross-legged in the oriental manner and wrote with a quill in a large book. The feather was like a small twig. To the right and left were several large books and scrolls wrapped around wooden sticks with balls on the ends; and near the tent there was a hole in the ground that seemed lined with bricks and where a fire was burning, the flame of which did not extend beyond the edge.
The entire place around looked like a beautiful green island surrounded by clouds. The sky above my head was of inexpressible serenity. I saw nothing of the sun except a semicircle of rays shining from behind the clouds. This semicircle belonged to a disk that seemed much larger than our world.
The general appearance had something inexpressibly sacred.
It was lonely but full of charm. When I had that spectacle before my eyes, I seemed to know and understand what it was and what it all meant, but I felt that I could not take it with me and retain that knowledge. My guide was by my side until that moment, but near the tent he became invisible to me.
As I considered all this, I said to myself, “What am I to do here, and why is it necessary for a poor creature like me to see all these things?” Then the figure said to me from inside the tent: “It’s because you have a part in all of this.” This then redoubled my astonishment and I descended or flew towards that figure, in the tent, where she was sitting, dressed like the spirits I see: the figure had on its exterior and in its appearance something reminiscent of Saint John the Baptist or Elijah.
The books and numerous volumes that were on the floor around that figure were very old and very precious. On some of these books there were embossed metal ornaments and figures, for example, a man holding a book in his hand. The figure told me, or otherwise made me know, that these books contained everything that was more sacred than that which came from men; She examined, compared everything and discarded anything false in the fire lit near the tent. He told me that it was there so that no one could access it: he was in charge of looking after everything and guarding it until it was time to use it. This time we were able to arrive on certain occasions; but there were always major obstacles. I asked him if he didn't have the feeling of the long wait that had been imposed on him. He answered me: “In God there is no time.”
He also told me that I should see everything, took me out of the tent and showed me the surrounding area.
The tent was about the height of two men: it was as long as from here to the town church: its width was about half the height.
At the top there was a kind of knot by which the tent was suspended by a thread that went up and was lost in the air, so that I couldn't understand where it was tied. At the four corners were columns that could not be covered with two hands. The tent was open at the front and sides. In the middle of the table a book of extraordinary size had been placed, which could be opened and closed: it seemed as if it were on the table. The man looked in that book to check the accuracy. It seemed to me that there was a door under the table and that there was stored a great sacred treasure, a sacred thing.
He then showed me around and I then made my way, along the outer river, back to the lake whose surface was perfectly level with the island. This water that I felt flowing under my feet diversified under the mountain through many channels and came to light below, in the form of large and small fountains. It seemed to me that this entire part of the world received salvation and blessing from above: it did not overflow anywhere. Descending from the east and at noon, everything was green and covered with beautiful flowers; In the west and north there was also vegetation, but there were no flowers.
Arriving at the end of the lake, I crossed the water without a bridge and went to the island that I circled between towers. The whole floor looked like a bed of very thick and strong foam; It seemed like everything was hollow underneath: the towers came out of the foam like a natural growth...
I had the feeling that humanity's greatest treasures were preserved in the towers: it seemed to me that sacred bodies rested there. Between some of those towers I saw a very strange cart with four low wheels: four people could sit well; There were two benches and a small seat in front. This car, like everything else there, was completely covered in green vegetation or green rust. It had no rudder and was decorated with carved figures, although at first glance I thought people were sitting on it. The wheels were as thick as those on Roman chariots. It looked light enough to be pulled by men. I observed everything very carefully, because the man said to me: “You have your share here and you can take possession of it immediately.” I could not understand in any way what part I could have there. What should I do - I asked myself - with this unique car, these towers and these books?
But I had a vivid impression of the sanctity of the place. It was for me as if, with this water, the salvation of various ages had descended into the valleys and as if men themselves had come to these mountains from where they descended to sink deeper and deeper. I also had the feeling that the heavenly gifts were there preserved, guarded, purified, prepared in advance for men. I had a very clear perception of all this: but it seemed to me that I could not take this clarity with me: I only retained the general impression.
When I entered the tent, the man once told me the same thing: “You have a part in all this and you can take ownership of it immediately.” And when I showed him my ineptitude, he told me with a calm confidence: “You will come back to me soon.” He didn't leave the store while I was there, but he continually circled around the table and books.
In the tent, I had the impression that a sacred body was buried there: it seemed to me that there was an underground basement and that it exuded a sweet smell of a sacred tomb. I got the feeling that the man wasn't always in the tent near the books. He welcomed me and spoke to me as if he had known me forever and knew that I would reach that place: he told me with the same certainty that I would return and showed me a downward path; I went in the direction of noon, passed the steep part of the mountain again, then the clouds and descended to the smiling land where there were so many animals. I saw many small fountains emerge from the mountain, rush towards the waterfalls and descend: I also saw birds, larger than a goose, about the color of a partridge, with three claws in front and one behind, a slightly low tail and a long necks, then other birds with bluish plumage, similar to the ostrich but smaller: finally I saw all the other animals.
On this trip I saw many things again and more human beings than on my first trips. I once crossed a small river which, as I internally knew, issued from the lake above: later I followed its banks and then lost sight of it. I then arrived at a place where poor people of different colors lived in shacks. It seemed to me that they were Christian captives. I saw other dark-skinned men with white cloths on their heads coming towards them. They brought them food in woven baskets: they did this by stretching their arms forward as if they were scared, then they left looking scared, as if they had been exposed to some danger. These people lived in a ruined city and inhabited lightly constructed huts. I also saw water where rose bushes grew of completely extraordinary density and strength.
I then returned close to the river: in this place the river was very wide, full of rocks, sand islets and beautiful masses of vegetation between which it zigzagged. It was the same stream that came from the high mountains and that I had crossed higher up when I was still small: a large number of dark-skinned people, men, women and children, dressed in different ways, were busy on the rocks and the islets, in drinking and washing. They seemed to have come from far away. There was something in his behavior that reminded me of what I had seen on the banks of the Jordan in the Holy Land. There was also a tall man who seemed to be their priest. They filled the containers they carried with water. I also saw many other things: I was not far from the country where Saint Francis Xavier was: I crossed the sea passing through countless islands.

On December 22, Ana Catalina told Peregrino:
Now I know why I went to the mountain: my book is among the writings on the table, I will be allowed to read the last five pages. The man sitting at the table will return in due time. Your car remains there as an eternal memory. It was in this carriage that he got up at this point and the men, with great surprise, saw him get off in this carriage.
It is there, on that mountain, the highest in the world and where no one can reach, that has remained safe, when corruption increases among men, treasures and sacred mysteries. The lake, the island, the towers exist only so that these treasures are preserved and protected from all attacks. It is by virtue of the water that is on this summit that all things are refreshed and renewed. The river that descends from there and whose water is the object of such great veneration by the men I saw, really has a virtue and fortifies them: that is why they esteem it more than their wines. All men, all goods descended from this height and everything that should have been guaranteed against devastation was preserved there.
The man on the mountain knows me; because there I have my share.
We all know each other, we all support each other. I can't express it well; but we are like a seed distributed throughout the world.
Paradise is not far away. I've seen how Elijah always lives in a garden before paradise.

On December 26th:
I saw the mountain of the prophets again. The man in the tent presented a figure that came from the sky and hovered over him, leaves and books and received others in their place. This spirit had a different exterior than the first. This one floating in the air reminded me vividly of Saint John. He was more agile, faster, gentler, more delicate than the man in the tent, who had something more energetic, more severe, more rigid, more inflexible. The second relates to him as the New Testament relates to the Old, which is why I would gladly call him John and the other Elijah. It was as if Elijah presented John with revelations that had already been fulfilled and received new ones.
There I suddenly saw, emerging from the white cloud, a fountain similar to a fountain of water rising perpendicularly in the form of a ray of crystalline appearance which, at its upper end, was divided into rays and countless drops; which fell again, forming immense waterfalls, to the most remote places on earth: and I saw men illuminated by those rays in houses, in huts, in cities in different parts of the world.
On December 27th, the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, she saw the Church of Rome shine like a sun. She spoke of the rays that spread throughout the world:
I was told that this was related to the Apocalypse of Saint John, about which various people in the Church must receive light and this light will fall entirely upon the Church. I saw a very different view on this subject, but I can't reproduce it well.
I saw Peter's Church and a large number of men working to destroy it, but I also saw others there making repairs (...) I saw Peter's Church again with its high dome. Saint Michael stood on the summit shining with light, wearing a blood-red garment and holding a war flag in his hand. On earth, there was a great struggle.
What I saw was immeasurable, indescribable...
I also suddenly saw it as if the mountain of the prophets had been pushed towards the cross and brought closer to it; However, the mountain had its roots in the earth and remained united to it. It had the same appearance as the first vision, and higher up, behind it, I saw wonderful gardens, completely luminous, in which I saw brilliant animals and plants; I had the feeling that it was Paradise...
While the combat was taking place on earth, the Church and the angel, who soon disappeared, became white and luminous. The cross also disappeared and in its place stood above the Church a great woman shining with light who spread her radiant golden cloak far above her. In the Church, reconciliation was seen taking place accompanied by testimonies of humility. I saw the bishops and pastors approach and change books: the sixths recognized the Church, its wonderful victory and the clarity of the revelation that they had seen with their eyes radiate upon it. These lights came from the rays of the fountain that Saint John had made to flow from the lake on the mountain of the prophets. When I saw this meeting, I had a deep impression of the nearness of the kingdom of God. I felt a splendor and a superior life manifested in all nature and a holy emotion took possession of all men, as in the times when the birth of the Lord was near and I felt the proximity of the kingdom of God in such a way that I felt impelled to run to meet him and shout with joy.
I had the feeling of the advent of Mary in her first ancestors. I saw her lineage ennoble as she approached the point where this flower would be produced. I saw Maria arrive, what was it like? I don't know how to express this; It was the same as when I have a premonition of the approach of the kingdom of God. I saw him approaching, attracted by the burning desire of so many Christians, full of humility, love and faith; It was desire that attracted him.
I saw a great celebration in the Church that, after the victory achieved, radiated like the sun.
I saw a new pope who was austere and very energetic. Before the feast began, I saw many bishops and pastors expelled by him because of their wickedness. I saw the holy apostles participate in a very special way in the celebration of this feast in the Church. I then saw, very close to its fulfillment, the prayer: “Your kingdom come”. I seemed to see heavenly gardens, brilliant with light, descending from above, gathering on the earth in the places where the fire was kindled, and bathing everything below with a primordial light.
As in the lineage of David, the promise was preserved until its fulfillment in Mary, in the fullness of time; In the same way that this lineage was cared for, protected, purified until the moment in which it produced in the Holy Virgin the light of the world, in the same way, this saint of the mountain of the prophets purifies and preserves all the treasures of creation and promise, as well as the meaning and essence of every word and every creature until the times are fulfilled. It rejects and erases everything that is false and evil; then it is as pure a current as when it comes from the bosom of God, and this is how it flows today throughout nature.



“A time will come that no one has seen before... There will be a noise so great that no greater noise was expected or expected, except that which is experienced in the judgment.”
The church will cry... Now it's far away; but sorrow will turn to joy. The King of kings and the Lord of lords will purify and regenerate everything. France, with her pride, will be completely dejected; the days are not far away; They are already at the doors. If you will see a sign and not know it; But observe that at that time women will dress like men and behave according to their tastes and licentiously and men will dress like women.”
“In the days of peace that will come after the desolation of revolutions and wars, before the end of the world, Christians will become very lukewarm in their religion and will refuse to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, saying “it is an unnecessary Sacrament.”


“It was revealed to me that through the intercession of the mother of God all heresies will disappear. The victory over heresies was reserved by Christ for his most holy mother.
In recent times, you want to expand your Mother's renown in a special way. Mary initiated salvation and through her intercession it will be completed.
Before the second coming of Christ, Mary, more than ever, must shine in mercy, power and grace to bring unbelievers to the Catholic faith. Mary's power in recent times will be very eminent.
An unusual punishment for the human race will occur at the end of time."

TERESA MUSCO (1943-1976)

May 20, 1951:

"Teresa, daughter of my heart, I am here to entrust you with some things that you must keep to yourself until I wish. You will see many changes in the church. Christians who pray there will be few. Many souls will go to hell. Women will lose their modesty and shame and will take the form to make many fall.
There will be common crises in the world. The government will fall. The Pope will spend hours of agony; In the end, I am there to lead you to paradise. A great war will happen.
Incalculable deaths and injuries. Satan will declare his victory, but it will be the moment when everyone will see my Son appear above the clouds and judge those who despised his innocent and Divine blood. Then my immaculate heart will triumph."

August 13, 1951:

“My daughter, I am here to tell you that the father will send a great chastisement upon the human race in the second half of the 20th century. Know, my daughter, that Satan reigns in the highest places. the church, understands that “This moment will have managed to seduce the spirits of the great scientists and will be the moment in which they will intervene with very powerful weapons with which it will be possible to destroy a large part of humanity.”

October 7, 1951:

“My daughter, the tribulations that the father directed to Italy are prepared and only the souls that offer themselves as victims will be able to fully touch the hearts of my son and his father. From 1972 onwards, Satan's time will begin; the cardinals he will set the cardinals and the bishops against the bishops. You find yourself in the middle of a very difficult generation, in which everything is tried to be explained scientifically and no one thinks about giving a little affection, a little love, even to the poorest.

January 3, 1952:

“I want to tell you that the world is perverted. I already appeared in Portugal and gave messages but no one listened to me.”
“I spoke at Lourdes, at La Salette, but few hard hearts were softened.
I also want to tell you many things that trouble my heart. I even want to tell you about the third secret that Lucia revealed in Fátima, I must tell you that it was read a long time ago (by the ecclesiastical authorities) but no one will talk about it in public if Paul VI is not elected (here the ascension of Pope John XXIII) . As time passes, the Pope will meet Lucia (Paul VI, Pope-elect, traveled to Fátima and met Lucia in 1967), but this Pope will ask for prayer and penance throughout the world and will not dare to speak of the secret because it is frightening.
"Fire and smoke will decompose the world. The waters of the oceans will turn into fire and vapor. The foam will rise, flooding Europe and everything will sink under the lava of fire. The chosen few who live will envy the dead.

TERESA NEUMANN (1898-1942)

“A terrible punishment is about to fall upon the world, which will exceed anything that has happened in the history of mankind, and which the Lord Jesus Christ himself described as a final judgment in miniature”< /p>


"...This scourge will be felt throughout the world and will be so terrible that each of those who survive will imagine that they will be the only one who will be free. They will all repent and be good. This punishment will be very short, instantaneous, but terrible.
Until the onset of darkness, the persecution of the righteous by the wicked and the wicked will be so great that they will have to suffer true martyrdom. Things will reach such an extreme that it will seem humanly impossible to do anything and that all will be lost. Then our lord will make so remarkable a change in a moment, as from morning to night, that he will put all things in order. The triumph of the church will be preceded by a great punishment. It will be a new punishment and mainly against the wicked, who will be judged and punished. There will be many more who succumb to this than those who will be free. And immediately will come the great triumph of the holy church and the reign of brotherly love; Blessed is he who lives in such fortunate days."


“Preceded by storms, wild winds and terrible earthquakes, which will open the earth and make it tremble, I came one night, during the cold winter months, to this world full of sins: lightning and sparks, coming from incandescent clouds, will come and ignite and reduce to ashes everything that is contaminated by sin.
The destruction will be total. The air, poisoned by sulfurous gases and raising suffocating smoke, will be carried to great distances by gusts of wind.
The works built by man with a crazy and daring spirit of self-worship, wanting to demonstrate his unlimited power, will be annihilated. Then the human race will understand that there is a will far superior to its own, which will destroy its vain boasts of vainglory. Quickly close your doors and windows, block all views of the outside world during the most terrible events; Do not profane your gaze with curious looks because holy, holy is the wrath of God. "The land will be cleansed for you, remnant of the faithful flock."
“Encomend yourselves to the protection of my Most Holy Mother; do not be discouraged despite what you see and hear; it is a fiction of hell that can do them no harm.
Take shelter in constant prayers under the protection of my cross and invoke the angels of your souls. Fight with confidence in my eternal love and do not let doubts arise in you about your salvation. The more steadfast and persevering you remain in my love, the more surely I will defend you from all evil. Fight for the beloved souls of my heart."
"Persevere for a night and a day and for a night and a day, and the next night the terrors will subside... At dawn the next day the sun will shine again and its heat and light will dispel the horrors of darkness Accept the new life with humble gratitude. Live simply and gratefully in peace and love, as I intend.
“Pray and sacrifice that your sacrifice may bear abundant fruits of blessing and that a new race may flourish to gladden your hearts…”
"The world will call you fanatics, madmen, and wretched creatures; they will threaten to make you waver in your constancy with their deceitful eloquence. And the tricksters of hell will try to win you over with their cunning deceptions. Fight with humility and silence; fight with the weapons of good works; of prayer, of sacrifices and with the inner conviction of duty. Seek refuge in the Mother of Grace, so that the inevitable scourge may be a victory over hell and so that my angels may welcome the penitent eternal fortunes of hell. Dad..."

Message taken from his will and distributed by Franciscan priests to all Catholic prayer groups around the world, since Christmas 1990:

The hour of punishment is near, but I will show my mercy.
Our era will witness a terrible punishment. My angels will be in charge of exterminating all those who laugh at me and do not believe in my prophets. Hurricanes of fire will be released from the clouds and will spread across the land.
Temporary storms, thunder, uninterrupted rains, earthquakes will cover the earth. For three days and three nights the uninterrupted rain of fire will then continue, to demonstrate that God is the owner of creation.
Those who believe and hope in my word will have nothing to fear, because I will not abandon them, nor will those who hear my messages. No harm will harm those who are in a state of grace and seek my mother's protection.
For you, prepared for this test, I want to give signs and warnings. The night will be very cold, the wind will arise, there will be... and thunder.
Close all doors and windows. Don't talk to anyone outside the house.
Kneel before your crucifix. Repent of your sins. Pray to my Mother for her protection. Do not look outside while the earth shakes, for my father's wrath is holy. You will not bear the sight of his wrath.
Those who do not heed these warnings will be abandoned and killed instantly by the fury of divine wrath.
The wind will carry poisonous gases that will spread throughout the land.
Those who suffer innocently will be martyrs and enter my kingdom.
After the punishments, the angels will descend from heaven and spread the spirit of peace on earth.
A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will overwhelm those who survive this terrible ordeal.
Pray the rosary piously, if possible together or alone.
During these three days and three nights of darkness, only the candles blessed on Candlemas Day (February 2) can be lit and will give light without going out.


"Three days of great darkness will come. Candles of blessed wax will light during this horrible darkness. A candle will last three days, but in the houses of the wicked they will not burn. During these three days the demons they will appear in horrible and abominable forms and will make the air resound with terrible blasphemies. The lightnings and sparks will penetrate the houses, but the light of the blessed candles will not be extinguished by winds, storms and earthquakes"... "three quarters of humanity. will be annihilated. The punishment will be worldwide.”
“Yes, my children, in these last times, although you are still far from the end that is called the end of the ends of the earth, that is, the end of all mortal existence, understand me well, in these last times the earth will witness great and spectacular wonders, especially in the sky. There will be ungodly deeds, false Christs under a cloak of godliness will be introduced into the church."


“After beginning the usual suffering, at approximately 1:00 p.m., Jesus appeared to me covered in wounds and blood and said to me: look, my daughter, how the sins of the world have hurt me. submerged in filth and overflowing with corruption. The governments of the peoples emerged as demons incarnate.
While they talk about peace, they prepare for a war with devastating weapons to destroy people and nations. Men abused my mercy and turned the earth into a crime scene. Many scandals lead souls to perdition... Mainly because of the corruption of youth. Prayer is almost dead on the lips of many. The will of men no longer changes. "They live in the obstinacy of sin."
“The prayer and penance of my faithful souls are necessary to appease divine justice, to moderate the just sentence of punishment, which was suspended on earth through the intercession of my beloved mother, who is also the mother of the entire human race.< br /> Oh, how sad my heart is to see that men do not respond to the many appeals of my love and my pain, addressed by my beloved Mother to errant humanity. Wandering in darkness they continue to live in their sins and move further and further away from God; but the punishment of fire is coming to purify the earth from the iniquities of the wicked.”
“God's justice demands reparation for the many offenses and crimes that cover the earth and that can no longer be committed. It announces to humanity that it must return to God, doing penance and, in doing so, hope to be forgiven and saved from the just revenge of a despised god" (revelation made on April 16, 1954).

A year later she had a revelation from the Blessed Virgin, who appeared with a black dress and seven swords piercing her immaculate heart, and revealed the following to her:
"Listen to me carefully and reveal to the whole world: my heart is very sad for the sufferings that will come to the world that will face an imminent catastrophe. God's justice is offended to the extreme. Men live in the obstinacy of their sins The wrath of God is very close. Proclaim, shout loudly, until the priests of God hear my voice to warn humanity that punishment is very close. And if men do not return to God with prayer and penance, the world will be thrown into a new world. and more terrible war.”
"A storm of fire will fall upon the earth. This terrible punishment that has never been seen in the history of mankind will last 70 hours. Atheists will be crushed and annihilated and many will be lost because they will remain stubborn in their sins. Then the power of light will be seen upon the power of darkness. Do not be silent, my daughter, because the hours of darkness and abandonment approach.”
"I bow over the world keeping God's justice suspended. Otherwise, these things would have already happened to the earth. Prayers and penances are necessary because men must return to God and to my Immaculate Heart, the mediator between men and God , and in this way the world will be at least partially saved.
I proclaim, shouting, these things to everyone, as if you were the same echo of my voice.
Announce this to everyone, because it will help to save many souls and prevent much destruction in the Church and in the world.”

Revelation of January 7, 1950:

“When an extraordinary sign appears in the sky, let men know that the punishment of the world is at hand (the famous warning?). Blessed are those who in these moments can call themselves true devotees of Mary... The scourge of fire is near and He will purify the earth of the iniquity of the wicked. God's justice weighs upon the world and humanity stained by fire will be washed in its own blood, disease, earthquakes, shipwrecks and war, while others will disappear completely. Italy will be punished and purified by a great revolution."

On March 27, 1959, Good Friday, he had the following revelation:

"What damage the sin of impurity causes to young people and children. The Christian family has ceased to exist. Pray tirelessly... Rome will be punished... Russia will prevail over all nations , especially over Italy, and will raise the red flag over the dome of Saint Peter; the basilica will be surrounded by very fierce lions.”


In a vision on March 25, 1816 she saw:

"To the wretched people who every day with greater pride and impudence, in word and deed, with unbelief and apostasy, trample upon the Holy Religion and the Divine Law. They use the words of Holy Scripture and the Gospel, corrupting their true meaning to support their perverse intentions and tortuous principles.”

On October 15, 1818 she had another terrible vision:

"Suddenly," she says, "the world was shown to him. He saw everything in revolution, without order or justice. The seven deadly sins (pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, laziness)
they were carried in triumph, and everywhere she saw injustice, fraud, debauchery and every kind of iniquity reign. She also saw priests despising the Saint
Law of God and how the sky was covered with black clouds; A terrible hurricane arose and in the greatest confusion men killed each other, in punishment of the arrogant who with impious presumption tried to demolish the foundations of the Church, God allowed the powers of darkness to cast them into the abysses of hell..."

The triumph of the church

In 1821 he heard the Lord speak of the triumph of the Church, as it would emerge renewed from those storms, inflamed by the primitive zeal for the glory of God, and that it would be universally remembered by the people. The reform of the Church will come...“ and the restoration of all things will not occur without a profound upheaval in the entire world, in all populations.”


“After purifying the world and its Church and pulling out all the weeds, I have prepared a rebirth, a miraculous triumph of Your mercy, and my Almighty hand will once again impose the order where human effort is powerless.”
"God will send two punishments: one in the form of wars, revolutions and dangers originating on earth; and another sent from heaven. An intense darkness will fall on the earth that will last three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible and the air will become pestilent and harmful and will harm, although not exclusively, the enemies of religion.
“During the three days of darkness, artificial light will be impossible; only blessed candles will illuminate. During these days of darkness, the faithful must remain in their homes, praying the holy rosary and asking God for mercy.”
"Millions of men will die by iron, some in war, others in civil industries; another million will die an unforeseen death. The test will be followed by a universal rebirth. “This change will occur when it appears that the Church has lost the human means to deal with the persecutions.”

BERTA PETIT (1870-1944)

“My Mother's Heart has the right to the title of painful, which must precede that of Immaculate, as she conquered it with her merits... Through her many graces have been and will be obtained. .. They will spread while we await the exaltation of the Holy Church and the renewal of the world, which will be accomplished by the consecration of the world and all humanity to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
“This is the last help that I give before the end of time, the refuge of My Mother under the title that I universally desire for her: “Painful and Immaculate Heart of Mary”, and then he added: as a son, I conceived this devotion to My Mother and , like God, I demand it."

Lastly, in 1943, he received these manifestations:

“Humanity is marching toward a terrible storm that will divide people even further; it will reduce all human combinations to nothing; it will show that nothing survives without me and that I continue to be the owner of the people... a horrible hurricane is preparing: you will see all the forces unleashed with fury prepared and this will be the moment to abandon yourselves to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary ".


“The church will be punished because most of its members, high and low, will become perverts. The church will sink lower and lower until it appears extinct, and the succession of Peter and the other apostles will also appear to have expired."


"In the end times, tyrannical and hostile mobs will rob the church and clergy of all their possessions, they will afflict them and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuses will be held in high esteem."
“At that time, the Pope and his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where he will be unknown. The Pope will suffer a cruel death during his exile. The sufferings of the church will be seriously greater than at any previous time in history."
“It is said that twenty centuries after the incarnation of the word, the beast in turn will become man. Approximately in 2000 AD, the Antichrist will reveal himself to the world."


"Forty years before the year 2000, the devil will be released for a time to tempt men. When all seems lost, God himself will suddenly put an end to all evil. The sign of these events will be: when the priests “will leave the sacred habit and dress like ordinary people, women like men and men like women”.


“The 20th century will bring death and destruction, apostasy from the Church, discord in families, cities and governments; It will be a century of three major wars spaced a few decades apart. Not only will Germany remain in ruins, but ultimately all the countries of East and West."
"After Germany's terrible defeat, the next great war will follow. There will be no bread for the people and no fodder for the animals. Poisonous clouds, made by human hands, will descend and exterminate everything. The human mind will go mad. "


"Before war breaks out again, food will become scarce and expensive. There will be little work for workers and parents will hear their children cry for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Nearby From the end, darkness will cover the earth. When everyone believes that peace is assured, when no one expects it, the great event will begin almost at the same time in Italy and France.
For some time the Church will be without a Pope."


"All states will be torn by war and civil strife. During a darkness that will last three days, people given over to evil will perish, so that only a few kind men will survive."< /p>


"From the south will come war, from the north peace. Italy will be plunged into desolation. France will be punished. Rome will know extermination. The father will have to flee. There will be a terrible fight between light and darkness. The darkness will cease. Sin will come to an end..."


"Men will submit to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would have been simple and easy. But in their time, they will say that things are complex and that the Church must be updated according to the times and their problems. When the world and the Church are one, then those days will have arrived.”


“Falsehood will characterize those types of men who rely on judgments to issue sentences in accordance with the laws: between father and son, litigation will persist.
The clergy of the Holy Church will be addicted to prayer and injustice. “Women will abandon their feelings of delicacy and live with men outside of marriage.”


"The time is coming when princes and people will deny the authority of the Pope. Some countries will prefer the rules of their own church to the Pope. The German empire will be divided."


“In the 20th century there will be wars and hatred will persist for a long period; all the provinces will be emptied of their inhabitants and the kingdoms will fall into confusion.
In many places the land will not be sown and there will then be great massacres of the upper classes. “The right of the world will fear the left and the north will prevail over the south.”


“Before the comet arrives, many nations, except the good ones, will be devastated by desire and hunger. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descents will be devastated by an earthquake, storms and a great storm. will be divided and largely submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea and will lose its colonies."


“The Pope will change his residence and the Church will not be supported for twenty-five months or more, for during all this time there will be no Pope in Rome... After many tribulations, a Pope will be elected from among those who survived the persecutions."


"The great Monarch and the great Pope will precede the Antichrist. The nations will be at war for four years and much of the world will be destroyed. The Pope will cross the sea with the sign of Redemption in forehead. The great Monarch will return to restore peace and the Pope will share the victory."


(Not a Catholic prophecy)

“Punishment will come when carriages run without horses and many accidents fill the world with misfortune. It will come when thoughts fly across the earth in the twinkling of an eye, when long tunnels are made for horseless machines, when man can fly in the air and circle the bottom of the sea, when ships are all made of metal, when water and fire will do wonders, when even the poor can read books, and when many taxes are imposed by war.”


"The fifth period of the Church, which will begin around 1520, will end with the arrival of the holy Pope and the powerful Monarch who is called the "Help of God" because he will restore everything. fifth period will be of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars, famines, plagues, epidemics and other horrible calamities. It is a period of desertions, calamities and exterminations. Those Christians who survive the sword, plagues and famine will be only a few on earth."

“During this period, many men will abuse the freedom of conscience granted. It is this type of man that the apostle Jude was referring to when he said: “These men blaspheme everything they cannot understand; and they corrupt everything they know naturally, just as irrational animals do. They ridicule Christian simplicity; They will call it meaningless nonsense, and they will have the greatest technological advancement, and by the tricks of the law and its axioms, the precepts of morality, the Sacred Canons and religious dogmas will be overshadowed by meaningless questions and elaborate arguments.< /p>

"These are the times of evil, a century full of dangers and calamities. Heresy will be everywhere and the followers of Heresy will have power almost everywhere.... But God will allow great evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will fall suddenly and unexpectedly on the Church, destroying it... They will enter Italy and leave Rome devastated, they will burn the churches and destroy everything."


"God will punish the world when men devise wonderful inventions that make us forget God. "They will have horseless chariots and fly like birds."


“The crisis will come in an instant and punishment will fall across the world.”


“When paintings seem alive, with free movement, When ships swim like fish on the bottom of the sea, When man surpasses birds and crosses the skies, Then half the world is deeply bathed he will perish in blood.”


Saint Bernard's explanation of the coming of Jesus Christ

“We know of a threefold coming of the Lord. In addition to the first and last, there is an intermediate coming. Those are visible, but this one is not.
In the first, the Lord manifested himself on earth and lived with men, when, as he himself testifies, they saw him and hated him.
In the last, everyone will see the salvation of God and will look at the one they pierced.
The intermediary, on the other hand, is hidden, and in it only the elect see the Lord in the depths of themselves, and thus their souls are saved.
Thus, at the first coming, the Lord came in flesh and weakness; in this second, in spirit and power; and in the last, in glory and majesty.
This intermediate coming is like a path along which one passes from the first to the last; in the first, Christ was our redemption; in the last, it will appear as our life; In this is our rest and our consolation...
The Son will come to you in the company of the Father, the Great Prophet will come, who will renew Jerusalem, the one who renews everything. Such will be the efficacy of this coming, that we, who are the image of the earthly man, will also be the image of the heavenly man.
And just as the old Adam spread throughout humanity and occupied all man, now it is necessary for Christ to possess everything, because He created everything, redeemed everything and will glorify everything.”


AA.- Vie d'Anne-Catherine Emerich (3 volumes), by Father K. E. Schmoeger. Tequi, editor, 1950.
BB.- Vie de N. S. Jésus-Christ (6 volumes), according to the Visions of Anne-Catherine Emerich, collected by Clement Brentano. H. Casterman, editor, 1862.
CC.- Vie de la Sainte-Vierge (1 volume) Editor Tequi
DD.- La Douloureuse Passion by N. S. Jésus-Chris (1 volume) H. Casterman, editor, 1865)
EE.- Visions of'Anne-Catherine Emerich (3 volumes). Editor Tequi, 1965.