The Enemies of Our Salvation
Compiled by
Friar Raul de Lima Sertã
Sao Paulo, July 2000
Timely (very timely, I would say) this pamphlet of our Friar Raul de Lima Sertã. Our Catholics had already requested it, and eagerly awaited it ...
THE ENEMIES OF OUR SALVATION fill a gap: the absence of a popular-style booklet that dealt with such a spoken but not equally thorough subject. In fact, even the reading of the Holy Bible was not filling this gap, because most of our faithful still lack catechesis to understand the matter ...
Parish surveys and surveys are worrying us because of the large number of Catholics falling into the networks of spiritualism. And why is that? Because they ignore being the Devil the main agent of the spiritist sessions ...
Grave and alarming was (and continues to be) the statement of Doctor Roxo (Dr. Henrique de Brito Belfort Roxo) that 75% of mentally ill in Rio de Janeiro hospitals come from spiritualism ...
Timely (very timely, I would say) this little book by Friar Raul de Lima Sertã.
Friar DenevaI J. de Souza
Provincial OCD
Southeast Brazil
It can be printed.
Author's Address:
PO Box: 57 ~ Sao Roque (SP)
ZIP Code: 18.130-970
Phone: (11) 425-2270
All rights reserved to OCD do Brasil
Existence - “The existence of angels (whether good or bad) is true of faith. The testimony of the Holy Bible. in this respect it is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition. ” Thus declares the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
To claim that there is neither good angel nor evil angel is bold against the Master of Truth (the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church). It is going against the 2,000-year-old Catholic Tradition.
When God created the world, He also created millions of spiritual beings which Holy Scripture commonly calls angels.
Who are the angels? They are purely spiritual creatures endowed with incomparable beauty and perfection.
What did God create angels for? - God created angels for his glory and his service, that is, to praise him. love him and do his bidding and guide men on their way to salvation.
Sin of the Angels - One day, the most beautiful of these heavenly spirits (Lucifer) took pride in their beauty (as St. John of the Cross teaches) and wanted to be more than God. To this end, he rebelled against God and dragged this revolt to thousands of comrades. But then Saint Michael, the leader of the faithful angels, rose and defeated Lucifer, who was precipitated in hell with his fellow rebellions.
Good Angels and Bad Angels - Hence the angels were divided into two classes: the good angels class and the bad angels class ...
The book of Revelation refers to this fact when it tells: “There was a battle in Heaven: Michael and his angels had to fight the Dragon (= Lucifer). The Dragon and his angels fought, but could not win, and there was no more place for them there in Heaven. The great Dragon, the Ancient Serpent, called Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, was then precipitated into hell. "
Bad Angels Names and Surnames:
Old snake
Dark Angels
Impure spirit
Evil spirit
Infernal Spirit
Evil spirit
The liar
The Deceiver
Lie Spirit
Father of All Evil
The dog
Church Doctrine About Evil Angels - The Church and Tradition see in these beings dethroned angels called Demons.
- The Church teaches that the Bad Angels had previously been good angels, created by God.
Indeed, Demons in their nature were created good, but they became evil on their own initiative, that is, on their pride.
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of the "fall" of angels as follows: This fall consisted of the free choice of these created spirits. who irrevocably rejected God and His Kingdom. We have a reflection of this rebellion in the Tempter's words to our parents (Adam and Eve): "And you will be like gods" (Gen. 3: 5). Pure Lie !!! The Devil is the father of lies.
The Evil Angel Pride
In ecstasy Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified Carmelite nun received this message:
“I saw that pride is the source of all sins and that humility is the mine and foundation of all virtues. Pride has lost the most beautiful angel: He has fallen for pride. If he had humbled himself, if he had referred to God all that he had received, he would have become even more beautiful; But pride made him a demon.
If Adam and Eve, after they had sinned, had humbled themselves. God would have forgiven them ...
Pride loses us all: by pride the will of man revolts against God.
Why did Adam and Eve receive the promise of salvation, and the devil was soon condemned to hell?!? It was because the Devil cannot repent or ask for forgiveness: his choice, that is, his choice was irrevocable. He didn't back down. but hardened the heart for all eternity.
The power of the devil is not infinite: he cannot do everything. In fact, you can only do what God allows you. He cannot come out of hell without divine permission. Anyway, yours might be limited.
Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified declared: "I am not afraid of the Devil because he can do nothing if he is not helped." That is why. Let's not help him. Whoever remains in sin is helping this enemy of ours.
The Number of the Evil Angels
By the Bible and the revelations of the saints and apparitions of the demons themselves, they are millions ...
In the gospels there are legions of evil spirits; now each legion was made up of many thousands of demons.
01 - To despise the demon.
02 - Do not argue with him.
03 - TV: Avoid the immoral movies and soap operas.
04 - Escaping the occasions of sin.
“Son, did you sin? Do not sin again, and for past guilt ask for forgiveness. Flee from sin as you flee from a snake, because if you approach it, it will bite you. "(Ecl 21, 1)
05 - Monthly Confession.
06 - Keeping clear the conscience.
07 - Eucharist: Mass and Communion.
08 - In temptations, pray the creed.
09 - Devotion to Mary and St. Joseph.
10 - The third daily.
11 - Reading and meditation of the Passion of Jesus.
12 - Frequent acts of faith and trust.
13 - Love to others.
14 - Forgiveness of the offenses received.
15 - Faithfulness to the morning and evening prayer.
16 - Wear the scapular of Carmo on the neck.
17 - Use a crucifix.
18 - Holy water.
With the word Santa Teresa de Avila:
“From many facts cover experience that there is nothing that demons flee more than holy water. And do not come back. They also flee from the cross, but return. The power of holy water must be great. I feel manifest and particular consolation when I drink it. In fact, I almost always experience spiritual relief that I cannot describe. It is not imagination or something that has occurred to me once ... I rejoice to see the efficacy of the words of the Holy Church that communicate virtue to water so that the difference between the holy and the holy is so great. it is not".
01 - Unnatural use of marriage.
02 - Disunity in the homes.
03 - Abandonment of the home.
04 - Divorces and divorces.
05 - Miscarriage.
06 - Sinful Limitation of Children.
07 - Breach of the Lord's Day.
08 - Spiritism.
09 - Macumba.
10 - Witchcraft.
11 - Summoning of the souls of the dead.
12 - Horoscope.
13 - Incredulity and atheism.
14 - Superstitions.
15 - Guilty religious ignorance.
16 - Disobedience to the Father's Ten Commandments.
17 - Disobedience to the five commandments of the Church.
18 - The economic systems that generate slavery.
19 - All anticlerical movements.
20 - The misleading land reform.
21 - The slavery of the field workers.
22 - The enslavement of the small and the weak.
23 - The high wages of those who do nothing.
24 - The wages of hunger for those who work.
25 - Unemployment of thousands of Brazilians.
26 - The politicians lies to win votes.
27 - The TV (the most devilish machine the Devil invented).
07 - Those who make intrigues.
08 - Those who are looking at indecent figures.
09 - Those who read immoral books or magazines.
10 - Those who watch movies and immoral soap operas.
11 - Those who have bold and advanced dating.
12 - Those who wear miniskirts.
13 - The ones that use single front.
14 - Those who wear bikini.
15 - Those who wear swim trunks.
16 - Those who wear transparent clothing.
17 - Those who have sex in dating.
18 - Those who have sex before marriage.
19 - Those who commit adultery.
20 - Those who do miscarriage.
21 - Those are those who wear shorts.
22 - Those who frequent motels.
23 - Those who wear bustier.
24 - Whores and their regulars.
25 - The friendly living.
26 - Those who deceive in business.
27 - Those who harm and do not repair the damage.
28 - Those who wear strapless.
29 - Those who wear short clothes.
30 - The increasingly outrageous necklines.
31 - The naked back disguised by strips of cloth.
32 - The shorts (increasingly "inhas").
33 - The shameless, sassy and shameless top-less.
34 - Clothes just short and glued to the body.
35 - Those who misjudge others.
36 - Those who speak ill of others.
37 - Those who slander and do not deny slander.
38 - Those who slander others and do not repair slander.
39 Those who intrigue one person with another.
40 - Those who are sick.
41 - Those who hate their neighbor.
42 - Those who mistreat their neighbors.
43 - Those who don't care about religion.
44 Those who forsake the true church.
45 - Those who do not obey the ten commandments of the Father.
46 - Those who do not obey the five commandments of the church.
47 Those who blaspheme God.
48 Those who have no faith or hope.
49 - Those who flee confession.
50 - Those who commune in serious sin.
51 - Those who pray little and evil.
52 - Those who attend spiritualism.
(by unknown author)
The chief of demons pulls the summons and thousands of demons respond, "So be it!"
- The boss of demons: "Mini skirt, mini skirt, help me lose many, many souls."
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The head of the demons: "One-sided, one-sided, help me to discover more and more the bodies of young women and beautiful women."
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of the demons: "Shorts and shorts, help me to assuage more and more the low instincts of men".
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of the demons: "Bustie, bustie, help me to stir up the passions of young people and teenagers."
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of the demons: "Short clothes, short clothes, help me to tame lovers, boyfriends and bachelors".
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The chief of the demons: "Swimwear and sunbugs, help me to drag the womanizing men into many adulteries."
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of the demons: "Transparent clothes, transparent clothes, please help me" spoil "and throw in the mud the virginity of thousands of girls who give themselves to boyfriends."
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of demons: "Sex in dating, sex in dating, help me get pregnant thousands of girlfriends and brides who already live maritally."
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The Boss of the Devils: “Girlfriends and brides already pregnant. help me make them abort ".
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of the demons: 'There is so much woman left. Drop yours and get a younger and prettier one. "
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The boss of the demons: "Woman does not run man. So come home anytime you want. Don't be silly!"
Thousands of demons answer, "So be it!"
- The chief of demons: “Religion is for woman, it is for child. Drop this business of mass, confession and a lot of prayer. Don't be blessed! "
Thousands of demons answer, 'So be it!'
The chief of the demons makes a rally and shouts: Long live the sin! Long live the freedom! Long live the clutter!
Live free sex!
All the demons shout: Víva !!! Alive!!! Alive!!!
(for reflection)
1a) LIFE c. 25-59 Our Lord is powerful, as I see, and I am sure he is; if demons are their slaves, and there is no doubt, for I know it by faith; What harm can they do to me, being I a servant of this Lord and King?
2a) LIFE c. 25 God has truly given me such courage that I saw another in an instant. She would not be afraid to face the demons and fight them, certain that everyone would win easily.
And thus said I, Now come ye all that, being a servant of the Lord, I will see that ye can do against me.
3a) LIFE c. 25 No doubt they (the demons) seemed to fear me. I was quiet and so fearless about all of them that I was free even today of the fear I used to feel. Then I saw them a few times, but I hardly feared them. They seemed to fear me.
I have such power against them all (manifest gift of the Lord, of whom they are slaves), that I do not make any of them any more, as if they were flies.
4a) LIFE, c. 25 - They are so cowardly, when they are despised, that they lose all strength.
These enemies do not know how to attack hard, but to those who openly surrender to them, except when God, for the greater good of his servants, allows them to fear and afflict them.
5a) LIFE, c. 25. His Majesty had prayed that we should fear whom we should fear, and understand that greater harm may come to us from one venial sin than from all hell together.
6a) VlDA, c. 2. If demons frighten us, it is because we ourselves want to panic with attachment to honors, goods, and pleasures. They then join us, do us a lot of harm because we love and want what we should hate. In this case we are the ones who put the weapons with which we were to defend ourselves. In the fight they turn against us. This is the pity.
7a) LIFE, c. 25 If, on the contrary, we despise all things of God, if we embrace ourselves with the cross and try to truly serve Him, the devil runs away like a plague ... He is a friend of lies: he is the lie itself. He will not make a covenant with those who walk in the way of
8a) LIFE, c. 25 When he (the devil) sees the intelligence darkened (by the lie), then he helps to butt. In fact, seeing someone who is already blind and seeking his rest in vain things (as are the things of this world), he soon realizes that he is childish, and so treats him as such and dares to fight him again and again. .
9a) LIFE, c. 25 - I don't understand so many fears (fear of the devil) ... Why say:
Demon! Devil !, if we can make him tremble saying, God! God!? Yes, for we know that if the Lord does not allow it, the devil cannot even move. What do I say? There is no doubt that more than the devil himself, I fear those who fear him so much, because he can do us no harm.
10a) ViDA, c. 26 I consider it one of the great graces that the Lord has done to me for this courage which He has given me against demons. To walk a cowardly soul, afraid of anything other than offending God, is a great inconvenience, for we have a powerful King and such a great Lord who can and all submits.
11a) LIFE, c. 26 There is no need to fear, as I said, if we walk with truth and right conscience in the presence of His Majesty. As long as His Majesty is happy with us, there is no adversary who does not come out confused.
God takes our weakness into account, and is not strict like men.
Introduction - “Evil spirits are not free to do what they want: they only do what God allows them to do. Yet His Majesty, by allowing demons to appear to us, always has a purpose. "
To these words of Saint Teresa, I add the following: Saint Teresa has had many appearances of demons as reported in her writings (especially in her LIFE written by herself).
Thirteen cases, however, are the most impressive ...
1st Apparition - While I was once in an oratory, the demon appeared to me in a horrible figure.
I noticed especially in the mouth (because it spoke). It was horrible. It told me terrifyingly that I had escaped from his hands, but would fall back on them. I felt real dread ... I made the sign of the cross and it disappeared, but it came back soon. I didn't know what to do ...
I had holy water close at hand: I threw it to his side and he never came back.
2nd Apparition - Again tormented me for five hours with such terrible pains. and inner and outer unrest that seemed unbearable to me ...
On this occasion, the Sisters who watched me were amazed and did not know what to turn to, nor did I give power to anything. The Lord wanted to make me understand that it was the art of the devil. I noticed a horrible little black man grinding his teeth. , as desperate seeing that instead of winning, he lost. When I saw him, I started to laugh and I wasn't afraid ...
There were some people with me. They were unsure what to do and found no solution to such torment. The enemy made me hit the body. Head and arms without being able to resist. The worst was the inner suffering that in no way allowed me to rest.
They brought holy water and sprinkled me with it, but to no avail. I took her myself and threw her to the place where the demon immediately fled. leaving me free from all evil.
I was just tired as if I'd been hit hard.
Demons running away like they are falling!
“From many 'facts,' says Saint Teresa, 'I have experience that there is nothing that demons can escape more than holy water. And do not come back. They also flee from the cross, but return.
The power of holy water must be great.
I feel manifest and panicular consolation when I take it (= drink). In fact, I almost always experience spiritual relief that I cannot describe. It is like an inner pleasure that comforts the whole soul. It is not imagination.
I am glad to see how effective the words of the Holy Church are that they communicate virtue to water so that the difference between the blessed and the blessed is so great. ”
3rd Apparition - On another occasion, a short time ago, the same apparition happened to find me alone. It didn't last long. I asked for holy water, and the sisters, who came in after the demons were gone, smelled a horrible sulfur smell ...
4th Apparition - Once again, while I was in the choir, I was deeply withdrawn. I left for no one to notice. Shortly thereafter, they all heard hard knocks where I had retreated. I heard close to me, even though I only heard thick voices. But I understood nothing and was not afraid at all.
5th Apparition - One night I think they were going to strangle me. We poured a lot of holy water, and I saw a great multitude of them running away as they crashed.
It is time and time again that these cursed torment me; but I am not afraid, knowing that they cannot move if the Lord will not excuse them.
It is good to note that they lose their strength when they are despised.
6th Apparition - It was the night of All Souls. I was in an oratory, praying one night, when suddenly the demon sets over the book to prevent me from ending the prayer. I made the sign of the cross and it disappeared. I started again and he returned.
The same thing happened three times, if I'm not mistaken. While I didn't play holy water, I couldn't finish it. As soon as I was finished, I saw that some souls came out of purgatory: surely there was little to complete their atonement. I thought the purpose of the demon would probably be to delay their release.
7th Apparition - On the day of the Holy Trinity, being completely taken up in the choir of a certain monastery, I saw a great battle of demons against angels. I could not understand what the vision meant.
In less than a fortnight I realized: There was a great quarrel between some praying people and many others who were not, and which resulted in great trouble.
8th Apparition - Other times, I saw the demons surrounding me in a dense crowd, but it seemed to me that I was shrouded in great light that prevented them from approaching me. I understood that God kept me from striking me, so that I would not offend God.
I fully understood how small the power of demons is against me if I am not against God. So I hardly fear them. Their strengths are worthless unless they see cowardly souls abandoning the struggle: here they show their tyranny.
9th Apparition - Being in a certain place, died a man who had lived very badly for a long time. He had been sick for two years. At some points he had shown that he had mended, but died without confession. After all, I didn't believe I would be condemned.
As they shrouded his body, I saw that many demons grabbed him and seemed to have fun with him, torturing him. poking it with big forks and tossing it from side to side: which caused me a lot of dread ...
When they lowered the body to the grave, there was so much of the crowd of demons inside to catch it that I was out of my sight.
I needed no small cheer to dissemble. He wondered what they were going to do with that soul, for they so took the sad body.
God had provided that all who were in a bad spiritual state could see, like me, such a horrible and horrifying spectacle.
10th Apparition - Once approaching to commune, I saw two demons of despicable figure. They seemed to surround the poor priest's throat with the horns. In the particle I was about to receive, I saw my Lord with the majesty of which I spoke, placed in those hands, which I knew.
clearly be sacrilegious. I understood that soul to be in mortal sin ... The demons were as frightened and terrified before the Sacrament Christ ...
I was so disturbed that I did not even know how I could commune... I had a clear understanding of how priests are more obligated to be good than others. I have seen what a terrible thing it is to receive this most holy sacrament unworthily and to what extent the devil is lord of the soul in mortal sin.
11Th Apparition - The Lord did not let his poor servant suffer much. The tribulations never failed me with his help, and so he supported me this time too: it gave me a little light to understand the truth and to see that in everything it was the devil who wanted to terrorize me with his
lies ...
And the demon fled, leaving me calm and content.
12th Apparition - St. Joseph's Carmel was finished building. The only thing missing was Mother and her sisters to take possession.
But the demon tried one last robbery ...
With the word the Founder herself:
"After all, about three or four hours later, the demon lunged at me in spiritual combat. The following: He suggested to me that perhaps all that I had done was wrong.
Who knows if I have not transgressed obedience by acting without order from my provincial? It seemed to me that he would be displeased to see the monastery under the jurisdiction of the Ordinary without being given notice. On the other hand, he also thought that he might not care. He had not wanted to admit it himself, but I personally remained under his obedience. Would they live happily those who were living in such enclosure? ... And if they were to lose their bread? ... If I had my monastery, why should I start founding another? ... (The demon still suggested to me other things.)
13th Apparition - A person had decided to truly serve God and had for a time given himself to prayer, receiving many graces from the Lord. He knew that he had left this holy exercise because of certain dangerous occasions from which he had not yet departed.
It gave me this great regret. He was a person I wanted and owed a lot ...
For more than a month I only begged God to draw this soul to himself. ”
Praying one day, I saw a demon with me. Angrily he would tear apart some papers in his hand. This gave me great comfort, seeming to have achieved what I was asking for. This was so, for I later learned that this person had confessed with great contrition, turning to God.
Many other apparitions of the demons occurred in the life of Saint Teresa of Avila. These thirteen cases, I believe, will suffice to fill us with holy fear of God and to keep us far from the infernal assaults of our enemy.
And let us conclude with the following words of Saint Mother Teresa herself: "Blessed and praised be God! For the blood that his Son shed for me, it pleases His Majesty that it does not happen to me like Lucifer who, through his guilt, has lost everything."
“To have faith is to sign a blank slate and let God write whatever he wants.” (St. Augustine)
“Do not despair of forgiveness because of the mass of sins, for great mercy will erase great sins. The Father is kind and merciful, preferring the penance of sin to the death of sinners; he is patient, of great mercy, and does not imitate human impatience, but long awaits our conversion. "(St. Jerome)
Brothers and sisters, what do we have in our hearts? ... Much spiritual and moral filth that the enemy has thrown into us. All-seeing Jesus reveals to us: “What proceeds from the heart defiles a man. Out of the heart come (because they have entered!): Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication (= sexual intercourse), theft, false testimony, blasphemy. These are the things that defile man.
“Give no entrance to the devil” (Ephesians 27). that is, I did not help the demon.
Blessed Miriam, Carmelite, said: "I am not afraid of the devil: he can do nothing if he is not helped."
'Renounce your desires and you will find what your heart desires. ”(St. John of the Cross)
"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit ... Let all that is sourness be cut off from among you.
indignation, anger. shouting and slander, as well as all manner of evil ...
Be kind to one another. merciful. easily forgiving each other, just as God also forgave you in Christ. ” (Eph. 4.30 - 32)
"I have served Christ for 86 years, and he has never done me any harm: how can I then curse my King, my Lord Savior" (St. Polycarp, martyr)
"'If you want to reach the goal. Don't stop throwing stones at the barking dogs." (Persian Proverb)
Let us apply this proverb to the devil and his temptations.
St. John of the Cross points us. As the best way for us to beat the enemy is not to care about him when he tempts us. If we don't stop to call him. It is already a scorn of his boldness, not throwing the stones of our counterattack is already approaching the victory against him.
“Lost (the pagans) all sense of honesty. they surrendered to unbridled debauchery, throwing themselves, with insatiable ardor, into the whole sum of impurity.
You. But it was quite another thing you learned from Christ, that is. to strip yourselves of the old man, who is corrupted by deceitful passions, to renew yourselves in the spirit of your mind, and to put on the new man, created in the image of God in righteousness and true holiness. ”(Letter to the Ephesians )
St. John of the Cross, with the grace of God, achieved:
. self-control;
. the patience;
. unalterable serenity;
. the constant joy that illuminated his face and from which he wanted to infect his neighbor.
Our saint sought to make his friars laugh even at spiritual conferences, "Do you want me to lose in a quarter of an hour that little meekness that I have acquired in twenty years of struggle?" (Saint Francis de Sales)
“Nothing disturbs you,
Nothing amazes you,
Everything passes,
God does not change. "
The patience
Everything reaches
Who God has
Nothing is missing
God alone is enough. (Saint Teresa of Avila)
1) It is worth remembering the French writer Baudelaire: "The best cunning of the devil is to persuade us that he does not exist."
2) The eyes are the windows of the soul, Beware of them! The evil is not in looking, but in looking again, because looking the first time is to identify people (to see who it is), but looking a second time is to covet. Then the devil attacks, shoots and kills. (Ancient Asceticism)
3) 'I am not afraid of the devil: he can do nothing if he is not helped.' (Blessed Miriam, Carmelite)
4) I consider it one of the great graces that the Lord has given me this courage: this courage He has given me against demons, Walking a cowardly soul and afraid of something other than offending God. It is a great inconvenience because we read a powerful King. and such a great Lord, that he can do all things and submit to all. if we walk with truth and right conscience in the presence of His Majesty. (Saint Teresa Avila)
5) “Watch over us, compassionate Savior: do not bind us in His bonds the Evil Tempter, for only you are eternal salvation to us.” (Anonymous)
Send, Lord, your Spirit
And everything will be created.
And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Grant us, O Father, that the brightness of your brightness shines upon us and the brightness of your light confirm, with the gift of the Holy Spirit, those who have been reborn by your grace Amen.
Holy angel of the Lord
My jealous keeper
If you trusted me
Divine piety
Always rules me, guard,
rules and enlightens.
God's spirit
Send from heaven
A ray of light.
Come Father of the poor.
Give to the hearts.
Your seven gifts.
Comfort soothing,
Soul guest,
Sweet relief. Come!
At work rest.
In Backwater Affliction
In the windy heat.
I filled it up. blessed light,
Crackling flame
The inmost of us.
Without the light that comes,
Nothing man can,
There is no good in him,
To the dirty wash,
When dry it flows.
Heal the sick.
Bend what is hard,
Guide in the dark.
The cold warms up.
Give to your church.
What do you expect and want
Your seven gifts,
Give in prize to the fort
A holy death.
Eternal joy. Amen.
. Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael. defend us against the power of the devil and all evil spirits. Do not let them prevail against us.
. Sao Miguel. Saint Gabriel. Saint Raphael, rush into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who walk the world to lose souls.
. "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive the power, the riches, the wisdom, the strength, the honor, the glory, and the blessing. To him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb the blessing, the honor, the glory and dominion for ever and ever ... "
. “Holy is the Father. Holy is the Son. Holy is the Holy Spirit: one God in three Persons. One God. Creator of heaven and earth, Lord and King of the universe. Amen."
- "Holy God! Strong God! Immortal God!
Have mercy on us. "
(St John of the Cross affirmed that, as Our Lord planned to destroy and destroy the city of Constantinople through the most violent storm, the angels were heard to repeat these words three times: "Holy God! Strong God! Immortal God! Have mercy on With this supplication, God soon calmed down, stopping the storm that had already done much harm and threatened to do more harm ... Our saint also claimed to be such words of great efficacy when addressed to God in particular cases of fire. , water, winds, storms, wars, as well as in cases of danger of soul and body, honor, possessions, etc.
- "Holy Saint! Holy! Is the Lord. God of the universe. Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna from the Heights
. Let us join St. Peter who urges us: “Be alert and watch, for the enemy, the Devil.
like a roaring lion, he prowls and seeks to devour. Resist him firm in the faith by remembering that the same sufferings endure your brothers throughout the world. ' (1P. 5, 8)
. Let us pray boasting and call upon the saints of our devotion. (Jaculatory ones are small prayers like these: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you” - “Sweet heart of Mary, be our salvation” and others).
Good thoughts, repeated mentally, are good weapons against the devil.
. Let's use it as a prayer. As the Carmelite Friars Rule teaches us: “For the life of man upon the earth is a continual struggle, and because the devil, your adversary, seeks to devour. be more careful to put on the armor of God to resist his assaults. Gird up your bodies with the girdle of chastity, strengthen your breast with holy thoughts. The sword of the spirit. which is the word of God, be always in your mouth and in your hearts. "
- Praying without ceasing - “Put on the armor of God so that you can resist the assaults of the devil, because we do not have to fight against beings made of flesh and blood, but against the evil spirits, rulers of this wicked world, plunged into the darkness of error. and from sin ”.
. 'You must also engage yourselves in some work, that the devil may always find you busy and take no opportunity for your idleness to enter into your souls. ”(St. Jerome)
. Jesus came to this world to destroy the Kingdom of the Devil and to build the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of the Devil is the kingdom of lies, hatred, perdition, slavery, disease and disease.
The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of truth. of love, salvation, health, freedom.
. When Jesus came to this world, he found a humiliated humanity, dominated and enslaved by a multitude of sins.
by a multitude of diseases and illnesses caused by a multitude of evil spirits.
For this reason, his task as Messiah and Deliverer was to de-enslave poor humanity by shattering the three main streams of man's slavery:
. from the bondage of sin;
. of the slavery of diseases and illnesses:
. from the slavery of the Devil and his evil angels.
Asked by the Pharisees about when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus answered, "The Kingdom of God is already with you." And he answered thus because he had already begun to dislodge and cast out the Devil and his evil spirits from the bodies of the possessed, as they recount. the Evangelists.
The Miraculous and Numerous Cures of Jesus
"And Jesus traversed throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing all diseases and diseases among the people. His fame spread throughout Syria. tormented sick from various ailments and ailments: possessed, lunatic, and paralyzed. And he healed them. " (Mt, 23)
"He went down with them and stood in a flat place, where there was a large group of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all over Judea. From Jerusalem and the coast of Tire and Sidon. Who had come to hear him and to be healed. And those who, being vexed by unclean spirits, were healed. The whole multitude sought to touch him, because out of him came a power that healed all. ”(Lk 6,19)
In short: Jesus was the divine physician who treated with absolute competence and love all the ailments of body and soul, brain and heart. First expelled the spirits the impure and evil spirits; then he forgave the sins; and finally restored total health.
Only Jesus Himself.
Not only did Jesus heal thousands and thousands of the sick, but He commanded His disciples to do the same. “And calling unto him the twelve disciples, he gave them power to cast out unclean spirits and to cure every disease and every disease:“ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out the demons.
Then came the seventy-two joyful, saying, Lord, even the devils obey us in his name. He said to them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Behold, I have given you the power and dominion over the power of the Enemy. However, do not rejoice that the (evil) spirits submitted to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. "
We see in this passage from the Gospel of St. Luke the ultimate and total defeat of our Enemy and all his Evil Angels!
We also see the immortal victory of our King Jesus. as well as our victory of members of your Mystical Body.
Of course, most Catholics do not know:
. who are the angels:
. who created the angels:
. for which angels were created:
. What happened to them;
. because we have good angels and bad angels;
. what evil angels do in the world;
. the various names of the evil angels;
. the evil of the evil angels against us;
. your weapons against us:
. his damnation to hell forever:
. they will never love God again;
. they can never be loved by God again.
Of course, most people who know that mistletoe is the juice of certain plants, which serves to catch small birds, do not know that the pleasures of flesh have a diabolical mistletoe that attracts and holds men and women. They do not know that the devil's visions are six:
. the figures of half-naked women:
. the immoral movies:
. the sassy novels;
. the indecent and seductive fashions;
. the motels;
. Sex before marriage.
My dear sisters in Christ (ladies and miss). St. John the Evangelist warns you (as he warned the Christian ladies and missionaries of his time): "Do not love the world or the things of the world, that is. Its fashions without manners and without moderation. All that is in the world is greed. it is the lust of the eyes, it is the pride of life, and it comes not from the Father, but from the Evil One.
My dear sisters in Christ. there are only two kingdoms: the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of the Enemy of Christ (the Enemy of Christ is the Devil).
Christ's kingdom is the kingdom of purity and modesty and of respect for one's own body (and the women of that kingdom seek to dress decently).
The Kingdom of Christ's Enemy is the kingdom of fashion's extravagances and abuses (and many are the women enslaved by the Enemy of Christ).
My dear sisters in Christ. raise your voice against all this woman's demotion.
Organize a crusade for the moralization of female dress. Ask for trade support. They protest against certain posters that propagate women's seminarism.
Pray and spread this prayer: “Saint Michael the Archangel and all your good angels, protect us in the fight against indecent fashions. Be our refuge against the maneuvers of the Devil and his evil angels who go around deceiving women. Dash them into hell forever.
Hell is full of miniskirts, short clothes, unique fronts, bustiers, strapless, and the other manless fashions condemned by Christian morals ...